

Will, Connor, and Aliah looked at the mantis covered in blood and shivered in fear, though it was much smaller than the one George's fighting, it still looked very large, they looked at the beast surprised there was a second one and were scared because it was blocking their only escape route. "Will take Aliah and run through the window and jump down. It's not high enough to hurt you if you're careful, I'll distract this thing and buy you some time". Connor said and picked up an iron rod from the ground and held it like a polearm."No if we go down it will be together". Will told him and he along with Aliah took fighting stances. The mantis looked up at them then instantly disappeared and appeared in front of Will and slashed at his chest, he tried to dodge but was still hit. His shirt tore and blood gushed, the blood touched Connor's face and he went berserk. He screamed and two large wings forced their way out of his back and he began to fly, he pointed to the mantis, and some feathers shot at the beast.

At the same time, Will who was lying on the ground saw himself swimming but there was no water around him, he felt the urge to swim upwards. He moved upwards then suddenly got hit by a bolt of lightning but it strangely didn't harm him so he continued to swim upwards for some time and abruptly woke up then lifted his hand towards the mantis and it suddenly stopped and a rod pierced through its abdomen and both boys looked at Aliah to see her irises and hair turn white. The mantis screamed in pain and looked at the trio with hatred and started to glow crimson red. It also seemed to get bigger then let out a terrifying scream. The trio looked at it in horror, they had used all their energy in their awakening only for it to just get angrier. It looked at Aliah and slowly walked towards her while releasing an aura that locked them all in place, as it got to her it opened its mouth ignoring the screams of the boys then as if time stops, everything seems to freeze... then it explodes, seeing it die the adrenaline rush in the trio stops then they all faint.

The man who rushed to Blue Tiger town buried the inhabitants in one grave but buried George in a separate one. "George, if only you had stayed you'd probably be as strong as me even with one arm but I guess this town means so much to ... you ". He stopped talking and looked in the direction of the mayor's house, picked up a pebble, and threw it. It traveled through houses before hitting the beast which caused it to explode. He presses a button on his watch and says mission complete and disappears, reappearing in front of the children.

Sometime Later

Will woke up, in a tent fixed on a giant bird, and saw Connor and Aliah next to the man who saved them, the man turned and said, " I am Bjorn Hans, an old friend of your....late father. Hearing that George died, Will blanked out for some minutes then turned to Bjorn and asked "So, where are you taking us". "Umm, you'll be living at my house for six months and meet year you'll be going to Permora Academy ", Bjorn answered. "Wait Permora? Connor said, "As in the grand academy of humans". " The haven of warriors ? Aliah continued. "Yes the one and only Permora Academy - "But" Will interrupted " Isn't Permora for the most elite young awakeners while we don't even know what our abilities are". Hearing this Bjorn smiled and said, "Don't worry about that".

Sometime later

They arrived at a large house where about 25 people were running around and training under one man, a tall and lazy-looking fellow with glasses. The man smiled but quickly frowned when he saw the children," Oi Bjorn are you bringing more kids? You know I can't teach anymore" "Hahaha, Bjorn laughed, we both know you can love teaching Lance, besides these are George's children". "Wait George as in the Midnight Blaze, George Quezi ? He had kids ? " "Yeah two boys and they brought their friend too". While the two men had their conversation, the kids looked at the people training, some were sparring at very insanely impossible speeds, using their abilities and some seemed to be doing some sort of yoga. An old polished man came, showed them into the house and took them to a large room with three beds then left. The trio unpacked and slept after having a large meal because Bjorn's housekeeper, Janine, thought they were too skinny.

The next morning at 3 am, Lance barged into their room and made them run around the property which took about thirty minutes after they were done and completely awake he said lazily, "I'm Lance Alden your new trainer and I've been given the unfortunate job of having to train more people anyway since you are behind the others I'll be training you in the morning"." Now this is your routine. Firstly you'll have a thirty-minute run, then you'll spar with each other and fight some beasts for an hour which will be followed by natural energy training". "That will be your daily training. You'll be given serum zero to aid your recovery and at the end of every week you'll have a theory lesson with Mr. Bjorn and a sparring lesson with me so let's get ready.