
The Fight (3)

Will and co headed off to the missions hall it was quite empty as most students were having classes at the time. Students who had masters did not have to go to class, their education in the academy was completely dependent on their masters. These students were usually behind others in finishing the syllabus but were stronger than everyone else, they had a lot more freedom too.

Ten people were sitting in front of computers when they entered the hall and went to the first year's section. They went towards one man who looked at them with annoyance when he saw them approaching him. "Welcome to the missions hall, would you like to view the missions available to you today?", the man asked lazily. " Yes please", Will answered enthusiastically.

The attendant began typing something and thought to himself, "These first years are one of the most annoying I've encountered, so many are going out for missions this early on in their stay". He soon sent them all files on their wristbands. "Look carefully and pick a mission you can complete or it could cost you your lives". The attendant's warning was barely heard as they were completely focused on the files they had received.

"After seeing the real world that excitement dies down pretty soon", saying this he lazily took a tablet and started reading some news. "So what should we pick then?", Aliah asked. "We have to decide wisely because it can't be too long, far or dangerous but it can't be too safe and easy, right guys?" The guys in question were looking at a certain mission and were already making plans for it. They realised that they had an extra person with them, so Connor began to explain.

" This is a mission in the Konjir Mountains which is only a two-hour plane ride away, the mission is to kill a troop of Skull monkeys and the troop leader is only at the Novice rank so it's relatively safe and since the monkeys have been raiding and hoarding for months, they have amassed a pretty decent stash of resources". With this explanation, Connor sounded more like a salesperson talking about his product than someone talking about a mission involving the extermination of a band of robbing monkeys.

This however convinced Aliah who asked about their departure time without hesitation. "One week ", Will answered, "I need to tell Master Khrone about it but he's on a mission so we'd have to wait". They discussed the other aspects of the mission and headed back to their training.

In a mountain range

Ento, Vince and Khrone stood together looking down at Vince's base. "It's quite well hidden, and those trucks are probably for moving in case you do get found no wonder your whereabouts are always a mystery", Khrone muttered. "Anyway get that thing out for me then and get your people out too, I don't want anyone caught in the crossfire of the fight".

Ento left first and started the evacuation, "It's a code red, we've been compromised, everyone gets out NOW! " he made it seem real and managed to get all the people and important equipment away in about ten minutes. It was now Ento's turn, he went through the secret passages, "Master we are in a lot of trouble, purposes location has been compromised, we need to leave now". "Don't fear, man.... I'll kill", the monster said slowly. It seemed he still wasn't good at speaking, the beast stood up and left the shadows, "Show the strong one". Vince led the beast to "the strongest of the attackers", who was Khrone.

To make the whole thing really, Khrone made about a dozen weak clones to destroy the base but recalled them upon noticing Vince's return.

"Master, I'll leave and go help the men escape", Vince said. "Go we need men for our fights", the beast said nonchalantly. Vince smirked and run away from the vicinity, and then Khrone appeared before the beast. "One shot", he uttered these words and the beast suddenly got struck by a bolt of lightning sending it flying off into the distance but Khrone did not just let it go, he flew after it and unleashed a punch so devastating that it could blast open the doors of a nuclear bunker but he did not account for the beast's adaptation rate.

The beast had gotten used to Khrone's speed from the first attack and tried to twist its body in midair to dodge but it wasn't fast enough, the punch still connected sending it flying into a waterfall. Khrone floated in the air and squinted his eyes. "That thing still didn't die, this is going to be troublesome". The beast emerged from the bottom of the waterfall with only one arm and glared at Khrone before it released an enraged roar, it looked at its shoulder where its left arm used to be expectingly but when nothing happened it said in shock, "Not healing" and looked back at Khrone. It seemed the fight was only just beginning.

Seeing the gravity of his current situation, Khrone didn't intend to drag the fight any longer, he began to unleash a barrage of punches sending him and the beast tunnelling through a cave he had just created when the beast suddenly caught his fist then threw him out of the cave and crashing into the trees. Khrone's slick hair was now dishevelled and the look on his face was very grim when one word came into his mind, "Solitary". Instead of strengthening the beat by attacking it again, he ran towards Grand Eagle City with the beast hot on his tail. He stopped a distance away to make sure that no one got caught in the crossfire but close enough to attract Solitary's attention.

The beast upon seeing Khrone stopping probably thought he had given up and grinned saying, "Even a strong human, so weak", before letting out a sound which could be called laughter. Khrone just looked at it and decided to stop holding back and took out a huge sword, channelling a large amount of lightning and natural energy in it. The beast sensing the danger from Khrone's aura decided to kill him while he was charging up the move but it didn't take two things into account. One was that his opponent needed only three seconds to charge the skill and secondly, the opponent could have help.

The beast got very close to Khrone and then suddenly froze in the air, the old man smiled and thought to himself again," Solitary" then he slashed the blade. Time suddenly started working properly again but this time the beast and its head were in different directions. Solitary appeared beside Khrone and shook his head, "I know you could have done this in some seconds but you got playful as usual". Khrone smiled lightly and just picked up the body leaving the head there, "I'll run some tests you do too and we'll share our findings then left the vicinity completely. Solitary looked at him flying off and chuckled before picking up the head and disappearing.

The grave danger had been averted but was this the last time?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Dizzy069creators' thoughts