
286 The Red Flag Waves

In just one week, Bart had done a complete 180, holding high the "Li Wei" flag unwaveringly, becoming an steadfast and loyal supporter of Li Wei. His change of face was so rapid that his colleagues could barely recognize him.

Bart could feel the bustling eyes on him, filled with astonishment, confusion, and a variety of other emotions, but he didn't mind—

Not only did he not mind, but he actually enjoyed it and continued to stand in the spotlight.

"The brain," Bart pointed to his head, "is Li Wei's greatest weapon."

"This means that Li Wei's potential exceeds Charles'; he has the ability to change the game. The Kansas City Chiefs might have a chance to go further this season."

Roar, roar, roar—

Elsewhere, it was hard to tell, but at least the Old Oak Tavern was in agreement.

They had had enough of playoff seasons ending abruptly and dimly, lighting up hope only to extinguish it time and again, almost like torture.

But this year was different.