

In middle school, James and Lily found a deep connection that circumstances tore apart by James's parents. When they found out about their relationship they abruptly uprooted their lives, transferring him to a different school to shield him from distractions. Years later, as fate would have it, James and Lily crossed paths after graduating college. Their reunion held a bittersweet twist: James, unaware of their past, had a new girlfriend, Emily with plans of marriage. Lily, burdened by memories, and still holding feelings for James chose to remain silent about their history and settled for being a supportive friend. Tensions rise as Emily becomes jealous of their closeness. Lily finally confesses their past to James. Caught between his past with Lily and his future with Emily, James has to decide whether to rekindle his old love or stay committed to Emily. The story explores the complexity of choices, emotions, and the enduring power of first love.

Valour_Ndukwe · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs


Years had passed since James and Lily had graduated from middle school, their paths diverging as they ventured into different high schools and pursued their individual dreams. The once-frequent messages had become infrequent, and their lives had taken on new rhythms.

James had grown into a focused and ambitious young man, excelling in his studies and forming strong bonds with his high school friends. He had become known for his dedication and determination, qualities that he had carried forward from his friendship with Lily.

Lily, on the other hand, had embraced her artistic talents, finding solace and expression in her creative pursuits. She had cultivated a tight-knit circle of friends who shared her passions and understood the depths of her emotions.

One summer day, as the sun cast a warm glow over the city, fate decided to once again intervene in their lives. James was strolling through a local park when he spotted a familiar figure sitting on a bench, lost in thought. It was Lily.

His heart raced as he approached her, unsure of how she would react. "Lily?" he called out tentatively.

Lily looked up, her eyes widening in surprise. "James? Is that really you?"

Their gazes locked, and in that moment, it was as if the years apart had melted away. The unspoken bond that had once united them surged to the forefront of their minds, rekindling memories and emotions.

They fell into an easy conversation, catching up on the years they had spent apart. Laughter flowed freely as they shared anecdotes and experiences, the familiarity between them shining through.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm hue over the horizon, Lily's voice grew softer. "James, there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

James looked at her, curiosity piqued. "What is it?"

Lily hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Remember those middle school days? The connection we had, the memories we shared, and... the kiss?"

James nodded, his heart skipping a beat. He had never forgotten that kiss, even as the years had passed.

Lily took a deep breath. "I want you to know that I've always carried those memories with me. The bond we had, the way we felt... it's stayed with me all this time."

James felt a rush of emotions, a flood of memories resurfacing. He gazed at Lily, his voice soft, "Lily, I've carried those memories too. They've been a part of me all along."

Their eyes met, and in that moment, it was as if the unspoken emotions of the past had finally found their voice. The years of separation had only deepened their connection, revealing that the love they had shared in middle school had never truly faded.

As the stars emerged in the night sky, James and Lily realized that their reunion was not just a chance encounter, but a second chance at something beautiful. Their hearts, once separated by time and circumstances, had found their way back to each other, and this time, they were determined to hold onto the love that had endured against all odds.