
Mystery Woman

Solitary took the head to the scientists in his city to gather some information, seeing him the scientists began fawning because he was the lord of their city and their sole funder. "All of you scram", a man said dispersing the people around Solitary. The man and a woman just came out of an office, they were the chief scientists of Solitary's research facility. "Lord Solitary welcome, I believe you didn't come just to pay us a visit", the man said.

" I like your straightforward attitude, Chris, it makes things easier". Solitary turned to the woman, "And Georgia you're as quiet as always". She nodded," This magnifies my efficiency by 7.4 per cent". Solitary laughed it seemed he was used to her answer.

They went to a laboratory and Solitary put the head on the work table. The scientists gasped and became silent, after all, a humanoid monster had only appeared once in history and right in front of them was the head of a second one. Solitary looked at them and softly said, "You are the only ones I can trust in this facility, find out anything that you can and report to me".

He left them standing there, still stunned. When he got to the door he stopped and said, "Try to keep this as hidden as you can or else even in this city I will be unable to help you". Before he got a chance to leave, Georgia stopped him, "The only ones capable of harming us here would be one of the great families, right?" The old man smiled and said, "If you call a dog by its name it will appear".

With that, Solitary left them to their work. He went to a house in the forest outside the city. It was a two-storey wooden cabin hidden in the depths of the woods, a large bear was sleeping nearby. That was the best way to keep beasts away, the old man had tamed the overlord of all the beasts in these woods so the beasts would avoid its territory making this the safest place. The bear opened an eye and went back to sleep seeing who it was.

Solitary sat in a lazy chair outside and enjoyed the sounds of nature around him. True to his name the old man enjoyed his own company surrounded by nature and all its beauty and uniqueness, a bird flew by and pooped close to the bear causing it to roar and run away to who knows where. The old man got up and went into the house, so maybe he didn't like all of nature's uniqueness.

Khrone got to Permora and saw Will still training, he nodded and smiled in satisfaction. He went to a dojo where Karl was beating or as he'd say training some students. At this moment, they were looking more like prisoners than future warriors of humanity. Karl had extreme training methods when it came to physical activities but they were very effective so nobody complained publicly. Seeing Khrone, Karl stopped and hurried to the man, "Master Khrone, it's an honour to have you here". The students were all shocked to see Karl being so nice to anyone at all.

Khrone and Karl went outside the dojo to talk. Khrone had come to see Karl because, despite his crude and rash nature, he was a brilliant scientist. They went to a lab where Khrone dumped the body on a table, seeing the body Karl was speechless. "Is that....a....uh...what I think it is?" Khrone ignored the question and chained the limbs. "Try to keep this as quiet as possible till we have enough information about it". Karl was still shocked, "You want me to extract info from this thing quietly?", Khrone smiled in response and left to give his student a surprise.

Will was training shirtless with a glaive when a woman suddenly appeared from behind his house. During the time he had spent on this hill, nobody else had set foot there yet a woman suddenly appeared. She was very beautiful maybe even too beautiful, her looks could probably cause the closest of brothers to become enemies. at this moment, the look she was giving Will was very strange, she looked at him like he'd just committed a serious crime which deserved punishment. "What are you doing here boy? This place is not just for anyone to roam as they like". Will looked at the woman like she had just said the stupidest thing ever, "I'm Master Khrone's newest disciple, Will Quezi".

"Fine then, Will Quezi, I am Valaria Grant and I'll test you for your master". The woman ran towards him pulling a pair of batons out of nowhere and began to attack Will. Her attacks were quick and dangerous, she attacked Will to seriously injure him. Will was struggling to fight back in the beginning but he was slowly getting used to her attacks. Noticing this she infused lightning into the batons increasing their speed and impact strength.

Will did the same thing but she was still completely outclassing him. "You are quite strong for your age but I don't think Khrone has trained you", she slammed one baton into his stomach and swung the other one against his chest sending him flying like a baseball.

The pain was too intense for Will and it almost knocked him out but he bit his tongue and slowed down his fall by manipulating the gravity around him Valaria was not ready to give him a break, she pummelled him into the ground. She controlled her strength so he didn't get injured a lot but he was in a lot of pain. Will screamed and began attacking her he was showing no mercy and going for all her vitals in an automated manner.

His glaive was covered in both natural energy and lightning. He restricted her movements by manipulating the gravity around her, she was only surviving because her actual strength was higher than hers. As the fight was going on Will's lightning started changing from blue to purple and became increasingly powerful. Will quickly got the upper hand and slammed the glaive into her side, he was about to finish her off when he fainted.

Who is this woman and what is she doing here?

Why is Will's lightning changing colour and how did he get strong enough to beat her?

This will be the last chapter for the next 10 weeks or so cause I'm going back to secondary school. Thank you for your support, votes, power stones and 2000 views on all websites, really appreciate it. Goodbye for now. Dizzy will be back