
Don't Complicate Love

What happens when Chat Noir starts visiting Marinette every night? After a few months, Marinette starts developing feelings for him, but she keeps telling herself that she likes Adrien. Chat Noir also develops feelings for Marinette, but he keeps telling himself that he likes Ladybug. Tikki and Plagg are suffering from their obliviousness... Marinette can't choose between Adrien or Chat Noir. Chat Noir can't choose between Ladybug and Marinette. Why is Love so complicated? Read to find out! (None of these characters are mine. All credits for this show and its characters go to Thomas Astruc and Jeremy Zag)

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3 Chs

Voleur De Coeur

(In English, Voleur de Coeur means Heart Stealer)

Third P.O.V

It was the morning, and Marinette woke up. This time, she woke up earlier than other times. She didn't want to be late for school again. "Good Morning, Tikki!" Marinette cheerfully said. "Good morning, Marinette!" Tikki replied with a warm smile on her face. Marinette grinned and climbed down her ladder. She changed into a nice outfit.

She wore a black shirt covered with white (and red) hearts, red thigh-long shorts, a pair of knee-high tights with a heart on each of her knees, brown boots, and a brown purse with a black bow in the middle. She put her hair up into pigtails and braided them. They were braided pigtails. She really likes braiding her hair...

"Come on, Marinette. Go downstairs, eat breakfast, and go to school! Or else, you'll be late, again!" Tikki reminded her. "Oh, yeah," Marinette said as she allowed Tikki to fly into her bag. Once again, she put 2 cookies in her bag for Tikki to snack on. She climbed downstairs and greeted her parents. "Hi!" They looked at her and smiled. "Hi, honey. We prepared a croissant and a few macaroons for you to eat. Here," Tom said, giving her the tray. Marinette thanked him and took the tray. She began eating the delicious food. "Mmm! It tastes... so... good!" Marinette said in between bites. "Thanks," Tom said.

When Marinette finished eating, she checked the time. 'Good. Still early. But, just in case something happens, I should go to school now.' She thought. "Bye! I should go to school now!" She said, waving goodbye as she left the bakery. She peacefully walked to school. Once she arrived, she heard Chloe say something very weird to Adrien. "So, when do you think we should start planning our wedding, Adrikins?" He looked at Chloe with a confused look on his face. "What?" He asked. "We should plan our wedding. Right?" She asked. "Chloe! I told you WE ARE NOT DATING! AND I AM NOT YOURS!" He shouted. Nino walked to the annoyed Adrien and said, "Damn, Adrien... That's a bit too rude. Not to forget, harsh." Adrien glared at him. "So? She should know, she isn't mine... I have my heart saved for someone special," Adrien replied. 'Ladybug...' Adrien thought. Chloe ran inside the school and began bawling her eyes out. "He doesn't love me! He's probably in love with Mari-Trash!" She mumbled. Sabrina ran after her again. 'Do I have to keep doing this every day?' Sabrina thought. "It's okay, Chloe," Sabrina assured. "NO, IT'S NOT!" Chloe screamed.

Marinette walked to Adrien and told him, "Thanks for giving my sketchpad back... Well, Chat Noir gave it to me, but... You know what I mean." Her eyes widened in surprise. 'Wow! How did I not stutter?!' She asked herself (In her mind). "Your welcome. May I ask, why do you draw me kissing yo-" The bell interrupted Adrien's question. 'Yay! Embarrassment saved by the bell! I think...' He thought. "Nevermind... Let's go to class," Adrien said. Marinette and Nino nodded and they all began walking.

Marinette walked into the class and greeted Ms. Bustier. "Good Morning, Ms. Bustier!" Ms. Bustier was surprised. 'Wow. She's not late!' The cheerful teacher thought. "Good Morning, Marinette! Everyone, please sit down. We'll start with class attendance," Ms. Bustier said. She began taking attendance and she paused on Chloe. "Chloe. Chloe? Sabrina, where is Chloe?" Asked the worried Ms. Bustier. "I don't know. She told me that she was coming to the class, she just wanted to wash her face after all the crying," Sabrina informed. Sabrina shot Adrien a glare as soon as she said 'crying'. "Where was she washing her face?" Asked Ms. Bustier. "The bathroom," Replied Sabrina.

Ms. Bustier and Sabrina walked to the bathroom. The anxious teacher left Marinette in charge. When they arrived at the bathroom, a weird creature shouted, "WHERE IS MARINETTE?!" "AAH!" Sabrina shouted. "Sabrina!" Shouted Ms. Bustier as the creature grabbed Sabrina with one of its vines. "Ow! OW! These vines have thorns!" Whined the miserable Sabrina.


"I'll come after you, just let me wash my face after all the crying," Said Chloe. Sabrina nodded and began walking to the classroom. Chloe began washing her face. She felt angry, jealous, sad, anxious, and many other feelings.

Meanwhile, a bright white light flashed, lighting up a dark room. "A negative emotion. Just as I expected," A dark, evil voice said. A white butterfly flew to his hand, and after a moment, the butterfly was no longer white, it was a mixture of purple and black. "Fly away, my little akuma, and evilize this poor young lady," Said the evil voice as a huge window opened, and allowed the so-called akuma to go evilize her.

The akuma began flying towards Francoise Dupont High School. It kept flying, then it reached the girls' bathroom. Chloe was wearing her favorite designer earrings today, so the akuma flew into it.

A purple butterfly mask appeared on Chloe's face as the dark voice spoke. "Ah. We meet again, Chloe Bourgeois. I am HawkMoth. Has the boy you love so much love another girl? It's time to change that. Your name is now Voleur De Coeur. You are able to make people love you, and capture the people you hate with vines. All I need in return are Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous. Do you understand?" Chloe wickedly grinned. "Yes, HawkMoth..." She replied.

End of Flashback

Ms. Bustier ran to the classroom and told everyone to run. She ran to Mr. Damocles's office, opened the door, and gasped. "*gasp* Oh my! He's been captured too!" She said. Meanwhile, Marinette ran outside of school and hid behind the school. She checked if anyone was watching, but there was no-one. "Okay, Tikki, you can come out now," Marinette whispered. The kwami of creation flew out of Marinette's bag, and asked, "What's wrong?" Marinette shrugged. "Seems like an akumatized victim... Tikki, are you ready?" Asked Marinette. Tikki nodded. "Tikki, spots-" "There you are!" Interrupted the villain. The kwami immediately hid in Marinette's bag.

The akumatized villain captured Marinette with its thick vines, making Marinette drop her bag. "No!!!" Shouted Marinette. "Tikki!!!" The villain looked at Marinette with clear confusion in its eyes. "Tikki? Who's Tikki" Voleur De Coeur asked. "No-one..." Marinette lied. Well, it was a half-truth. Tikki wasn't a person, she was more like a thing. Basically, a kwami.

Voleur De Coeur began raising the captured Marinette high into the air with the powers that HawkMoth gave her. "Remember, I need the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir!" HawkMoth reminded her. "Yes, I know!" Voleur De Coeur said. By now, Marinette was 150 feet high in the air. Marinette was scared to death. "AAAH!! HELP!" She shouted. Marinette kept on shouting the same things. Then, she got an idea. 'What if I shout for Chat Noir to help me? He's the only one in Paris with good hearing; since he has cat ears.' She thought. She decided to try her idea. (A/N: Just so you know, if something is all capital letters, then that means that a person is shouting.) "CHAT NOIR! CHAT! SOMEONE HELPPP!!!!!" She shouted. 'Wait, my idea is stupid, because... Chat Noir might not even be there... He might still be in his civilian form...' Marinette thought.

In the meantime, Adrien was bored. So, he decided to watch TV. He turned the TV on and began watching. Luckily, Nadja Chamack was speaking about the villain. "Don't be bemused, it's just the news! We're here live and there is an akumatized villain here in Paris once again. The villain calls itself, Voleur De Coeur. Will Ladybug and Chat Noir save us? Stay tuned to find out! D--AAH!!" Nadja got captured by the villain. Voleur De Coeur took the camera from the camera guy. "Hey! Give that back!" Shouted the cameraman. "NO! DEAL WITH IT!" Shouted Voleur De Coeur. Voleur De Coeur — Or should I say... Chloe — began talking to the camera. "Everyone watching this... Don't upset me, or else you will get captured like the stupid news reporter. Like seriously, we need privacy around here! She's ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! -" Voleur De Coeur continued talking, but Adrien turned down the sound.

"Plagg! Did you see!? People are in danger!" Adrien shouted. "Plagg! Get your butt over here, and stop eating cheese!" Adrien pinched the bridge of his nose. "Okay! Geez... I don't even have a butt! I AM A KWAMI, for camembert's sake!" Plagg said. "Whatever, anyway, Plagg, claws out!" Shouted Adrien. "But, wait... I need to finish my cheeseee!!!!!!" Plagg said as he got sucked into the ring.

Once again, a bright green light flashed as Adrien turned into Chat Noir. Once he transformed, he began hearing someone call his name. It was a very faint sound of someone shouting, "CHAT! CHAT NOIR! HELP ME!!"Chat Noir didn't know who it was, but he just jumped out of his window, looking around to see if there was anyone calling out to him. He heard it again. "Weird. It's coming from above me, I-- Oh yeah, Voleur De Coeur captures people. I forgot that," Chat mumbled. "Ladybug and Chat Noir. Where are they?!" Shouted HawkMoth. "Calm down, HawkMosquito... I'll find them!" Shouted Voleur De Coeur. "My name is HAWKMOTH !" He bellowed. "Whatever, Mindy!" Voleur De Coeur said as she began looking around for Chat Noir and Ladybug. "UGH!!!!!!" HawkMoth groaned in frustration.

Chat Noir decided to use his baton to find whoever was calling for him. He extended it all the way until he saw who it was. "Marinette?! What are you doing here?" He asked, very concerned. "Playing tennis. What do you think I'm doing?!" She sarcastically said. "I-I'm sorry-" "No, Chat... I am. I'm sorry for shouting at you. I was just a bit frustrated that I was captured," She apologized. "It's okay, princess. Anyway, time to get you out of here," He said as he untied the first knot of vines. "I have two questions. 1- Aren't you getting hurt with these vine thorns? And 2- If I fall, will you catch me?" She asked. He replied. "I have 2 answers. 1- Yes, I'm getting hurt, but I don't care. I'll save you no matter what. 2- Of course, I'll catch you..." He affectionately smiled at her, and she smiled back.

He untied the knots that firmly held her hands, and the top half of her (Basically her torso, and everything above it) fell on him. He held her tightly and he untied the knots that held her legs. Then, he said, "The only way I can get you safely to the ground is by hugging you with one hand. Because I need my other hand to hold my baton." She nodded. He securely and strongly hugged her. He closed his baton as he held it, and they were falling. "AAH! Chat! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! We're gonna DIE!!" Marinette shouted. "Just trust me. I have a plan," He assured her. She trusted him with all her heart, hoping they wouldn't die.

They were briskly approaching the ground. Once they were close enough, Chat extended his baton and landed on the ground safely. Lucky for them, they landed behind Marinette's bakery/house. "See, we're safe," Chat said. "Yeah. Thank you," Marinette said as she hugged him. He hugged her back. The hug lasted for minutes before Marinette pulled away. Unwittingly, Chat didn't want to let go, but he did. Marinette and Chat Noir heard a faint sound of Voleur De Coeur saying, "WHERE IS ADRIENNNNNN!?" Marinette was baffled. "What does she want with Adr--Wait... Don't tell me that Voleur De Coeur is CHLOE! Tikk--" Marinette's eyes widened. 1- She was about to transform in front of Chat. 2- Tikki is lost. She is nowhere near Marinette.

Although Tikki was looking for Marinette, she couldn't find her.

Anyway, back to Chat Noir and Marinette. "What?" He asked. "N-nothing... It's a secret. I'm sorry, I can't tell you," She apologized. "It's okay," He sadly smiled. She usually tells him everything. Ever since he first started visiting her. He started visiting her after the Weredad incident. (A/N: Yes. I used the Weredad thing. Don't judge me...)

(The following flashback is from my imagination.)


After Chat Noir defeated Weredad, he made a promise to Marinette. "I promise you that I'll keep you safe no matter what. And that I'll come to your house every night... I love you... As a FRIEND of course..." He nervously promised. He kissed her cheek. Marinette blushed a deep shade of red. "Thank you," She thanked. He smiled.

And so, from that day forward, he kept visiting Marinette every night. He comforts her when she's sad, makes her laugh, sometimes he even annoys her, but that will never get in between their never-ending relationship. No, they weren't dating, they were just friends. But deep inside, they wished they were more.

The next day, it was the normal routine. Marinette went to school, got bullied by Chloe, and Adrien defending Marinette. Yet, Adrien was calm, not harsh.

That night, Marinette heard a knock on her hatch. She opened it and was surprised to see Chat Noir. "Hey. Do you mind if I go in?" He asked politely. "No, not at all. You're always welcome here. But, my Dad will freak out if he found out that you're secretly visiting every night... So, let's keep it a secret," She told him. He nodded. "Is it okay if I call you 'princess'?" He asked. She hesitantly nodded.


It has almost been a month, and Chat Noir visited Marinette every night. At first, whenever he called her 'princess', she would flinch. But now, she got used to it. Every secret she had, she would tell him. Except for the Ladybug thing. She couldn't tell him she was Ladybug, but she told him about her crush on Adrien, she told him about Chloe, and she even trusted him with her Netflix password.

She trusts him with everything...

End of Flashback

'Do I tell him?' Marinette thought. She really wanted to tell him that she's Ladybug, but Master Fu would take away her miraculous. 'Maybe when HawkMoth's defeated... Anyway, I have to find Tikki and transform!' Marinette determinedly thought. "Sorry, Chat. I have to go..." Marinette said. "Sure. But, promise me you'll stay safe," Chat said. She nodded. He smiled, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and then he left. He began fighting Voleur De Coeur. "Chloe! Stop it!" Chat shouted as he dodged a vine thrown at him. Voleur De Coeur chuckled. "My name isn't Chloe, anymore. My name is now VOLEUR DE COEUR! And no-one will stop me from getting the love of my life, Adrien Agreste!" Voleur De Coeur said. 'Why does she like me? I want her to find someone better...' Chat/ Adrien. thought.

Meanwhile, Marinette was looking for Tikki. "Tikki? Tikki?! Where are you?!" She shouted. "Mari? Marinette! I'm here!" Tikki shouted. Tikki flew to Marinette, and she nuzzled against Marinette's cheek. "Tikki! I thought I'd lost you forever!" Tikki looked at Marinette, confused. "I was just lost in-- Nevermind... Come on! Transform!" Marinette nodded. She went to a quiet corner where no-one could see her. "Tikki, spots on!!" Marinette shouted.

A spark of pink and red light flashed as Marinette turned into the bug superheroine; Ladybug. She ran to where Chat Noir was, and she started fighting the akumatized villain. "No offense Ladybug, but, what took you too long?" Chat asked. She decided to tell him the truth about Tikki. "I-um- My kwami got lost..." She said. He looked away and rolled his eyes. "Why are you so cranky? What's your problem?" She asked as she fought with her yo-yo. "Nothing. I just... Didn't get enough sleep today," He lied.

Frankly, Chat Noir didn't know what was wrong with him. It all started ever since Marinette got captured. 'I guess I was angry that Marinette got captured...?' He thought. He didn't know what else to think. Little did he know, the feeling he thought of, was love. He was slowly developing feelings for Marinette. Plagg once told him that, but Adrien/Chat refused to believe it. 'YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH LADYBUG! NOT MARINETTE! Marinette is just a friend!!' Chat thought. "Come on, kid. Believe it. You're in love with Marinette and not Ladybug!" Chat remembered what Plagg said.

'Ladybug doesn't like me. Plagg's right. I should move on from Ladybug, and accept that I like Marinette... But, I won't tell Marinette, yet!' He thought. He told Ladybug, "Um, I-I moved on from you. I like someone else now..." He shyly rubbed the back of his neck, then continued fighting the villain. "What?! That's amazi-- I mean, good?" She didn't know how to feel. She wanted to know who he liked...


Time passed, and Ladybug and Chat Noir defeated the vigorous villain called Voleur De Coeur. Ladybug quickly dropped Chloe off at The Bourgeois Hotel. "Took you long enough," Chloe said when Ladybug dropped her off. All Ladybug did was roll her eyes. She swung her yo-yo, and after a few minutes, Ladybug arrived at her house. She climbed into her room and transformed back into Marinette. Just as Tikki flew to Marinette's desk, Chat Noir knocked on Marinette's window, receiving a shriek from her. "You scared me..." She said. "Now you admit it," He said with a chuckle. Marinette playfully slapped the back of his head. He laughed.

"So, chaton, what are you doing here?" She asked. "Just checking on you. I don't want you being in danger, princess," He told her, his face turning serious. She could tell he wasn't being silly, anymore.

Marinette's P.O.V

By the looks of it, it seemed as if he liked me. As more than just friends. But, no! I shouldn't think that! He likes Ladybug... Wait, he told Ladybug — Me — That he liked someone else... Even if he does love me, I like Adrien. And he knows that. Do I like him? NO! Marinette! Stop being stupid! You only like ADRIEN! No-one else!

Anyway, Chat Noir stayed in my room until I fell asleep. Let me tell you what happened:

Chat Noir sat down on my bed, and asked, "Can we continue that movie. 'Bird Box'?" I looked at him with a smile and nodded. I brought my laptop up to my bed and snuggled in my blankets. Chat also snuggled under them. I giggled when he began mumbling under his breath, "What is this? Why am I not warm? Stupid blanket, make me warm!" I prepared the movie, then asked him, "Do you want me to make you warm?" My eyes widened, and his eyes widened too. It took me a moment to realize what I said. "NO! NOT IN THAT WAY! I MEAN-" "I know what you mean, princess. You want to cuddle. Why didn't you say so, in the first place?" He asked with a smile.

(A/N: Everyone with a dirty mind, like me, would know why Marinette said, "NOT IN THAT WAY!" LMAO Now I can't stop laughing at my dirty thoughts)

I let out a sigh of relief since he knows what I mean. Anyway, we began cuddling as we continued the movie. I don't know why, I felt safe in his arms. They were warm, strong and they kept me safe. It was as if we were meant to be toget-- No! Marinette! Don't be stupid! You like ADRIEN! Not Chat! UGH! CURSE MY STUPID MIND!

An hour and a half later, I heard a voice calling my name. "-rinette! Marinette!" It was loud, yet calm (and soft). When I opened my eyes, I realized it was Chat. I noticed the position we were in, then I immediately changed it. I took his hand off of me, and I asked, "What happened?" He replied, "When the movie was over, I saw that you were asleep on me. I wanted to slowly wake you up so I can tell you that the movie finished." I nodded. I put my laptop aside and laid my head on the pillow again. "Do you mind I sleep?" I asked. "No. You can sleep," He said.

As he was about to leave, I grabbed his hand, making him stop, then I asked, "Can you stay. Please?" He nodded. "Only for you, princess," He replied. He climbed back into the bed and put the blanket on both of us. Admittedly, I felt secure with him next to me... I can't battle the decision of my heart. I've decided to accept it. I'm in love with Chat Noir. The cat superhero who has always been there for me.

I love Chat Noir.

Hello! This is chapter 2 of Love is Complicated. I hope you like it! So many things have happened here! In total, without this message, I wrote 3,526 words.

I hope you like this chapter! Vote, Comment, and Share! Keep your comments suitable for children. NO CURSING PLEASE!