
Don't Compare me to a Hero

Reincarnation is a good thing for everyone as it gives people a second chance, I hoped for such a thing. Being Bullied has it's limits 16 and Above I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com as well

MrWriter · Komik
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16 Chs

Chapter 11 Will I be a Hero like Him

Kaito slowly opened his eyes and stood up feeling a slight ache in his head and saw Saber sitting beside him asleep and saw Lucifer sleeping on a part of the bed.

Kaito saw his clothes were changed and decided to change into another armour he obtained from killing a Devil King invading a holy city.

Kaito felt chills in the holy city and could still feel chills from time to time when thinking about what he witnessed.

Kaito frowned and suddenly realise he was blue and change back when he wasn't using any emotions.

Kaito could see Ciel awake barely and saw kaito and smiled and finally fainted from exhaustion and Kaito looked at his calendar and he could swear he was going to faint.

Kaito found out that he was unconscious for a week but found out something more shocking, Ciel hasn't slept for a month.

Kaito realised that due to him being unconscious, his powers leaked from his watch and caused certain events to appear.

Kaito remembered being unconscious once, He somehow destroyed an entire town while lying in a forest beside it and they said a giant figure stood from the forest and stomped onto the town.

Kaito couldn't believe it and suddenly heard someone at the door and they entered revealing Kirito.

Kirito screamed in glee and everyone in the room woke up and Kaito was covered in a pile of waifus and their chests almost suffocating from them.

Kaito managed to escape and heard the waifus call after him and he gulped turning into a purple look and running away scared for his life.

Strangely, Kaito could run five miles per minute and couldn't resist the urge to turn and when he did, he saw all of his waifus running after him.

Kaito widened his eyes and ran even faster shocked on how they were running after him and he tripped and the waifus tripped over him and kaito managed to run to the roof.

Kaito sat on the roof and turned yellow smiling and suddenly he felt his face and knew what that he was smiling.

Kaito remembered when he was in another world that was protected by someone named Ace Midoriya.

"Will I be a hero like him," Kaito said smiling laying down and sighing

Kaito closed his eyes and found himself to be in another universe but he was in a throne ] instead.

The throne room had a throne made out of skulls and the throne room reeked of blood and there were pictures of demons on the wall.

Kaito heard footsteps from behind the giant door and dashed behind the throne hearing talking but the talking died down.

Kaito heard the door open and then closed and Kaito swore he could hear somebody mumble it's safe.

Kaito suddenly had his arm grabbed by the mysterious person and Kaito saw a demonic-looking armoured figure while he had a demonic but a weird aura.

The Mysterious figure removed it helmet and he saw himself again but his smile looked sadistic.

"I never knew there was another me," He said smiling

"Who are you," Kaito asked confused on what situation he was in

"I'm Zero, the Overlord of Destruction," Zero said smiling sadistically by accident

Zero heard footsteps and took out his sword quantum and created a portal behind Kaito and Kaito was shocked by the portal.

Kaito was going to go through the portal before turning around a catching something and it was a demonic watch and it was giving a murderous aura.

"Use that watch and you will be stronger than before until you turn back, " Zero said to which kaito nodded and walked through the portal finding himself lying on the roof but he realised that the castle wasn't moving

Kaito looked around and saw something he wished he never would meet again

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

MrWritercreators' thoughts