
School Days (2)

Krone was just about to speak when some students abruptly rushed into the hall, for some reason they were late and he was not having it. Before anyone could react they all to their knees and seemed to be in pain but there seemed to be no reason for that to happen. Krone just calmly said, "That is just one of the uses of natural energy" before he released the pressure he had placed on them.

They panted heavily and had looks of fear on their faces. Mike looked at them in disdain and told them to run four laps around the hall which would be roughly one kilometer though unwilling, they read the mood and decided against arguing. Mike turned his attention to the rest of the students and said, "Now the rest of you listen to Lord Krone". Krone sighed once more and looked at the crowd before going on, "As I already said that was just one use of natural energy. Now I understand your happiness but you should understand that this is a school for warriors, not a daycare. Your opinions do not matter, your rights no one cares. All we care about is creating warriors, nothing more and nothing less. If you read the messages sent to you, you would know that in a month you have a test where you will need to survive without ANY of your abilities and natural energy would be your only option but most of you were sleeping, celebrating, partying. Do you not value your lives?"

Mike put his hand on Krone's shoulder as a signal to tell him to calm down. He also began a rant of his own, "Listen up freshers, though some of you were not involved, you will still be implicated. From today onwards, your physical training will be doubled, you will have more practical lessons than any of the recent batches, your curfews will be more strictly enforced and the expectations we have of you in inter-school competitions will be increased, this will be your punishment for your mistakes. You can all leave"

The students slowly left the hall, leaving the two men alone. "Sigh these children are just too comfortable for their good". Mike nodded in agreement to Krone's words. Their predecessors had died to create peace not knowing it would make them blind to the dangers around them. The two stood in silence for a while before Khrone abruptly said Mike, the name Khrone is a title so you do not have to call me lord or anything, just Khrone is enough. Mike seemed confused but he just accepted it, "Understood Lor-Khrone … wait we forgot to say the top twenty students won't participate. The older man smiled slyly, "I forgot nothing and decided to give them a little push.

Meanwhile, the students marched out unhappily, grumbling about how unfair the academy was to them. A select few who understood the importance of training went back to try to recover their lost time. On his way back after leaving Aliah and Connor to buy some food, Will heard some strange sounds and after following the sounds, he found the source, some people had ganged up on another student and were beating her up on the orders of another girl. The person being beaten was crying and thought to herself, "Do I have to do this?", as her eyes turned red but suddenly a force from nowhere pushed them away and a person began to attack them, it was Will and he refused to allow that to happen, he held back a lot but still managed to take them down. He quickly moved to the girl sobbing on the floor who moved away from him while covering her eyes and feeling around for her glasses, being unaware of what to do, he brought her glasses close to her and put the sandwich he bought close to it then left.

She quickly found her glasses and put them on, the bruises from the beating were already healing. She sat there thinking about what would happen if she lost control then suddenly she smelt something and saw the sandwich, she picked it up and looked in their direction Will went and seeing his back she blushed then left after looking around. She went straight to her room and then called someone.

That evening as the principal was completing some paperwork, a man suddenly appeared in his office and said, "Some people have harmed my lady" but a sigh was all he received. The man turned around and said, I won't make a mess" and then he disappeared. The next day all those involved in the bullying were found dead and a cult member was also captured so everyone assumed it was the cult member but Will recognized the people and wondered about the girl's background. Of course, the principal and the other higher-ups knew the truth and they were even discussing it in every situation.

"We cannot allow them to trample over us, they may be Blasters but this is our campus there are limits" "For once I agree with Alicia, Karl said, after all, we are strong enough to deal with them". Jacob another elder in the academy gave his input, "Yes we can deal with them but is it worth it? The Blasters are a part of the families' conjoined army if we deal with them, the army and the families will be on our tails and we definitely can't deal with them all along with our other enemies". The principal stopped rubbing his temples, sighed and made his decision, "We'll sit back and observe", these words caused an uproar among all those there, "but if any of them no matter who they are tries to walk over my academy then blood shall flow. His words caused a shiver to go down the spines of all those present as they all knew the strength of their principal. The principal smiled knowing his plan had worked and all the people present had their morale lifted but one person looked unhappy. "Khay is there a problem with my decision?", everyone turned to look at him and realized that he did look unhappy. Khay laughed awkwardly before speaking. "I have no problems with your decision but should we consider antagonizing the families? Bah, Karl loudly interrupted." weirdly, the one with ties with the families is the one opposing us in our fight with them isn't it, Master Khay?" The atmosphere became tense once more