
Do you believe in matter?

A mysterious phenomenon triggers the collapse of the world. Where everyone has been granted their "Ideal" Power, what they have believed in or affiliated the most, over any other, has become their strongest asset. However, powers varied, and the individuals who wielded them, more so. Not everyone was Blessed, mostly being victims. Some granted divine powers becoming God-like beings, and these were not all pure individuals. However, in this world, in this life, Satori still feels the same, his belief? The natural movement of Matter.

TDC · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Mighty might

Mighty mite

Finally unbound from constant impulses of torment, I lay in what looks like a well-constructed hospital space. I had just awoken and nearly been deceived into thinking the events prior were a part of a fake reality, but I saw him beside me. Captain Benjiro...

"So you're finally awake. I have been awaiting your waking Satori."

"Huh?" I was still in a state of uncertainty. Well, I did just awaken after such sudden events.

"Haha, take it easy. There is no rush in the matter, brat."

"brat", still seriously even in this situation? I wish he would just continue calling me by my name ...but oh well.

"Well, if you don't mind me asking, the tournament...what are your thoughts on it?"

"If I were to honestly answer that question, A brainless act of human stupidity. The empty-headed individual who inquired such acts as logical had something wrong within them is my thoughts. Even if it is tradition, even if it is something that needed to be followed, I think...especially in this new era where power is crucial, and peace is absent, why would this even exist!" I had felt an instant regret in my words with the one before me who listens to every oscillating sound from my mouth.

The loyal captain Benjiros reaction sure did come in as a bombshell...

"I have mercilessly killed thousands for this nation and have witnessed hundreds of my precious comrades die, following orders, but I did not do it for the king nor the queen but for her, princess Yukinas sake. Don't get me wrong; I am not a native of the ice believers myself. In fact, most people are not, but you know what, Satori? It hurts...it hurts so bad giving the nation everything for it all just to be granted to another. The princess is still so young, about your age, and yet she has to bear the agony of being put together with one for who she bears no feelings. Even more so, possibly to some of the monsters in there."

I felt irritated.

"And so? what has this got to do with me?"...

"What will you achieve telling an outsider destined to die in the tournament your countries problems?"

Was I being harsh? Far from it, I simply told facts. This country is done for. It did not matter how powerful captain Benjiro was...if the core won't make changes, how can you expect the surface to do so?

"Your right, I'm sorry, Satori"...

"And on a further note, why did you not yourself take part in the tournament if it's such a psychological worry?" I naturally had questioned

"Well... long term citizens were restricted from attending, and besides I wouldn't really feel comfortable with a young girl such as the princess who I only have infinite respect for...and the biggest issue... the ones participating, even I cannot tell if I could beat them..they are truly monsters."

..."I think I talked too much... it's been a while since I have. It felt good to thank you, Satori, truly. Oh, and also, one more thing I need to tell you before I get going. I do not know if I can mention this...princess Yukinas health is declining. She is fated to depart this hell soon, and before that, I want to see her smiling. After all, I owe her my life. No every one of us in the empire does...good luck in the tournament, brat."

He made his leave.

This country is none of my concern ... "health is declining," he says...maybe my healing ca...no, that's surely impossible and the least of my worries.

Why am I having thoughts of even supporting such a country? When all I have faced is distress as soon as I stepped inside.

"Hello, sir, sorry to disturb you, but your next hospital fee is due."

Wait, what?...where did Benjiro go...don't tell me that Bitch...

Truly, only distress

Oh well, It's not like I require a hospital anyways. I guess it's not really that much of a big deal. But still to see hospitals charging fees, what is the state of this new world's economy? I guess it's still a work in progress. Insurances, government support, and charities will someday resurface, I hope.

The capital really was busy, with crowds of people actively roaming the streets. It was an amazing sight of society. If the princess really is the reason behind this peace especially being at my age of seventeen, then no wonder the people idolize her.

"Oi stop! Stop kid! bring it back!...you there stop him!"

A thief? Guess ill trip him over and see how this plays out...

"Ouch, what you doing, you damn..."

damn what..say it...I dare you, kid...

"Sorry accident",, haha I can confidently say it was an "accident".

"I'll get you for this!"

Get me? Haha, even I do not fear someone who has years of growth behind me. This little boy for his age really is rude.

"Great job stopping him, sir...now come with me. You're getting it this time."

"Stop! Let me go! Right now!"

"You should have thought twice about stealing these bracelets, not to mention all the foods you have been stealing lately within this market district."

I see a poor kid...that's unfortunate...anyways...I am getting pretty hungry, having not eaten since my stay at the last inn provided by the empire.

Why am I even checking my pockets for any form of funds...wait...so Benjiro really did leave me...makes sense...how much even is this?

"Wait! will this cover the kid's troubles?"


"I will pay you this much if you can let the kid go"...

On that day, a thief was let go with a delighted smile.

"Mister, why would you do that for me?"

"Don't get me wrong, brat; I did it for my own needs, nothing more, nothing less."

"Yeah yeah...anyways, someday I will...be a soldier...no a captain and marry the beautiful princess Yukino! I will have so much wealth and power no one will cross me ever again!"

"Brat, you're not serious, are you? Shouldn't you be reading books at your age or something? How old even are you?"

"It's Daiki"


"It's Daiki, Daiki Ono... not brat! I'm nine years old. You wouldn't understand what it's like to be poor for your whole life! And only having one older sister who is in constant hardship, Being homeless! At least before, we lived in a council house provided by the government, and now we are with no house at all!"

On the subject of houses, where am I supposed to stay tonight? Guess ill have to use the money left over from Benjiro.

"Bra...I mean, Daiki, ill tell you what I have this much money left over. Will this be enough to secure a place to stay?"

"Woah...with that much, you would be able to pay off months of rent!... I mean, it's decent."

"Great ill leave it to you! Here...use this for the lodging for you and your older sister for as long as it pays out in return I will require to stay in it for a short period as well."


"For now, let's go eat somewhere I'm starving. The human body sure is a nuisance, don't you think?"


..."Mister, please tell me your name!"

"Oh, mine?Its Satori, Satori Anzai"

"Satori, is it alright if my sister joins us for lunch?"

"Well, I don't see a problem with that; why not."

"Thank you!"

This brat's personality sure has taken a U-turn from before. Guess ill just leave it be.

The government whom I thought was a manipulator of our everyday endeavours, our very lives in which we choose our destinies. As much as the government system from before was as trashy as I thought it was, they always provided support for those who required it.

So tell me...

Seriously, someone, I don't care who explain to me...

Why the hell is there a homeless kid pulling his disabled sister on a slay!

"Daiki, how long?..."

"what was that, mister Satori?"

"How long have you been living like this!"

"If I recall, ever since the beginning of the white mist about a year ago. But don't worry, I'm so tough naturally I could defeat any threat!"

This kid, he's much more superior than I could ever be. His words are full of lies shrouding what must have been all the dark events that they both have went through...

"What's your name, young lady?"

"Emika, Emika Ono, I apologize so much for my stupid little brother Daiki. I'm sorry! Please forgive him. Please ill take any punishments in his regard. Please just don't hurt my little brother!"

"Sister, I told you to stop that. Mister Satori is different!"

"Forget all that. Let's find a place to eat..."

"Eat? Daiki, what's going on?"

"Daiki, don't worry about the slay. It's too much of a hassle."

"What...Satori....no, it's not a bother...I'm sorry ill pull harder and faster."

"That's not what I meant ill transport your sister on my back. You just focus on finding somewhere to eat."

"Mister Satori...you can't trick me..."


"My sister was known as the beauty queen in our former village, now being at age sixteen, her very look is unrivalled...so you wanting some alone time with her gives me endless suspicions."

Can I punch this brat?

"Then again, virgins like yourself wouldn't understand, so I think it will be fine."

Can I kill this brat?

Finally, the nuisance has vanished.

"Hey, Emiko, may I ask you a question if that's fine?"

"Oh well, sure..."

"How did you become limited to movement, don't tell me that's your granted power", I had to investigate. Was this another case similar to Aina's?

"No, this is due to an injury I suffered before..."

"I won't ask any more of you...I'm sorry."

"Satori, am I heavy? Am I a bother?"

"Umm, not at all your actually pretty light, and besides, I want to do all I can before..." Well, no brainer, she's light, having not eaten properly for god knows how long. Hopefully, she does not take offence to my comments.

"Thank you... it's so warm...you feel so warm."

"What was that?"

"No..no..nothing at all, let's just catch up to Daiki..."

While carrying the paralyzed Emika...

I bump into an individual of two...

Two...from the group of five of the great tournament! It was not Hiriko nor Oda and not the one they called general Genkai. The two whose names I did not catch. The girl with the question and the boy who remained silent...

"Wait, aren't you..."

A fateful encounter between sworn enemies with just two days remaining before the great tournament they will face off in!

-Do you believe?-

Continued in the Next Chapter...