
IS IT HIM ? [ 1 ]

Life is full of ups and down the more you go up the more  people will try to drag you down but its upto you if you want to take this as your strength or weakness .


" Hello Elle , we need you right now your dad was caught in car accident " my mom told me by panicking . It's been few years since last time i saw my mom and dad cause they always focus on Grace their second child .

" Mom don't worry ! i will be there soon send me the hospital location  " she was trying to say something but i cut it off  . Looks like i can't finish writing this chapter again .


God , is it already spread widely  *sigh* . 

" Hello elle , i saw the news is your dad okay ? hope your all family is alright be safe okay " she said to me [ Jocelyn : childhood best friends ] .

" yes i'm going to visit them you can come with me if u want to anyways i will be bored there alone so i need some company . " i replied and she agreed . Let's see the news , damn they are faster than me impressive .


" Todays breaking news :  The most prestigious school  director Mr.Jace Borden was caught on a car accident near the Hanuce Bridge at sharp 9 p.m . According to his driver there was not any single problems with engines , and in cctv it was seen that the car was attacked by some others cars which has no number plates .

The police are still investigating about this matter . "

* Turns off the t.v *

Looks like dad has already some enemy , why is this joce taking time ? it's already 10:30 .

" Eleanor ma'am , your friend has arrived down stairs . " [ maid ]

Okay , i will see her make sure to have your dinner in time .

" Where the hell were you or were you at club with boys ? " i scold her but she was ignoring me and was focusing on her phone .

" what are you looking at ? " i asked her and opened the car door .

" Eleanor , why would someone tries to hurt your family ? " she asked me .

" Not again , i don't know anything okay so let's go to the Floride's hospital  " i replied .


Sh*t ! why are there so many reporters ? Joce let's go from back door . As soon as i went in i saw my mom , sister , and the guards . Mom came to me crying ," Elle , what do we do now your father is in icu and docter are saying that there are low percent of chance for him . " she says by hugging me and i can see that Grace was very jealous of it .

" mom , don't worry ! dad's gonna be fine " i told her and went to talk with his personal manager .

" Mr.lin , i know you are his trustworthy guard but at this time you should know that i need to know whole thing " i told him .

" Sorry ma'am , but your father has strictly told me that you need to stay away from this matter cause it's dangerous . " He told me and went inside the operation room , God he pisses me off  . Looks like i'm not needed here .

" Mom , i shall take my leave i have to attend the ball tomorrow and do not worry i have talked with the docter he said that dad's gonna be fine , BYE TAKE CARE  . " I told her but she was uninterested i knew she was gonna change in a minute . But where does this joce went ? Oh she has send me a text , " Elle i need to go my bf is cheating me with some other girl at his apartment i need to kick his a**  . I called my friend for ride so, you can drive home by mine , Bye ."

Looks like i need to go club for fresh up , should i go to Flora Club or Hera Club , Let's go to hera young boys i'am coming .

" welcome ma'am , long time no see " gosh they still recognized me .

" ma'am should i make you your favorite drink ? " 

" yess sure " i replied .


OMG ! and do you know that how that guy kicked that person by flying like swish swish baam , *sigh * i miss him but i wish too never meet him again . why am i seeing all 2 or more than 4 ?

i wanna dance wanna join bar boy . Gosh i feel like nauseous and my head is dancing , i need to go restroom .  Is it this way or that way this must be ladies one . 

* bumps with someone *

He was familiar his smell was just like him and his face i can't see properly .

" who are you ? " i asked him

He came near to my lips and whisper in my ear by saying ,

" DO YOU STILL REMEMBER ME ? "  and the voice was like his .

Why am I feeling very sleepy am I dying ? * FAINTS *