
Domination: Limitless Growth

After an unexpected demise due to a spicy food mishap, Kasper finds himself standing before the divine presence of God. In a twist of fate, he's granted the extraordinary gift of wishes, opening the door to an exhilarating journey across the boundless realms of the multiverse. With his imagination as his compass and no limits to hold him back, Kasper sets out to explore worlds teeming with untold treasures and oceans, realms plagued by sinister demons, lands inhabited by skilled ninjas, and countless other extraordinary dimensions. Kasper's wildest dreams come to life, and the rules are nothing but figments of imagination! First Arc: Wishes and One Piece (currently) *WARNING: THE WORLDS EXPLORED WILL SEVERELY DEVIATE FROM CANON AND THERE IS WISH FULFILLMENT. THERE WILL BE CHANGES TO PERSONALITIES, POWERS AND CANON-EVENTS. IF YOU DISLIKE THIS, PLEASE, DONT READ, OR COME INTO THE COMMENTS COMPLAINING AFTER THIS WARNING.* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your feedback is invaluable to the growth of the story. Please consider leaving a review, as understanding your likes and dislikes helps shape the narrative. If you've enjoyed your time reading, a power stone or review would be appreciated! Thank you for your support! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- All rights to the characters and worlds, excluding the main character, belong to their respective owners. Any concerns regarding intellectual property rights should be directed to me for resolution. Cover Artist: NeuroPieCats @ DeviantArt

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32 Chs

Death by Snu-Snu?

Robin fixed Kasper with a disbelieving stare, her face a mixture of disbelief and concern. "Hold on a second," she began, her voice laced with incredulity. "You're suggesting we skip Enies Lobby, Impel Down, and Marineford entirely to get to Fish-man Island? And on top of that, sail right past Amazon Lily, where a Warlord resides? Are you trying to get yourself killed, Kasper?" Her bloodshot eyes betrayed the stress his plan was causing her.

Taken aback by her reaction, Kasper tried to defend himself. "What's the big deal?" he countered, confused. "No one knows our route. The worst we'll run into are some Sea Kings or a few Marine ships..."

Robin cut him off, her tone turning firm. "Do you even realize how risky that is? Enies Lobby, Impel Down, Marineford – those places are crawling with Marines. And Amazon Lily is no cakewalk either. We need a safer plan, Kasper."

"Robin, there's no such thing as a safe route on the Grand Line," Kasper retorted, frustration creeping into his voice.

"Wasting weeks searching for one is pointless. Besides, a little fight might actually make me stronger! If I can take down a few more Marines, they'll be forced to take me seriously. They won't send an Admiral after us until they're absolutely certain they can win. By that point, it'll be too late for them!" He sighed dramatically, clearly having given this plan some thought.

Robin, recognizing a sliver of logic in his argument, conceded, "Fine. But this better work, Kasper. This is a huge gamble."

"Excellent! I'm glad you see things my way. Actually, we don't even need to change course. The ship's been headed that way since we left Water 7," he said briskly before bolting off. "You little shit!" he faintly heard her yell over his shoulder.

"Just a heads up," Kasper announced as he entered the training room, his voice serious. "Don't come in here if you hear any weird noises. I'm about to undergo some intense training, and there's a chance I might hurt myself." His plan was to absorb the DNA of Giants, pushing his body to its limits. He knew if an Admiral showed up uninvited, things would get ugly.

He entered the room and locked the door before making his way to the mat in the center. Sitting down in a meditative pose, he spoke directly to his system, 'Begin the integration with Giants DNA, please.'

[Integration of DNA will begin momentarily. Please remain conscious to maximize the results.]

As the integration process commenced, a gentle, almost comforting warmth spread through Kasper's body. It was unlike any sensation he'd ever experienced. Heat seemed to radiate from within, enveloping his muscles and bones in a cocoon of intense energy.

Amidst the warmth, he heard unsettling low cracking sounds, like the eerie melody of bones being broken and remade simultaneously. It was a surreal experience, as if his very skeleton was being reshaped from the inside out.

Micro-tears erupted in his muscles, tiny fissures that promised growth and evolution. But as they multiplied and rapidly expanded, a torrent of sensations assaulted him. Raw, unyielding pain mingled with a strange euphoria, each tear breaking down and rebuilding his physical form.


[Integration completed.]

'Huh... I barely felt anything this time. I guess my body's getting used to the pain,' Kasper mused.

Kasper remained frozen, utterly flabbergasted. "What the fuck," he muttered under his breath, disbelief coloring every syllable. "Ten minutes of pain, and so much power is brimming my body."

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Kasper began to assess the dramatic improvements that had taken place within him. "Let's feel what's changed," he mused to himself. "My body has finally reached a level where I feel like I can have a fun fight with an Admiral or Warlord. Though I doubt they could beat me now on their best day."

He continued, a wry grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "My Conqueror's Haki and regeneration have even had a substaintial boost due to the willpower I have and the pain endured during the integration. Almost like a shortcut."

Standing up, Kasper stretched his limbs, eager to gauge the extent of his physical enhancements. Loud snaps and crackles echoed through the room as he limbered up and began jumping in place.

"Ten times gravity seems like a breeze now," he remarked. "Let's bump it up to twelve and start getting used to that in daily life." With a mental command to the training ring, the pressure intensified around his body, gradually decreasing his speed.

Embracing the heightened gravity, Kasper unleashed a flurry of martial arts techniques. He moved with a fluidity and speed that belied the immense force acting upon him, leaping around the room, delivering rapid punches and kicks, executing somersaults, and effortlessly springing from wall to wall.


Robin stood on the deck, her body shimmering with sweat as she deftly dodged blunt weapons strung up around her. With each movement, she delved deeper into her understanding of Haki, weaving through the onslaught with increasing finesse.


The door burst open, followed by loud, heavy footsteps. Robin paused her training, turning to see Kasper emerging from the training room. However, something was different about him. He stood taller now, his height having increased to around 215 centimeters. His muscles appeared slightly thicker, veins threatening to burst through his skin, and his hair had grown longer, now reaching his nape.

"What the hell happened in there?" Robin exclaimed, shock evident on her face. "You look like you've aged a couple of years and gotten stronger!"

Kasper grinned knowingly. "See? I warned you about the intense training. It pushed my body to the limit, but check out the results. Pretty badass, huh?"

"Might makes right, that's the motto here, isn't it?" Robin chuckled, the wind whipping her hair around her face. "Looks like Amazon Lily's coming up soon – we'll be there in a couple of hours, thanks to these crazy winds."

Kasper strode towards the ship's bow, his gaze fixed on the horizon. His keen eyesight, superior to most, pierced the distance, revealing a singular island on the far edge of the world. As he continued his scrutiny, a flicker of movement caught his eye - a ship emerging from the island's shores, turning directly towards them.

A grimace flickered across Kasper's face. "Seems we've been spotted," he announced, his voice low.

Turning to Robin, Kasper continued, "We should be prepared for anything. Let's prioritize being friendly and avoid any unnecessary fighting."

Kasper and Robin stood at the ship's rail, their gazes fixed on the approaching vessel. As their own boat settled nearby, a clear view emerged of the Amazonian vessel. A formidable contingent of women crewed the ship, their expressions etched with a stern determination.

A woman emerged from the group, her posture radiating authority. Statuesque with a slender build, her long, black hair cascaded down her back, framing a high forehead and emphasizing striking dark brown eyes. Voluminous lashes further dramatized her gaze, contrasting with her pale skin and the serpent-shaped earrings adorning her ears. A narrow waist and ample bosom completed her undeniably captivating presence.

"Who are you, and what brings you into our waters?" Her voice carried the undeniable authority of Warlord Boa Hancock. Kasper recognized her instantly.

"We're simply passing through on our way to Sabaody," Kasper explained. "Navigating Marine waters would have been more trouble than it's worth, so we opted for a more convenient route, Miss Hancock."

"So you're aware of both my identity and your location? Excellent." Pride and ego shimmered in her demeanor, a testament to her preceding reputation. "News has reached me of a new powerhouse causing chaos in Water 7. Take one of my attacks."

"If you falter, you'll be apprehended by the Marines. But prove yourself worthy, and you may continue."

An ally of the World Government, Hancock had earned the prestigious title of Warlord through her dominion over Amazon Lily and her mastery of the Mero Mero no Mi Devil Fruit in combat. Now, as she gazed at Kasper, she began to harness the power of her fruit, capable of turning opponents to stone with its abilities.

{Mero Mero Mellow}

She raised her hands, forming them into a heart aimed directly at Kasper. Brilliant pink hearts of illumination shot forth towards his body, intent on turning him to stone under the weight of his impure desires for her.


The beam collided with Kasper's body, shattering on impact. He had utilized his own Devil Fruit powers to envelop his entire being, nullifying any Devil Fruit attack that landed upon him, leaving Hancock bewildered.

"H-how is this possible? Do you harbor no impure thoughts about this Empress?!" Hancock exclaimed, unaccustomed to encountering a man who wasn't enthralled by her.

A subtle smirk played on Kasper's lips as he met Hancock's gaze squarely. "How could I entertain impure thoughts of you when I have her by my side?" he declared, raising his thumb and pointing towards Robin.

Caught off guard by this unexpected response, Robin felt a blush creep up her cheeks. She lowered her head ever so slightly. 'Did he really need to say that in front of everyone?' she pondered, flustered by Kasper's words.

"Hmph! Even this Empress can acknowledge the beauty of the woman beside you," Hancock declared, turning her back to Kasper with a hint of pride. "For her sake, I shall grant you passage."

Upon hearing her words, Kasper signalled for the ship to resume its course, sailing past the Amazonian vessel to continue their journey.

Smirking in Robin's direction, he saw the lingering bewilderment from his earlier words. "Hey, I wasn't lying, you know," he said. "It would be foolish to deny your beauty. But seeing you might be uncomfortable... yeah, that wasn't the plan, so sorry about that. Plus, her whole high-and-mighty attitude needed taking down a peg." He chuckled before heading for the kitchen.

Robin, a smile playing on her lips, called after him, "At least you know how lucky you are to have me along for the ride."