
Don't Compare me to a Hero

Reincarnation is a good thing for everyone as it gives people a second chance, I hoped for such a thing. Being Bullied has it's limits 16 and Above I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com as well

MrWriter · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Chapter 13 Being a Hero is Hard

Ciel looked towards where the explosion happened and saw the smoke clear and saw Kaito and Kurenai unscathed by the attack

Kaito's Waifus was shocked as well but not as shocked as Kurenai who smirked.

"Blocking my attack means you have to be the same rank as me, huh, well I will defeat you, Kaito," Kurenai said to bring out a Giant Black Scythe named the Grim Scythe

A Scythe capable of strengthening the user by absorbing the soul but after the soul is absorbed the identity if that soul is lost so nobody remembers it.

When that happens, the soul becomes saddened and the power of the soul is increased feeding the scythe more and more.

Kurenai slashed at Kaito only for it to hit the ground while Kaito appeared right above him and smash his face with his fist knocking him back.

Kurenai grunted and stood up running at him again and attacked him a lot but he managed to dodge every single attack until he suddenly stopped and allowed himself to be hit.

Kaito was shocked that he suddenly froze feeling something fidget in his pocket and took it out and clenched it before standing up smirking.


Kaito held it the watch and turned it around and tapped it causing a giant time burst to destroy it's surroundings and caused demonic clocks to go around him.

They covered him and formed a suit of armour while the Japanese Kanji Rider appeared on his helmet but they were crimson red with a black glow.


Zero was signing documents in his office he made for himself as he didn't want to sign them in his room because he would be distracted by his slaves and in the throne room, he would be asked if he could join in duels from lieutenants.

A Portal appeared in his Office and it showed Kaito in his Demonic form and Zero chuckled throwing down the documents onto the table and running towards the portal.

"Finally, I can stretch my arms," Zero said dashing into the Portal and appeared beside Kaito and both of them looked at each other and smiled.

However, a person appeared from Kurenai and the figure looked like a knight with Golden sharp highlights and saw Zero and dashed at him causing him to hold his sword in response blocking him.

"I will defeat you, Overlord," The knight said trying his best to hit Zero while Zero kept blocking laughing at his attempts but Zero knew what was his plan and knocked him off and pushed him off and patted Kaito on his shoulder

"You take my Nemesis, I take yours, Deal" Zero said while patting his shoulder

Kaito nodded and grinned happily as he could go all out on someone that wasn't his brother and dashed at the knight who suddenly dodged and tried to attack him from the belt but was blocked by a yellow blade.


Kaito sliced at gin causing him to have burn marks on the knight who suddenly grew wings but they weren't angel-like, they were white and golden Demon wings that were rare.

They could make tornadoes that could destroy villages within seconds and with just a flap of their wings but they could be a nuisance to control.

Kaito dodged the tornadoes he summoned and swiped something on his sword that changed the look and name causing the sabre to turn into a gun called the Luna shot.

Kaito shot the Luna shot at the Knight who got hit a few times not even being pushed back just a bit.

The Knight didn't even take notice and Kaito could see why Zero gave up on this Knight and Unsheathed the blade on his back showing a demonic aura that caused Ciel and Kaito's Waifus to instantly cower in fear.


"You must be the Nemesis of Kaito, My Name is Zero, The Overlord" Zero said obviously scared for his Life

"I'm his brother to be exact"Kurenai getting a reaction he has never seen before

Zero's eyes were gigantic while his mouth actually rolled to the floor and Kurenai was about to ask if he was okay until Zero disappeared and kicked Kurenai at the back.

" I saw you two fighting so he probably doesn't like you, huh"Zero laughed and took out his Starsoul Caliber a blade he obtained by slaying a knight similar to the Knight, Kaito was fighting.

Zero used his blade and attacked Kurenai who dodged every attack so he decided to shove his weapon into the ground causing the ground to shake and split open.


A Pterodactyl flew out of the giant crack weirdly it looked mechanical and had a Yellow, white scheme with Purple on it.

"Kaito has a Pterodactyl while I have a Dragon, huh," Zero said smirking and saw the Pterodactyl fly over to Kaito and Zero dashed towards the knight and opened a portal transporting them back to their universe.

Kurenai clenched his fists and his eyes glowed purple and a portal appeared behind him and a black train appeared and transformed into a T Rex looking gattai.

Kaito saw the Mecha above him and found something in his hand and threw it at the Mecha causing it to pick him up and suddenly turn into something.

The Pterodactyl transformed into a Gattai and they stood face to face with Kaito in his Gattai sighing.

"Being a Hero is Hard?" Kaito said making the Gattai run towards T Rex gattai and attacking it with his fists but the T rex gattai managed to dodge and ducked underneath him and blast a breath of fire at him.

Kaito and his gattai got injured but were still going and managed to hit the other a couple of times and then Kaito took out the Star Soul calibre he got from him and inserted it into a slot in front of him.

The Gattai suddenly flew up and dashed towards the other gattai causing a giant impact when it hit.

The smoke covered both gattai until they saw one giant figure come out of it.

The figure was Kaito and his gattai who smiled and finally came to a decision.

"Your new name is PteraStrike," Kaito said leaving the gattai to form back as he got out seeing the others knocked out and chuckled

"Good job, but you are still not strong enough," Kurenai said behind Kaito and disappeared leaving Kaito to think if he should have just stayed the same and live a normal life.

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