


I know deep in my heart the woman who is meant for me.

My ideal type has always been a black haired, siren like woman. One who can lure me with her eyes alone and that's exactly what I see in Anna.

Anna is my type of beautiful but Akeelah? The plain Jane. Always in oversized clothes and smells of home.

Just thinking of her is frustrating.

Which is why I enjoy every damn minute I spend with Anna and loathes every minute I spend with Akeelah.

Going home is even a bore these days.

In front of me is Anna, with her luscious red lips, scattered hair because I've run my hands through it so many times.

"Hey babe. What are you thinking of?" She asks me, barely fluttering her eyelashes

"How beautiful you look in a hospital gown?"

"Well, I had to do something to get you out of that place with whats-her-name." Anna confesses

"And I love you for that. You're at least brave enough to do this just to see me."

"You're not mad?" Anna asks, this time obviously deliberately fluttering her eyelashes.

"Why should I?" I say and run my hands through her hair again.

"Aw. You're a darling."

"You're more of a darling than I am." I say and lean down to give her a kiss.

We look into each other's eyes for a second.

We both wanted more.

I leaned down once again and planted a much deeper kiss on her lips with my hands working it's way into her hospital gown.

Just then, the door burst open and a furious Akeelah bursts in.

What is my homebody wife doing here?


What is that bastard doing?

He's leaning in again.

Throwing all thoughts of logic and caution into the wind, I angrily kick open the door and go in.

They look startled with their hungry and flushed red faces.

"You can't even hide your selfish needs outside. What are you? A pig?" I ask him with all my feelings of hate evident in my face

"And you...you whore, how, slut, home wrecker. You're here having fun with a married man? How shameful of you..." I still planned to say more but I was cut short by Anna walking up to me.

"What could you possibly have to say for making out with another woman's husband?" I ask her, holding my ground still at boiling point.

"I have to say this." She says and slaps me.

For some reason, my anger dies.

I whip my face back to her. Even without being angry, I won't let her get away with slapping me. I raise my hands for retaliation but Andrè comes between us and pushes Anna away.

Instead of Anna now, the slap ends up on Andrè's face. He looks at me murderously and pushes me away.

I stumble but I don't fall.

I am going to leave here with all the dignity I have. I won't let these two think they won today.

I adjust my dress and turn to leave.

I open the door and stop.

"Tomorrow, the divorce letters you want so much will be on your bed. It was not nice knowing you." I say and close the door behind me.

Angrily holding all the tears that threatened to fall.

I won't be a weak woman anymore.

Those jerks are going to pay. Big time.

Even if our marriage was contractual, I expected to be treated better than he treats me. Publicly sleeping out with a mistress. A whore.

I slam the door closed behind me and stop at the hospital bathroom.

I look in the mirror for a little less than ten minutes and splash water on my face.

Aiming for my eye bags. I seem to have developed eye bags in those minutes I spent in the room.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I look much different than I did two years ago. I have added weight and have a little line above my left eyebrow.

I'm going to have my revenge, no matter what it takes me.

I leave the bathroom and leave the hospital to go back home.

Scratch that.

Mr Andrè Stilts Home to pack my things that had been scotting in his house for the past one year.

On getting to the building, I go in and go to our supposed matrimonial room to pack my things.

Thinking back to the times I spent with him, I was more sad than angry and even now, I'm more sad than angry.

Sad that I didn't make it work between us. To think I could have had a good life with him.

All those times he treated me well when I worked as a nurse. He even stood up for me from insultive patients, sent me gifts sometimes even, and he is basically my type, handsome, tall and considerate, well, used to.

I guess the past stays in the past as they say.
