
Don't Forget!

Mathias is 18 years old, about to graduate with no friend or family. He believes his parents were killed in a car crash back when he was 14 years old. He has been bullied in school for as far as he can remember and his parents in the past never paid any attention to his pain or even him for that matter. He has never understood why everyone treats him so badly. It's not because he is gay, but deep down inside he feels like he is different somehow but can't exactly place it. Will he find out what these feelings are or will he keep going down this rabbit hole of depression and despair? Only time will tell.

Vashy777 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 4

My eyes slowly open while facing the ceiling. Sitting up I start rubbing my eyes. I guess I was pretty tired. I wonder what time it is. Looking around I noticed Mathias still lying down asleep. I got up on my feet and headed towards the door to look for my father. Through the door and up the stairs I looked around the house. Then looking out the living room window I noticed his car was gone. Reaching into my pocket while noticing the time, 9:12 PM. I should probably call him to see what's going on.

Continuing to look at my phone "Hey Siri. Call Dad." "Calling Dad." The phone responds while I lift the phone up to my ear. After a couple of rings, he picks up. "Hello?" Mark says quickly. "Where are you? I just woke up; Mathias is still out cold and was wondering where you went." "I went to go get some groceries and extra medicine supplies. Is there something you need?" I started pacing back and forth while answers back. "Well. Since we will have to go back to school sooner rather than later, I was wondering if you knew of any kind of concealer that I've seen women use before, for Mathias's face to cover up the bruises. I don't want anyone asking questions." "Hmm." My father hums before continuing. "I think I know exactly what you're talking about and yeah you are right that we don't need any more attention than necessary." "Thanks, I will see you soon." "Yup. I will be back relatively soon." I ended the call. I put the phone back into my pocket and stared at nothing while thinking. Now that that is covered, I'm going to go take a shower while I wait for him to get back to the house.

I walked back down to the bedroom, closed the door behind me and walked towards the bed to check on Mathias. Looking at his face he is still sound asleep, and I just worry to myself hoping that he will be okay. Going into the bathroom, I get the water ready and take a shower. Fifteen minutes pass until I'm done with my shower and reclothed. Walking out of the bathroom, throwing my dirty clothes into the hamper, and then sat in my chair next to his desk. I took my phone and put it onto the charger. I hear a car door outside close. Getting up and walking out of the room assuming it was my father, I went to help him.



Slowly opening my eyes, I sat up and noticed I was in an unfamiliar bed. I winced from the pain in my head, I reach my hand up to feel my face automatically and wince again from the touch. Looking around in a room confused about where I am and muttering to myself. "Where am I? Last thing I remember is." I stopped to think and remember someone holding me or something after the incident with Ian. Lifting my legs off of the bed I looked around and saw a light through an open door to my left. Getting up onto my feet I steadied myself and then walked towards the door I was just looking at.

Looking in I noticed it was a bathroom, I walked inside to look into the mirror. I gasped in shock at my face. My face was black and blue around my eyes and most of my face was puffy and swollen. I touch my face again while still looking in the mirror. "Ouch!" I groaned in pain while taking my hand away from my face. I need to find out where the hell I am. I don't remember walking back but remember bits and pieces of someone carrying me. But the question is who? I turn back around, walking out of the bathroom door while clicking the light switch off. I noticed another door and could hear some noise coming from the other side.

Looking around the room to get a view of everything. Light brown walls with black accented thin foot boards around, gray carpet, the messy bed I just got up from which is probably queen size. There is a decently sized tv on the wall across from the front of the bed hanging with a dresser underneath and an alarm clock setting on it. I noticed the time, 10:53 PM. Still looking around I could see a desk with a computer monitor on the left side of it with a closed laptop on the right and a phone plugged in. Looking more towards the left I looked at the door again. Noticing it slightly cracked open as I started walking towards it.

Grabbing the handle, I pulled the door open and could hear voices talking in the distance. I can't quite tell who the voices belong to or what they're talking about. As the door was pulled completely open, I noticed the aroma of food in the air. I felt my stomach growl in pain from being hungry. Walking up the stairs slowly, the voices get louder as I reach the top stairs and stop to look towards them. Noticing two men chatting back and forth I recognize one of the men sitting down talking very animatedly like he is trying to get his point across in the conversation. "Sabastian." I whisper to myself. The two men turn towards me as though they could hear me. Bastian gets up to walk towards me to greet me but stops before even moving and stares. I look over Bastian's sleek but fit form. Black short hair, piercing blue eyes, a 5 o'clock shadow, about 6 foot tall with very broad shoulders.

Before either of them could say anything, the other man opens his mouth to speak. "How are you feeling?" The man says to me with a smirk. I looked up at him from a distance and could feel myself blush before responding. "I'm okay, thank you." I said shyly before looking down at my feet to hide my face. "No need to thank me boy. You can thank your savior here, my son Sabastian." I look up to Sabastian's smirking face before responding. "Thank, thank you so much." I said with a small stutter in embarrassment. "Come sit down and eat and no worries. No need to thank me for the help." I slowly walk towards the kitchen where they both are to sit down on one of the stools by the island.

I take a seat down next to Bastian and fold my hands in my lap. "I'm pretty sure you have a lot of questions. But make sure you eat first then we will talk and catch you up on everything." Bastian's father says in a happy tone. He sets down the food in front of both of them. After eating in silence which feels like an hour even though it has been about 15 minutes before everyone finished eating. Bastian's father grabs the plates and puts them into the dishwasher before heading into the living room to sit down on the couch. I look up to Bastian in a questioning look. "Everything is going to be okay. Don't stress, we are here to help." Bastian says as he gets up from the island stool. "Let's go in the living room. Do you need any help?" I shook my head, then got up and followed him to the living room and sat down on one of the recliner chairs looking down at my feet.

"You can call me Mark by the way. I'm sorry things have been so rough for you but like Bastian said we are here to help." I bring my gaze up from my feet to Mark and then nod in thanks and understanding. Mark sighs, clutches his hands together leaning his arms against his knees before continuing. "Years ago, I met your parents. They seemed nice but they never talked much about you. I offered them for you to come hang out with my son, but they only told me you couldn't because you were sick." Mark looks into my eyes with a frown on his face. "If only I knew what I know now. No, I can't think like that." I look at Mark with a confused expression on my face.

I open my mouth to speak but Mark puts up his hand to stop me. "It's okay, no need to explain the situation." I closed my mouth continuing to look at Mark waiting for him to continue. An hour or so passes while Mark and Bastian explain to me about being a shifter just like them, explaining about the pheromones and why it has the reaction of people around him and finally telling me that I am in fact a failed omega. I don't speak in shock, just looking at them both trying to absorb all the new information.

"My dad and I think it's best for you to stay with us for a while until we figure out more information on what's going on with Ian among other things. You and I have some of the same classes together so I will do my best to keep an eye on you. Just try and keep close to me so I can protect you." Bastian stops speaking, waiting for a response from me. But I just look at Bastian nodding in confirmation. "Thanks. This is a lot to take in, so my thoughts are all over the place right now. What am I going to do about my face? I have to hide it from the higher ups and others?" Bastian's eyes widen remembering. "Right. I had my dad get some concealer to cover up the bruises and marks. I know it's seen as make up for women but it's better than using actual face paint. I will put some on your face in the morning before we go to school. And we should probably go grab some extra clothes and anything else you need from your house before it becomes too late." Bastian and Mark stand up from their sitting positions to walk out of the living room.

I stood up from my spot and felt Mark put his hand on my shoulder. "It's going to be okay. We will do everything in our power to keep you safe." Letting go of my shoulder he walks towards a room out of sight. As I turn around Bastian speaks up. "We can just walk to your place from here since it's only a couple of blocks." I nod at him in agreement. Walking towards the kitchen where Bastian grabs some things. Bastian holds out a backpack towards me. "Here. I will carry a bag too, I don't think you will need much, but if we need anything more later on, we can go back." I grab the backpack and put it on while Bastian puts on the other one.

We both walk towards the front door; Bastian opens it while I walk outside and waits on the step for him. We both walked side by side in silence towards my home. Minutes pass as I start to see my street come into view before I notice something and stop walking. Bastian stops just a couple of feet from me to look at my face and then towards where my face is looking too. "What's wrong?" He says in confusion. I look at Bastian, shake my head to clear my mind. "Nothing, I thought I saw something, but I guess all the trauma from everything has messed with my mind a little." I continue walking with Bastian while he shrugs his shoulders.

As we came closer to the house I was lost in thought. I don't know what that was. I can't let Bastian notice; I don't want him to think I'm going crazy. It's like the two bright red eyes that were looking at me are branded in my brain. I really wish I was just seeing things. I must have since he didn't see them. Walking up to the door I type in number into the number pad opening the door. We both walk into the house while I turn on the light. "It's this way." I said, walking towards my bedroom. Some time passes as we both put items into the bags. "I think that's everything. I don't need much so we are good to go. Thanks again Bastian, I don't know what else to say." Bastian puts the backpack on himself before he walks up to me laying his hand on my shoulder while looking into my eyes. "It's okay. You don't have to say anything. I'm happy to help, honestly." Taking his hand from my shoulder he walks out of the room. I follow behind him as we leave the house and lock the door behind us to continue the way back towards Bastian's place.