
Don't Compare me to a Hero

Reincarnation is a good thing for everyone as it gives people a second chance, I hoped for such a thing. Being Bullied has it's limits 16 and Above I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com as well

MrWriter · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Chapter 9 I Will Never be a hero(Part 1)

Kaito's Sword sliced through one of the dragon's claws but the dragon was left unscathed while Kaito was burnt a bit from the lightning.

Kaito suddenly heard a woman and a child crying and Kaito froze remembering something from the past and stopped immediately.

Sabre saw this and ordered Ciel and Asuna to help her fight against ChargeRise and prevent Kaito from getting injured and to save the woman and child.

Ciel and Asuna nodded and Ciel went for Kaito while Asuna went to the woman and child and got them away before ChargeRise could step on them.

The Waifus and Ciel felt a massive aura coming from behind them and saw ChargeRise knocked backwards and saw a new version of Kaito.

Kaito had a red aura surrounding him and his clothes were crimson red and he was smiling like someone from an insane asylum.

ChargeRise stood up and roared at Kaito but Kaito stomped the ground causing cracks on the ground to appear and lava busted out of those cracks.



Emotion States are states where the user uses a single emotion instead of multiple emotions or no emotions at all.

Example: Anger State is a state involving anger related things, adrenaline is increased hundredfold and the aura can force a person to kneel if they don't have special protection from the Anger state.

Note End

ChargeRise got surprised and was burnt by the flames and Kaito(Anger)Took out a Blade that was burning a special type flame called Blood Fire.

Blood Fire is a Fire created by that is created by blood and ignited but Blood fire burns extremely hot and can melt its surroundings in a second.

Kaito(Anger) swung his sword slicing the wings off of the dragon and it screamed but Haiti held it tongue and sliced its tongue off.

Kaito(Anger) laughed madly while his waifus watched shocked by how he was acting and Kaito(Anger) sliced the dragon in half and drank the blood of the dragon on his sword.

Kaito(Anger) Heard a voice in his head and fainted turning back to what he looked like before confusing and shocking some of his waifus.

Ciel immediately rushed to his side while the Waifus were shocked by what happened in front of them and ciel called them over and they saw that he was burnt.

Kaito was in a weird shadow realm and sighed knowing something happened but his stats appeared and they grew fivefold and he found out he reached angel rank.

Kaito was surprised he got a new skill called the Emotion States and was finally happy he didn't need to sacrifice his rank all the time now.

Kaito realised he could only use one emotion at a time which sucked but he shrugged it off not minding it.

Kaito saw a Dark figure in front of him and the figure stepped forward laughing and Kaito saw something that shocked him to the very core.
