
The Fight (2)

Some people want to know more about the situation of the earth now so here it is.

Let's learn a bit more about the current situation of the earth. Wars fought in the past destroyed many continents and have left the earth quite empty in terms of people that is. There are no continents only countries, 25 of them to be exact, seven of which are controlled by the four great families(Including the one the mc lives in). These will be delved into later. Africans, Balkans, Americans, Polynesians, Eastern Asians, Western Europeans. These are the only races left mainly due to their large population but other races are mixed in there, I'm not too good at world-building but I'll try my best. Back to business.

Due to the threat posed by monsters, human settlements are scattered and ruled by the vassals of the great families or deacons of academies (yes Permora isn't the only one). This is for cities alone, the towns and villages surrounding the cities have their leaders appointed from the city whose jurisdiction they are under. Vince and Ento were in Grand Eagle City which was ruled by a grandmaster named Solitary. Solitary was from the same generation as Khrone and was even slightly older.

He was a hermit who hates to be disturbed, he had no affiliation to any power and ruled like a dictator, oppressing all those against him but he made his city very fair for all those in it so though his people feared him they adored him at the same time. Vince and Ento entered the city very easily after a routine inspection the guards here were very professional and mistreated no one. A merchant who tried to bribe his way in after having a banned weapon on him was quickly arrested. "You see Ento", Vince whispered to his friend, "this is what I want to achieve with the families out of the way a peaceful world where no one is above the laws". The two went into a little cafe and sat down after ordering three coffees, sat there and chatted for a while when a person sat at their table without anyone noticing. "Greetings Lord Khrone", Ento said with respect. "Hello Ento, you haven't changed a bit still following this guy around but then again without you, he'd be dead by now". "Beautiful words to say for our first conversation in years", Vince said taking a sip of his coffee. "We are not having a conversation, Ento and I are", Khrone retorted, "now I heard you needed help, what could be so dangerous that you put your pride aside to ask for my assistance?" Vince looked left and right, then wrote on a paper, "humanoid monster".

At that very moment, the whole place became quiet and they found themselves in a white space. " Khrone", Vince said with suspicion. "It's not me you fool, Khrone spoke with annoyance in his voice, "it's Solitary and he's been watching you two from the moment you got into the city but his attention got piqued when I joined you, isn't that right old man?" The paper Vince wrote on suddenly flew away and was caught by a hand, a body soon followed the hand. "Khrone, to be meeting the cult's leaders in my territory are you trying to get me involved in your matters?

A dignified-looking old man appeared from the void, he was dressed like a monk but had a lot of hair. "Solitary, the fact that you let us here is already quite suspicious don't you think?" Solitary just smiled in response and looked at the paper, "The last time we saw one of these it caused a lot of trouble but I take it you told Khrone because this one is weaker, right?" "Yes Lord Solitary", Ento said, "the monster is slightly weaker than a grandmaster but he has a strange ability which makes us unable to settle this ourselves."

"Well cult leader, you've been very quiet today", Solitary said, "what is this ability that you had to get both Khrone and I involved in this?" Vince looked at Khrone and the man nodded, "That thing can get stronger during battles, he gets injured and when he heals, he grows progressively stronger to a level that whatever caused him harm is no longer an issue for him so I deduced that the only way to kill him is to get him in one shot".

"Good deduction but there's one thing you didn't consider, Mr Cultist leader, did you consider what would happen if we decided not to help you, after all, such a mission would be dangerous and we could die at any moment, why then would we risk our lives to fight that thing". Vince's face paled, he had truly not planned for what would happen if they did not accept to work with him, he had expected them to selflessly agree.

"But you need not worry I won't interfere in your fight but if I get close to my city then I will naturally defend it", saying this Solitary disappeared and so did the white space. They found themselves back in the cafe and though a lot of time had passed, no one noticed that they had even left, this was the power of the Lord of Grand Eagle City. "Well boys we don't have all the time in the world, let's go take care of that thing.

At Permora, Will met with Aliah and Connor. He thought he looked like a bum but his friends seemed like they were having just as hard a time as him. They also seemed to have been told to continue with their training at all times just like him who was reading a book on all the possible uses of the gravity manipulation ability. Connor was constantly creating and extinguishing a small fire in his palm, Aliah was weird, she kept trying to use pebbles to hit flying insects to 'compare their reaction speeds'.

Despite all this, they still had a good time talking and relaxing near a cliff eating ice cream. They were talking when Connor suddenly shouted, "I know how we can train together, we'll form a team and go out on a mission". Will and Aliah smiled and almost tripped over themselves running to the missions hall not knowing what they were about to get into.