
Chapter 73

Jesse lifted his head and touched Gideon’s cheek, his brow, ran his fingers through the short hair above his ear. “Where’s the demon? I expected to see a big, bleeding corpse.”

“John banished it.” Gideon scowled. “I think he cheated me out of my kill on purpose.”

“Yeah, but it didn’t work the last time you killed it. Maybe banishment is the best way to get rid of it. I’m just so relieved that…” Jesse paused, studying Gideon’s face. A beat passed, then Jesse gripped the back of Gideon’s head and pressed their mouths together.

He opened to the kiss immediately, grateful for the familiar taste, grateful that he could remember the last five years and not just the last five hours with Jesse. His lips trembled, but when he felt his control start to slip, Gideon pulled away. He needed more from Jesse, but he wasn’t going to take it in front of John. This deserved more than an audience. This deserved his undivided attention.