
Domination, have you heard of it? [SCP|SI]

Have you made a deal with the devil? Just some random sap realizing he lives in the SCP-verse.

TheFalling12725 · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Containment Breach #2 (Omake)

Being told by Dr. Bright that the 'Meat that Beats' had escaped containment was not a thing I wanted to hear after I woke up from a nap.

Granted, usually hearing anything Dr. Bright said at any point in time was bad, but what the hell was the 'meat that beats'?

I was asked to help with the breach since according to Bright, the meat would beat us all if we didn't do anything about it fast enough.

I doubted that but Bantay Masipag confirmed that a breach was indeed happening, and that if it wasn't dealt with as fast as possible, the consequences could and would affect the world a lot.

So here I was in a plane headed to Russia, reading a file on SCP-610, codename: The Flesh that Hates, not meat that beats. Fucking Bright, I made a mental note to sneak in SCP-999 later into his office.

Now, I would usually just fly towards the breach or in some cases teleport myself to it, but the Foundation wanted a team to go with me. They wanted to be sure the breach was well contained.

Which is why I was bored out of mind. I could have been done with the breach by now, but noooo. 'What if you miss something? What if you don't contain it correctly?' Untruthful bastards.


The plane had 2 MTFs, 5 scientists and 10 d-class personnel. The d-class guys looked scared out of their minds. The MTFs looked ready to face the legions of hell. The scientists looked like they wanted to see samples of my skin under a microscope though, maybe I could accommodate something for them?

We were about to descend directly into the zone where the breach had occurred. Apparently this part of Russia had some underground rivers that managed to carry away an infected victim. The infected somehow dissolved in the water and contaminated the town's underwater supply, so everything got infected. By the next day everyone in the down had died and new flesh monsters were walking free.

The Foundation, with the assistance of the Russian government, had quarantined the area as fast as they could, and eliminated every infected that had passed the marked perimeter. Or at least that was what the incident file said.

Everyone other than me was wearing clothes that looked pretty similarly to what hazmat suits looked like. Obviously the edgy fuckers clothes' were black and not the bright yellow as they should've been.

Some of the d-class looked worried that I was about to walk out of the plane with only a Hawaiian shirt and some shorts on.

As we walked out I decided I would try to scan the area for living beings with a technique inspired by hollow's pesquisa. Feeling human souls was usually hard since they were weak as shit, but in an area so desolate, one soul would stand out pretty quickly.

… I found no souls left. Why was I always called when everyone was already dead? I wanted to save some people superman style at least once damn it.

With a sigh I began walking towards the visible town. The researchers yelled something about not being ready, but if they were not ready after a 3 hour flight they were never gonna be ready.

The MTF teams looked at me like I was an annoyance.

Some d-class followed me as I took in the area. There were no animals, no insects, no nothing actually. Was this done by the Foundation to limit the spread or by 610?

"Uhhh, Gabriel." The only d-class with a spine started speaking to me.


"We, uhh, would like to know if you will be okay. We were told many times that if the suit were to have a tear at any moment during our instance inside the town we would die."

I hummed, were they not told about me? That was weird, the Foundation usually told everyone that was about to meet me a lot of things about me. They at least knew my name.

"I'll be alright random d-class number 1."

He sputtered a bit and almost fell. I obviously saved him from falling and maybe cutting open his suit on a random rock by grabbing him by his forearm. These guys were too nervous. We were getting close to the town, and this will cause an issue if this is left unattended.

"Alright you four, listen to me. Imma say this once and that is it. Y'all need to calm down or y'all will get each other killed pretty fast. From the dossier I read, this SCP is very dangerous. I don't want any of you to panic and do something stupid that could risk all of your lives."

"Uhh, yes Gabriel. Will do." D-class number 1 told me. They all looked more nervous though.

"Good, watch each other's backs and tell me if ya see anything weird." With that done the conversation died.


As we entered town I began to see grotesque flesh growths all over the town. It reminded me a bit of Halo's 3 parasite map.

One of the d-class started retching which prompted another two to follow his example. With I sigh I stopped my advance and waited for them to be done with their business.

After a couple of minutes they stopped heaving and started to look around again. The d-class who had not vomited inside his suit was looking at everything with a very cynical look.

"What happened here Mr. Gabriel?" The d-class number 2 asked me.

"Some kind of disease, it infects anything it comes in contact with, not just humans. That's why you are using hazmat-like suits. It spreads mainly through contact, but it can and will spread through water and air."

As they began looking at their suits for tears or possible cuts I approached one of the growths near a gas station.

The bugger looked ugly as fuck. It had like 3 mouths, 1 eye, and a bunch of other extremities poking out of its disk like body.

I poked the eye and felt how the disease began invading me.

It worked like how a virus affected living beings. It got into my cells and 'hijacked' them. Interesting. Welp, I did promise to let the scientist study a bit of my flesh.

I started dominating the cells around the now cancer-like growth that was occuring at the tip of my finger and ordered them to identify the cell and then attack them.

Like how the immune system fought normal infections, I took little samples of the parasite trying to invade my body and analyzed it. When I was sure I had made some kind of antigen against it I ordered my body to start creating cells that would specifically target all infected cells, then I made some that would attack the virus in its free form.

I changed those cells' DNA to make them have a rapid growth rate and made them able to replicate themselves.

"Uh, Gabriel, didn't you just tell us the infection spreads through contact?" Random d-class number 1 asked me.

"Why yes I did." I answered calmly.

"So, huh, why did you, huh, touch it?"

"Well, I have to find a way to kill all of the infected don't I?"

"I, huh, guess? Are you sure you are not going to become some kind of flesh monster?"

"Yes I'm sure. You just wait over there with your buddies, I'll be done in a minute."

Now that my cells were ready to attack everything that looked like 610 I needed to make sure they would be able to spread to all infected, and also not attack anyone who wasn't infected, so I concentrated a bit more. I got rid of some of the processes the cells still had but didn't need anymore, made them capable of living in almost every environment, and disconnected them from me. I didn't need some super killer cells to have a connection to domination.

Finally released my first batch of would be 610 killers into the blob in front of me, and watched it scream as it began to slowly shrivel up and die.

It seemed like it was a success. With that done, I started creating more of these 610 killer cells and started throwing them out into the air through my lungs.

I should ask some of the scientists for a flask, the Foundation was going to demand I give them samples of the 610 killers. Probably would ask me to answer some questions too. Huh, wonder if they knew I could make bioweapons? If they didn't know yet I was about to scare a lot of people.

SCPs and others mentioned:

Dr. Bright, Bantay Masipag, SCP-610


Alright, with this omake I tried to explore the domination of body thingy. I guess that the immune system would be the best one to 'dominate' since it is every body's weapon. What do y'all think about it? Was it too technical?

If any of y'all finds a spelling mistake, has questions, has some criticism, or whatever, please leave a comment. I enjoy reading them.

Thanks for reading.