
Permora (3)

The shock was written all over their faces after hearing Mike's words, they were in a state of shock due to finding out that even without the obstacles Mike mentioned the best among them only got fifty-seven percent. "Now is not the time for you to lose hope", Mike said, "after I am nowhere near done". "If you factor in all I just told you then your chances will decrease by twenty-five percent so those of you whose chances were already below twenty -five, I 'm sure you understand what this means for you and of course, the fact that some of you will not pass our entrance exam has also not been factored so I am sure you now completely understand how little your chances of becoming Grandmasters are but then, of course, there are cases of people who do not fit into our categories so let's see how many of those freaks will come from your batch". "Oh and also all those accompanying the prospective students should leave now". After saying these words he just disappeared Bjorn and the other adults bade their wards farewell and quickly left almost as if they were being chased away. The very moment the last adult left, the ground beneath them split open and they all fell into a raging underground stream while they stabilized themselves to find any land to get on they heard an alluring female voice that said, "The path to the academy is in a straight line from where you are all you have to do is get there in at least a week and any mutated beasts you kill get you extra points so basically kill the beasts or be killed, bye". After she was done the rushing of the stream once more became the only sound one could here, due to their enhanced bodies almost everyone had gotten onto dry land when someone shouted, "Where's Eli"? Everyone turned to look at the one who said this but was attracted to the red puddle behind him and instantly understood that there was a monster in the water. The one who shouted suddenly flew into the air and a mouth closed over him and entered the water again with a splash sending chills down the spines of those who hadn't gotten out of the water yet but didn't have the time to stop and calm down as they realized more students were being eaten at an alarming rate. The large fish-type beast was just about to devour one more student when a log suddenly stabbed its eye causing it to let out a shrill ear-piercing shriek. Everyone turned to look in the direction it came from and saw Aliah standing on a rock with an outstretched hand and Connor standing near her carrying three more of such logs as if they weighed nothing. Using the fact that the beast was distracted Will, who was still in the water got close enough to unleash a devastating lightning blast at it which was made worse by the water they were in. Will then jumped to his friends' side and fist-bumped Connor then the trio left the others to their fates and dashed off towards the academy and the other students followed their lead leaving the fish-type beast alone in the water in pain. The trio had just gone a few miles ahead when they found a flock of Purple-clawed hawks, a kind of predatory bird with a wingspan of 12 feet and a height of sixty inches that kills and hunts with its poisonous talons. This flock was circling and attacking some other test takers, the trio thinking about the points they could get started attacking them. Connor started to throw flames at them, Aliah was slowing down their movements making it easier for everyone else to hit them and Will was making them fall to the ground by increasing the gravity around them and finishing them off with blasts of lightning. The other test takers looked at the trio in absolute shock as just these three were killing so many beasts when so many of them were struggling to just defend themselves from the birds' 360-degree attack. In about five minutes all the birds had been killed then one of the people said, "Hey those are the guys with over fifty percent chances of becoming Grandmasters". The rest of them looked at the trio like a group of star-struck fans looking at their favorite idols not wanting to draw too much attention from being in such a large group, the trio left after giving the other test takers some tips on how to survive without any help.

Some distance away

A light-skinned boy and his spear were covered in blood - of course, one could tell it wasn't his as he was surrounded by the corpses of a dozen flame-type wolf beasts called Infernus lupus. Facing him was a large version of these wolves which seemed to be their leader and it wasn't happy to have its pack killed right before its eyes. It howled into the sky and charged at the boy who took a defensive stance with his spear and looked at the beast with determination in his eyes.

At a different location

A pale pink-haired girl with a creepy smile who seemed to be a mental enhancer was leading a large group of beasts to their deaths by using illusions to make them walk into a large ditch filled with "borrowed" weapons from other students and some women who seemed to be her bodyguards. Some students looked at her in fear and awe but immediately run when they saw her smile. She gazed at the retreating figures sadly and said to herself, "Why don't they want to be friends when I had such a friendly smile".

Somewhere else near a swamp

Two people were beating the living daylights out of a group of crocodile type beasts one was using a sword and the other a pair of gauntlets. The boy with the gauntlets kills a beast creeping up on the other guy and the other guy stabs a beast pouncing towards the gauntlet-wearing boy the both harrumph at each other and continue finishing off all the other beasts.

Four people had been mentioned. They were the descendants of the four great families aspiring to join Permora