

[Mature Content] Raina had been betrothed to the best friend of her older brother when she was barely a woman and he was a grown man. Since day one, She was aware that she was just a business transaction to merge the two criminal syndicates through marriage. she could be abandoned or used for the greater good afterall this was the fate of a woman in a world ruled by men. She wasn't oblivious and knew that her husband was no knight in shining armor but a monster In her bed yet, she couldn't help slowly fall prey to his twisted humour and deranged obsession. Would she able to conquer his cold heart or the darkness with in him would consume them both?

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11 Chs


Luca stared at the dried blood crusted on his hands. he was far from the easy going womanizer he was known for but much more like the Luca Raina actually knew he was. he continued to stare at his palms and could still feel his skin burn from the wretched reminder that not too long ago, they were dripping with warm blood of his beloved. the crimson liquid relentlessly poured through the wound on her back. her body was still and unmoving. he could feel her muscle constrict as the heat ebbed away from her being.

since he was a nine year old boy, Luca was dragged by his father to the murky depths of the cesspits in the underbelly of world where Morettis ruled and none was alive to challenge their power. a dark place where evil took refuge and continued to evolve until the day it turned itself into the worst kind of monster to walk on earth.

monsters who freely roamed in the guise of humans. he was one of them. he was a child forced to face the harsh reality and accept the wicked ways of the humans or maybe he was born that way. with Moretti blood flowing through his veins he was born to rule and thus bound for this life with no way out.

as the years passed and the malevolent and destructive gene grew with in him, he realized he was perfectly cut out for a life of bloodshed and violence.

he learnt it the hard way that the only man with power an authority within his palm could survive in his sinful world and he could afford no weaknesses.

until the day the man known as the vice tripped and helplessly fell in love with a frail looking florist with the fierceness and stubbornness even grown and hardened men couldn't light a candle to.

that day he knew that lump of flesh inside his chest will only beat for her. he wanted her and what unforgivable things he didn't commit to rise to the top so that he could protect and hide away his weakness.

someone who could bring him down to his knees within a blink.

but he wasn't careful enough.

he let the victory get to his head and forgot that it was only momentarily. there was nothing permanent in the life he chose to live.

only death was.

and now Raina was paying the price of being the unlucky woman an undeserving asshole like him loved more than anything.

he recalled what Raina said earlier that night his face darkened. she refused to marry him. she loathed the mere idea of carrying his child. she didn't want to devote her life for a godforsaken murderer like him and no matter how much it pained him, he couldn't refute her judgement. she was an intelligent and rational woman and he was willing to respect her wishes and back off like she venomously old him to but it happened in a blink. the expression of loathing dripping with disgust morphed into a terrified one and what he knew next that the woman who couldn't bear to breathe the same air as him shielded him against a sniper bullet with her own body.

with our a second thought.

so much for claiming to hate him and his guts.

he clenched his fist and chuckled dryly at his own selfishness because why did the mere thought of letting Raina go didn't sit well with him? even imagining of letting her go couldn't amount to the combined pain of the gashes and bullet scars littering his whole body.

she was like oxygen and without her he couldn't breathe.

letting her go will be the death of him.

dark potent thoughts began swirling inside his head and it was the cue that he should leave and let out his pent up tension or else he was going to march inside and take Raina Vittale somewhere far away, locked and kept only for him and him only.

his lips pulled up into a devious smile. someone needed to pay dearly for daring to harm what belonged to him.


Emmy stared at a pale looking Raina and her heart constricted in regret.

only if she didn't force her to go on the blind date, Raina wouldn't be laying her injured and unconscious. her eyes were long since dried of any year and she could only sniff dryly.

although the doctor assured that there was no serious damage and Raina will be able to recover with in a week of rest, she couldn't help but worry.

she paced the room back and forth as she remembered the details of the attack as per Luca's men. to think that Raina took the bullet meant for her brother...she didn't know If she was thankful or not. regardless, she was relieved beyond words that Raina was safe. she had even came to a decision that she was going to delay the wedding until Raina was back on her feet. she couldn't care less about the wedding when her friend was in such a condition.

Emmy turned and silently approached the bed and took Raina's hand with in hers.

"wake up soon."

Raina eyes snapped open the movement Emmy left the room. she had been awake for quite some time now and as sge shifted, she realised the pain was bearable. she had suffered through worse cases of infected wounds. a bullet was nothing.

Raina recalled the movement before everything went blank in concentration as she stared th a the intricate cravings adoring the ceilings.

one would think that she saved Luca without a care of her own life but In truth, it was far from that because no one would ever suspect the bitter reality.

if Luca wasn't there with her that night, he wouldn't have been targeted.

the fact that she shielded him and if she chose not to do that, either way she would have come to regret it for the rest of her life and it would have been her breaking point. she shuddered recalling the dreadful movement. if it weren't for her protective instinct taking over her senses, she would haves lost him forever.

in her cutthroat world, one was taught to live for them selves and were forbidden to share an emotion as pure as affection for another Human for that was considered a shame. it proved that person has wavered from their beliefs and that was what they were there for. to test her. one final time.

and she gave it away.

one of her eakness.

Luca Moretti.

someone she had come to care for over the course of years even if it was the last thing she wanted to admit.

Raina twisted her neck when a glint of a metal caught her attention.

her grey eyes zeroed on the bed side table where the bullet inside a glass container rested.

'every bullet carries the name of the one It's meant for.'

she couldn't shake off the feeling of panic which was beginning to constrict her throat as she reached out and took the bullet between her fingers.

with shaky breath she waited as she tried to press her pinky against the end of the bullet.


her heart sank as the bullet splited in two producing a small chit, confirming her fears.

'Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wondered where you were.'


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