

<p>It was like any other morning wake up, stretch, cool water to wash my face. Looking in the mirror instead of being confused, I know the person looking back. No more wondering who the killer is I am Meadow Granhardy Lazadien, and I am going to kill everysinglelast Doll. "Meadow come downstairs pap said breakfast is almost ready." <br/><br/>Lilly said threw the door she sounded like she was on auto pilot. I also knowing that crazy old goat, He used different colorful words. Lilly said pretty nice words. The floorboards creeks with every step. Pappy gave me blue jeans and a green and black checkered button up shirt. It belonged to his ex girlfriend he said. When I stepped in the kitchen Pappy was cooking eggs and sausage. I loved the smell of his cooking. It makes me feel like someone cares. "Don't just stand there get your coffee and sit your ass down!" And there it was the reason I love the old goat. He sassed me knowing, I would never do anything to him. He was like the father I once had. I laugh making my coffee. "Yes sir cranky pants sir." I said sitting with anti murder juice. "Thats Captain Cranky Pants to you!" he pointed the greasy spatula at me. "My apologies Captain." I sassed before taking a sip of my coffee. The other Dolls come in soon after to my surprise they looked like death. "You all look like shit. What happened~?" Asking the last part with a smirk. The one called Jackson groaned "Back at ya dick trap." <br/><br/>He said his head now resting on the table. "Oh was I too much for you." I laughed Kenzi looked away sad. oh I know that look all to well. My guess he doesn't know or just doesn't want anything from her. Poor kid rejection is hard but you will live. "You try sleeping next to a chain saw and see how much sleep you get." Oh lord Pappy struck again. I was about to say something ,when a loud explosion came from the mines. Without a moments hesitation we all ran to help. Blood stained the grey dirt as some men lay on their sides. <br/><br/><br/>"Ten of our men are still down there! We have to get them out before, the mine completely collapse. " One of the wounded said. "Jackson ,Leo find a shovel and pickaxe. Anna, Kenzi get clean water and bandages. Triplets take who you can away from the site we need all the room we can get. Lilly, Pap see if anyone would be willing to help us." <br/>I said starting to help Leo and Jackson dig. It took hours but, when we got to them It was to late all had perished to the Mines. Jackson placed a hand on my shoulder. "We tried knowing this was a possibility. It looks like it was instant nothing we could have done."<br/>oh how I wished he was wrong. This is what happens when dolls come around death follows us like a overbearing shadow. Once the men were pulled out and layed the poor souls. The families came to identify the bodies. Some left newly started families others left pregnant women. <br/><br/>It was hard to watch the suffering they endure. "They were good men all of them sat at my table from time to time. Ben talked to me about being scared of messing up like his father. Joebo he would go on and on about his boy going on to college leaving this hell whole behind. They were all good men with the best intentions for their families. Though they had left us to soon, They will always be in our hearts and memories. We push on and live for them." <br/><br/>Pappy said whipping away his tears. "We haven't seen something like this since the grate war. It has tooken so much from us and only gave back so little. We hope that whenever they end up that the next life is a happy one." <br/>One of the village midwifes said sad by the loss. This is why we don't like staying in one place long. It wont take long for someone's death be blamed on you. Glancing over I spot Jackson and Leo have a knowing look. They did I know it and I will get some answers. Lilly didn't bother coming to the service I hope she had nothing to do with this.<br/><br/>Lilly pov <br/><br/>I could tell my sister is suspicious of me. Jackson is certainly not making things any easier for me. All I can do now is run and hope she doesn't follow. I take a quill and paper leaving a letter for her. I can't keep pretending nor will I hand my sister over to that sadistic fuck. <br/><br/>Once dawn was apon us I will be gone. Walking past her door I couldn't help but peak in. She was asleep and looked so peaceful. "Forgive me Meadow. " I whispered closing the door gently behind me. I make it down the stairs and out the door only to be met by Pappy. His arms were crossed. "I can not stop you if you leave. I just hope you know that this means in our eyes you are fighting for them. You will no longer be welcome here." He said a pleading look in his eyes. He did not want us to be pinned against eachother. "I'm afraid its to late to stop this Paps. But rest assured they won't pin us against each other. Hard to fight someone when your already dead." I said walking past him. <br/><br/>Iris pov <br/><br/>I lay in my bed unable to sleep when I heard the door nob turn and the soft click of my door being opened. Pretending to sleep I found it was Lilly. She looked so upset before leaving the room."Forgive me sister." She whispered closing the door. Uncertain of what she possibly wants to be forgiven for. Lilly did nothing to warrant me being angry. At least not that I know of anyway. Curious on what she is up to I crept out of bed only to find a letter on my vanity.<br/><br/>'My Dearest Big sister,<br/>I am sure you are aware by now, the explosion at the mines was no accident. I placed the explosives in the mine and set them off. I am sorry for all the pain I caused you and everyone. You should be careful with the other dolls. They are not what they seem. It's funny I always dreamed of the day we would be reunited. I just didn't know we would be torn apart so soon. I will be watching over you.<br/>With love always your baby sister <br/>Lilly <br/><br/>I fell to my knees crying holding the letter to my chest. I knew something was off every cell in my body knew. I just didn't want to believe it. I had to find her before something happens. Rushing out of the house running into the forest. By the time I reached her dolls were waiting. "LILLY!" I yelled rushing forward she turned to me for a moment with a warm smile. Then it was over she was decapitated infront of me. I fell to my knees a whirlwind of emotion coursing threw me."It didn't have to be this way 42. You could have prevented this. All you had to do was kill her thats it. Your heart wouldn't be broken as it is right now. Come back to us we can forget this hiccup. You can return to your rank, and be what you always were a doll."<br/><br/> I look up to see Anthony holding his hand out . I took it only to get in his face. "My life goal is to rid the world of the dolls,Sevron,and thoes bastards in the government. All you did was fan the flames sit back and watch it burn you sick bastard." I said in a dangerously low tone. I felt him quivering before throwing him to the ground. I made him watch me kill the dolls that were with him. When it was done I threw the blood soaked knife at Anthony. The blade landed inches away from is crotch. "Be ready for the next we meet you will not live." I said before walking away. Pappy was sitting on the porch waiting for me. He saw the look on my face. "I am so sorry Meadow I never would have wished this on you." He said before hugging me. I broke down in his arms crying for the loss of my sister. <br/><br/>Anthony pov <br/><br/>When she was gone I started to laugh like a mad man. "She is ready blood thirsty and driven. Yes Meadow come for us. No come for me show me what your made of!" I yelled smiling up at the grey sky. I can't wait to see your furry ripping all of us lim from lim. Pulling myself together I managed to make my way to the <br/>Carriage. "Sir are you alright" one of the male dolls said seeing the blood. "I am fine we must make preparations for what is to come. It's time to go home." I said before entering the carriage.<br/><br/>Meadow pov <br/><br/>I woke this morning like any other the only difference is...I watched my sister be murderd. Strapping up my suit and readying my bag a knock came to the door. "Enter you won't go away even if I tell you too." I said void of emotion. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I began to tense up. "Relax its just me." Jackson whispered before turning me in his arms. I could feel the his tears on my neck. "I am sorry for you sister for everything. Please take me with you I can help you." He said squeezing mt tightly. My body moved on its own having me hold him. "Jackson I need people here to protect Pappy. I also need to be alone please understand that. I am not myself right now. " I  said pulling away. I grabbing my bag making my way to the door. <br/><br/>He grabbed me pulling me back. Before I could say anything his lips were on mine. I could feel his passion but I couldn't he was a doll and I want them all dead. I pushed him away with an apologetic look on my face. "Meadow please." He begged for me to stay or take him with me. "I'm sorry believe me I would if I could." With that I left. I know what is to come will not be easy. I will be dammed if I let the dolls live any longer. Placing the doll mask on my face. "I'm coming for you be ready." Is said before rushing into the woods.<br/><br/>Anthony pov<br/>I had all the dolls gathered "You all know 42 ok maybe not all. A great deal of you do know her. You know how she fights, how she thinks, what she will do. Doll 42 has already called war on us. She has cast us aside for them. The useless yellow belly freaks. The resistance is still alive I know its a shock. They are using our kind against us. They could win if enough of us join them. Let's cut out the sickness before it spread any further. Bring in the traitor its time she answered for the crime." I said as they dragged in Natalie. Her dress was ripped and dirty, blood dripped from her. "Natalie is it true you worked with the resistance? You gave them insight on how to take one of us. You chose Lilly on purpose for 42. You know it would stir the little humanity she had left." Natalie glares at me. "The only crime I made was trusting you dear Uncle." Her voice was laced with venom. I shook my head knowing she chose death. <br/><br/>"I gave you a chance to redeem, but it seems redemption is out of your reach. I am sorry Natalie take her to the center of the compound tie her to the post. She is to have no food or water. If a few want to have their way with her go ahead. This is her price to pay she isn't one of us. The same fate falls to anyone who sides with the resistance. A slow and painful death awaits you."  I said as they dragged her away. She screams begging for this to stop she is no traitor. You are a traitor Natalie your a traitor to humanity. I am sorry but sacrifices must be made to set the final stages. The queen is coming to claim us all.<br/><br/>*The end for now*</p>