
Djinn System

Draven a teen in high school and a Hardcore Raider in his favorite Online game finds himself transported to another world with his body altered. Relying on his newfound system to help him survive and navigate through this unknown world he will encounter many dangers on the search for his father and a way home. For every answer he finds more questions arise Who brought them here and for what purpose?

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48 Chs

The Alchemist has returned

James looked over all his options again before nodding. "Okay, I've made my decision."

"I Choose the Dragon of Life and Death." He said while pressing the button on the screen. As soon as he pressed the button Draven received a pop-up message.

<James 200 wishes to utilize energy worth Iron Veteran Xp Orbs will you permit this expenditure from the inventory?>

James had already given Draven more than enough orbs so he quickly agreed. Soon after a bright light appeared around James. This lasted several minutes until it finally dimmed. James breathed deeply in and then back out. "My mind is so much clearer. I feel like I'm fully in control now. It's like a fog that I've had to constantly focus to see through is gone." James said feeling much better and more importantly he felt like he could do anything with this new power. 

< This is due to the removal of the barbarian class. The passives and knowledge of those attacks come from an Orc race that was introduced into his genetics in the form of a Class. Orcs are known to be battle-hungry and have short tempers. This greatly influenced his mind as that is where the abilities were stored. Having removed the Orc abilities this naturally also cleared the negative side effects.> 

Draven repeated this to James who smiled in understanding. "That makes a lot of sense I was wondering how the classes worked." In the meantime they had attracted quite the crowd there were several other Orbhunters in the guild and they just saw James select a class but they knew he already had one. 

"James, did you just get a new class? how does that work? Are we able to change classes at a higher level?" An older Orbhunter asked excitedly. "Im not entirely sure but yes I was able to change classes it may have something to do with my race or level we will have to see if anyone else can do this later. It did, however, cost me 200 Iron Veteran Orbs to do this so might not be worth it for everyone," he said with an awkward smile. Not wanting to reveal any of Dravens secrets. It was more important than ever now that they kept tight lips about anything Draven related.

"Damn that many? That's a hard pass for me at least for now." He said looking a bit depressed. But his mood improved immediately after remembering he was here to rank up and waived to James as he hopped into a pod. Draven was putting serious thought into this whole dilemma. Classes that weren't tailored to their races were not only much weaker but also had negative side effects. If he could, Draven would want to give everyone a new class. But how could he accomplish that? The orbs required would be astronomical and it would quickly become apparent to the Ten'ok that something is different with them bringing them unwanted attention. 

<It is unlikely that the Ten'ok would notice any difference so long as their data showed original class and abilities they have are related to Race. I renamed Class of James Barbarian it continues be listed by Terminal Barbarian. The main issue cost resources. However once bronze or higher beings killed regularly will only take a few even single tier orb make this change. Any other anomalies disregarded no reference point compare human's progress to.>

Draven was intrigued this would be a huge benefit to everyone in Ironforge and would also solidify them to be the strongest later on. It won't even be a contest if everyone's classes are tailored to the individual. "Okay when it becomes easier we will bring this to the masses until then only the inner circle and maybe the 4 Generals will receive a new class but they have to farm their own orbs." Draven said to AL in his mind.

It was becoming dark outside as the sun began to set and Draven hadn't slept since the day before. He didn't become physically tired anymore it was more of a mental stress that he wanted to relieve. "I'm heading to bed then," Draven said as he waved to his Dad leaving him to talk with the rest of the crowd that had questions about his class change. Draven then took a moment to fly up into the sky and check on the Deserter situation. He saw many making makeshift tents outside the gate. Some even built their tents directly on the path in front of the entrance. He would leave it be for tonight but he would send someone to clear that up first thing in the morning. he didn't care if they kept to the sides but he wouldn't have his citizens be required to tiptoe around their living area to get in and out of Town. 

Draven then flew towards the town hall and after a quick shower, he laid down in his bed.

<Draven 228 looking through your stats I see you still have Attribute Points to spend. feel a need ask why that is? Your intelligence stat is also incredibly low for someone of the Djinn Race our greatest weapon massive pool mana and overall intelligence.>

"I haven't had a need yet nor do I feel lacking in any way so I have been saving them until i have a better picture of how my build should look like. I don't want to misplace my stats only to discover later on that I did everything wrong. I only spent the points in spirit to prevent the Lich from being able to read my mind. If not for that encounter I would still have those points as well."

< I see... I'm not sure if you have noticed but with each rank the amount of Attribute Points gained multiplies. Once you reach Silver Rank each level will give you more attributes then what you currently have saved up so at these lower levels it is pointless to save them. I would at least advise you to not save more than 50 points for an emergency if you feel that it is necessary to do so. The more intelligence you have the easier it will become to understand and learn magic so it is a very important stat for Djinn's.>

"Are you trying to politely say that I am dumb AL?" Draven asked.

<More or less>

"Pfft Alright, I haven't touched intelligence at all yet and I didn't think it would actually make me smarter or help me with learning magic so why not?" Draven said as he placed 150 points into Intelligence. Suddenly a large wave of mana started to burst through the pores of his skin and from between his scales. The wave of mana was so strong it knocked over everything in his room and he could see the physical form of mana surrounding his body. Draven took a moment to closely study the mana shooting through his body. This must be due to my body suddenly having to hold many times more mana than it was used to forcing the mana out of my body until it can adjust and adapt to my new mana pool. 

<That is correct Draven I'm glad to see that you are capable of answering your own questions now. Not worry already helping body adapt its new mana pool. The surge should stop shortly.>

"Pfft Smartass," Draven said as he looked at his new mana pool.

Mana: 129,500/129,500

"What the Fuck AL! What is my multiplier at now?" Draven asked in bewilderment. 

<Currently 70 at 7% Djinn you have a multiplier of on your base mana. This amount mana is insignificant don't even enough to teleport yourself another world with that amount. You will need several times in the future. So please do not neglect Intelligence stat.>

"So even this amount is nothing compared to what I will have in the future? That seems so unreal I feel so powerful right now." Draven held his hand out and formed a globe of water. "I see so many different possibilities now," he said looking intensely at the water. "By forcing the atoms in the water to vibrate much slower it will drop in temperature until it freezes," he said. He was now holding a smaller globe made of ice.

<Good job you discovered Ice Magic all on your own> 

"You can stop patronizing me now AL. I get it, I was dumb before. I should have increased my intelligence stat a lot sooner."

<So long you are aware of your mistake. I am honestly impressed survived this long.>

Draven ignored AL and focused on the Ice Globe in his hand and started to make the atoms vibrate faster again melting the ice turning it back into water and then it began to boil until it turned into steam. "Wow, I didn't even need to Dual Cast to make this happen."

<Yes and you were so proud of yourself when did it too. You even gave that attack its own special name. Back in my day, the youngins used Dual casting to form greater complex elements like combining Dark Magic Space create a Void Spell. It is typically an understanding higher tier magic are trying learn.>

Draven was getting a headache. AL was roasting him and he couldn't argue against it. Since he now also thought that was really dumb and a waste of mana. His Mana Surge had subsided now and he felt like his usual self again so he hopped back into bed. He made sure to clean the place up with psionic magic before falling asleep.

Jennifer POV

Jennifer and the still unnamed gang were currently camping outside with a large group of people from their respective Novice Villages. The beginning was rough no one seemed to listen or care about any of the benefits they could offer. This was due to them either not believing they could do what they had promised, not trusting them to stab them in the back after leaving the village, or not believing that they controlled the only Iron Town in the area. But after an entire day, They were finally able to convince the majority of the town to come along. The most convincing words came from Celine when she said:

"Fine but if you can't pay the fines to enter Ironforge later on you will all die or stay level 10 forever. Our leader does not play games you either accept his generosity when he offers it or it's off the table. Don't come crying to us when you hit level 11 and have nowhere to go and have to sleep outside the barrier with the monsters every night. Our Leader survived an entire month out there by himself from level 0. He won't show sympathy for you if you reject his offer and come crying later." Celine played the FOMO (Fear of Missing out) card and it worked. People started asking what the cost of entering was. Celine simply shrugged her shoulders "I don't know it will probably depend on how many available slots there are as only a certain number of people can live inside the town. Another group is recruiting in the Novice village next to you guys as well, so who knows if all of you will even fit in if they start heading out first." She said with a smirk on her face. She knew that with enough resources Draven could increase the amount of people that could live inside Ironforge but they didn't need to know that. 

Not only were the majority on board to leave but they wanted to leave as soon as possible as many were hovering between the levels of 7 and 10 and they knew they would have to move soon and needed to secure a spot before it was too late.

After asking if they could leave tomorrow at noon Celine simply nodded. "Yeah, that's fine whenever you guys are ready. I look forward to taking a hot shower again so the sooner the better." After hearing Ironforge had hot showers and a bathhouse they nearly lost their mind and moved the time from noon to morning. The next day nearly the entire Village was there leaving only a few hundred who were sceptical and thought they were all going to die by believing their words. They brought many carriages filled with goods and even some livestock so the 1 and a half day walk would turn into almost three. The gang was killing monsters every chance they got on the way and started to level up as well. They were all unbeknownst to them around level 13 now. 

This was the second day of their travel and they should arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon if nothing got in the way. "I wish Draven was here he could just snap his fingers and we could fly home," Ross said as he took a large bite of grilled boar meat. "I can't believe you of all people miss the Flying Brick," Jennifer said laughing as she remembered him hugging the ground the first time he flew. "Yeah, but that was a short time of anxiety to deal with for traveling a long distance quickly. And the Flying Brick has gotten way better since the first one." He said adamantly. 

They all had to admit adding the seats made a huge difference. They continued to chat and eat until a man came running from the wooded area screaming "Help! There are so... ughhh." He was caught off due to a sword piercing through his abdomen. Many glass vials were thrown and broke on impact with the ground. After the vials shattered a cloud of green surrounded the area causing people who were caught in it to fall limp to the ground. "Get 'em, boys!" A man called from behind the cover of the trees as several men came running into the large group convoy of novice villagers. Several got stuck and were unable to move. Celine Smiled as she pulled on her web. 10 men died instantly as the web that was similar to steel wire sliced through their bodies like butter. She then vanished from where she sat and began to sneak around backstabbing whoever she came across with her elongated and sharp fingers. Greg and Ross stood front and center and were dealing with the onslaught of what seemed like a large group of bandits. 

Rachel started letting arrows fly and even managed to pierce through a vial of the gas before it was thrown causing casualties from the enemy's side. Jennifer summoned large fireballs that took entire groups out at once. while she was distracted casting another spell an arrow came flying toward her piercing her head and continued flying through the air behind her not causing any damage. She then dispersed the illusion copy of herself and made a new one before hiding away again. May was doing her best to heal the people that were poisoned. Her Purify spell seemed to be helping but even though her mana pool had increased even more so when she rooted herself into the ground. She still did not have enough mana to cure everyone and who knows what kind of injuries her friends were going to have shortly. She had to make several hard decisions on who she decided to help and who she was going to possibly let die. 

More and more vials of toxic gas were being tossed into the fight they needed to end this quickly or they were going to be in trouble. "Get your heads out of your asses and fight back people!" Greg yelled out. "We greatly outnumber them, Fucking defend yourselves!" He continued to yell. Many of the villagers snapped out of their shocked states and started tossing out their own spells. The bandits were at a higher level than the average person in the caravan but that didn't mean they wouldn't get hurt by a bunch of weaker spells from a bunch of people. The level gap couldn't be that large since Jennifer and her group were killing them easily enough. Seeing the tide slowly shift in their Favor a man appeared and threw more vials but these caused a large fog to appear. "Retreat!" The man called out. Jennifer tossed another Fireball where she had last seen the man standing hoping to kill the leader. 

"Such a slow attack can't reach me little Fox. Make sure to give Draven my regards I'll be back with more lost ones. After I take that town of his I will humiliate him and his father until I'm satisfied and then string up their bodies for the world to see. Tell him the Alchemist has returned."

Without another word, he disappeared along with the bandits. A few hundred people had died due to the poison. May had saved roughly 50 herself, she prioritized the young and the strong-looking ones. She didn't know how else to decide. There were other healers but most of them hadn't learned the Purify skill yet and if they did were only able to cast 5 or so times before running out of mana. She kept casting while rooted to recover faster but eventually, she was on the brink of passing out and had to stop. 

"Who the Fuck is the Alchemist? and what is his beef with us?" Rachel asked the group angrily and confused. "It's probably Raymond. Draven wasn't able to find him after he escaped. Seeing he was an alchemist I can't imagine it being anyone else." Greg said with a grim expression. "But if he is dumb enough to attack Ironforge he has another thing coming Draven will destroy that group without breaking a sweat," Celine said without a hint of doubt in her voice. "Let's hope so that guy plays dirty who knows what kind of poisons he can make now," May said looking at all the dead that died of his poison. "Let's just hurry back and let Draven know he will know what to do next it's not like we can chase after them with the caravan anyway. We need to get these people to safety first," Jennifer said as she led the group back on the path toward Ironforge.