
Does Love really make us do crazy things?

Where the world oppose them....Can love conquer all?.....Can love win?

PreciousHoney · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter Five

"What???you mean my boyfriend???"Mia almost shouted

"Yes,your egoistic boyfriend"

"But he just made a suicidal wish,he knows how much you two hate each other"

"apparently,I don't think he cares or realizes what he's done"

"well you do have to do it"

"but I have to,he made us promise we'll do it before he said what he wished for"Selena said

"That man is seriously cunning"Mia seethed

"it's okay mia,there's always divorce"Selena said taking another bite of her food

"but my boyfriend"mia whined

"Stop it mia,stop acting as if he's truly your Boyfriend"

"but-"mia tried to talk

"I don't want the kids to be confused to why their aunt is calling their dad her boyfriend when we do get married"

"fine"mia said in fake sadnesses turning back to her breakfast

"Thank you"

There was a moment of silence until Ollie spoke

"mummy are we going to visit grandma and grandpa"

"No sweetie mommy has to do somethings

"but it's Sunday"Finn whined

"I know love"

"Are you going to get Daddy?"Ollie asked with so much enthusiasm she didn't have the heart to tell him the truth so she nodded

"yes I'm going to get your new dad".

"yay"Finn and Ollie yell in unison

"You shouldn't lie to them like this Selena"mia whispered in Selena's ear

"I didn't want to disappoint them,I'm supposed to spend Sunday with them but instead I'm going to spend it working"

"then maybe you should not work on Sundays,you already use the rest of the week working,you can at least spare them just today"

"I know how to spend time with my kids alright,I know how to create time for them ,I've been doing it for years and I would appreciate it if you don't take your frustration out on me"Selena whispered yelled with a frown marring her forehead

Mia signed In defeat and apologised

"I'm sorry you're right,I know you make time for the kids"

"you wanna talk about what is bothering you?"Selena asked placing her right hand on her best friends left hand

Mia smiled weakly

"maybe when the kids aren't here"


***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Selena woke up late the next day,she and mia had talked late till after midnight

She felt bad and guilty after listening to mia.

Mia had always been there for Selena even before she decided to have the kids

Mia has been having problems with her ex turned boss Bryan at work and Selena decided she was going to pay the man a "nice" visit after sorting out her own problems.

she was supposed to meet with old max and the egoistic bastard today to conclude about the marriage

At the end of today,she was going to be 'Mrs light'.....she cringed just thinking about the name.

Getting out of bed she headed to the children's room to get them ready for school.

"Time to get ready for school, Ollie,finn"

she heard a groan from Ollie but Finn was still fast asleep

"come on,come on, mummy has to go see GG max today"that seems to have gotten ollie's attention because he stood up from the bed.

"really can we come too,please?"Ollie asked with his hands together in a praying motion

"You can come in the afternoon,you have school today"

"yay,thanks mum"

"but first you have to get Finn to wake up, Jesus the child sleeps like a log"she told Ollie muttering the last part under her breath.

"Finn wake up we are going to visit GG max"

"GG max"Finn said waking up with a start.

After so much hustling and bustling Selena managed to get the kids out the front door and placing them in the limo,judge would take them to school.

Selena got into her car after seeing the children off making her way to the hospital.

She took her time on her way to the hospital.

she even bought flowers from the sidewalk making people take pictures of her.

Once she got to the hospital she made her way to old max's private room without and guidance,knocking once she entered the room.

Her eyes locked with Harvey eyes once she entered the room.

"The princess arrives"Harvey said sarcastically but Selena was feeling distracted by the bunch of red hair she saw on the bed lying next to old max.

she couldn't see his face yet she felt a sense of nostalgic.

"we've waited two hours for you and my son is sick,he had to sleep here just because of you"Harvey complained oblivious to Selena's inner turmoil.

"I'm sorry"Selena said distracted,it even surprised Harvey but old max was not confused he knew the reason Selena was acting this way.

"Selena darling can we get to the important part"Old max asked.

"yes,yes"she said snapping out of her trance

Old max lawyer came forward with some papers .

"you will sign here and here"the lawyer said moving a pen forward which Selena and Harvey grabbed at the same time.

"let go of it"They said in unison

"I took it first"they harmonised.

"stop that"Selena said agitated

"you stop"Harvey said

The lawyer watched the two bicker back and forth with hidden amusement

"Here is another pen"The lawyer said holding a pen to them.

"give it to her"

"give it to him"

"collect it from him Mr King"Selena growled. Harvey leaned towards her and whispers in her ear.

"It's sexy hearing my name from your lips Selena, perhaps we could put it to better use when we get married"He bit her ear a little and Selena gasp letting go of the pen and blood rushed to her ears as she blushed.

Harvey chuckled signing the contract

Selena signed still blushing

"Wait,what are those "Selena asked urgently

"papers to join your company and properties"Old max said smugly

"What?"They both practical yelled making old max burst out laughing

The sleeping little boy had woken up with the noise but no one noticed.

"joking,just some paperwork to give you an estate as a early wedding gift" he chuckled

"You didn't have to old max,we already have enough"Selena spoke

"I know I just wanted to give you,it's the least I can do after what you guys have done for me and it might be the last thing I get to give you"

"oh old max, don't-"Selena stop in her track her eyes finding green eyes that looked exactly like hers.

The eyes of the son thought she had lost

"Theo?"Selena mumbled confused as she stumbled backwards her eyes rolling into the back of her head

"The hell!"Harvey said catching her before she could hit the ground

At that moment old max hospital's room door opened and Ollie and Finn stepped in.

"GG max"Exclaimed

"Fucking hell"he said letting go of Selena and she fell to the floor with a thump on the floor


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