
Divorced and Chased by My Alpha Billionaire Ex-Husband

Aurora Grey thought she could win her husband, Lucas Rossi's heart, even if it took years. For three long years, she endured his coldness, hoping that one day he would see her as more than just a convenient substitute. But when she reads the headlines announcing Lucas’s return to the city with his ex-girlfriend, Julia Mayhem, the truth hits her like a dagger—she never had a place in his heart. Lucas's affection had always belonged to Julia, and now that she’s back, Aurora knows her time is up. No longer willing to be the woman in the shadows, Aurora takes control of her fate. With a sharp resolve, she demands a divorce, choosing to reclaim her dignity rather than watch the man she loves cherish someone else. But Lucas Rossi isn’t a man who easily lets go of what he considers his. The moment Aurora steps out of his life, he realizes just how deeply she had entwined herself in his heart. Driven by a need to reclaim what he’s lost, Lucas tracks her down, determined to make her see that she belongs with him—and no one else.

Author_Royalmary23 · perkotaan
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37 Chs

The Greys

Amos arrived at a small, nondescript building on the outskirts of Sumturm City.

The windows were covered in grime, and the alley it sat in seemed forgotten by the world. It was the kind of place where deals were made quietly, far from prying eyes.

He stepped inside, immediately greeted by the stale smell of cigarette smoke and musty air.

The man he was meeting stood by a cluttered desk, leaning against it with a lazy smirk on his face.

"You got here fast," the man said, his voice gravelly. "I wasn't expecting you so soon."

Amos didn't respond to the remark. He wasn't here for small talk.

"You have information?" Amos asked, cutting straight to the point.

The man's smirk widened. "You could say that."

The man leaned back, crossing his arms as Amos approached. He didn't have the physical camera, but he had something better—information.

"I traced the manufacturer," the man said, his voice low.

Amos nodded, his face impassive. "Okay... who did it come from?"

The man chuckled softly as if enjoying the suspense. "I could tell you... but what's in it for me?"

Amos's eyes darkened. He wasn't in the mood for games. "You'll get paid what we agreed on. Now tell me who planted it."

The man studied Amos for a moment, clearly deciding how far he could push before things turned ugly.

Finally, he sighed, slipping his hands into his pocket.

"It's from the Greys."

Amos frowned, not believing him for a second. "The Greys? As in Hades Grey's family?"

"Exactly." The man crossed his arms, his gaze steady. "I traced the manufacturer to a company owned by them. High-end security tech, customized for private clients. They've used it before for their own surveillance."

Amos's mind raced. Hades Grey. That name had come up too often recently, especially after the auction where he'd seen Hades with Aurora.

Could it really be him?

The man leaned forward slightly, sensing Amos's doubt. "Look, I don't care if you believe me or not, but I'm telling you, this leads back to the Greys. And whoever ordered it wasn't trying to just leak some photos. They were keeping tabs on her. Around the clock."

Amos's jaw tightened as the pieces began to fall into place.

If this was Hades's doing, then it was more than just an attempt to cause chaos.

Only someone obsessed with Aurora would plant cameras to monitor her every move.

But why?

Was Hades involved with Aurora during her marriage?

The thought of Hades being romantically involved with Aurora gnawed at Amos.

It would explain a lot—the paparazzi attack, the perfectly timed leaks.

But it also raised more questions.

Why would Hades care so much about Aurora?

And if Hades was involved, what did that mean for Julia?

Amos's eyes narrowed as a darker possibility formed in his mind.

Maybe Hades didn't want Aurora and Lucas to be together, just like Julia.

Could it be that Hades had orchestrated the entire paparazzi chaos to throw Lucas off?

If that were true, Amos could use this information to his advantage.

He could let Aurora believe it was Lucas's doing, deepen the rift between them, and ensure that Aurora would never trust him again.

Amos smirked, his mind already working through the possibilities.

He could kill three birds with one stone—discredit Lucas, create chaos between Aurora and Lucas, and perhaps even get closer to controlling the situation with Hades.

All he needed to do was keep this information to himself for now.

The man in front of him snapped his fingers, breaking Amos's train of thought. "You still with me?"

Amos blinked, his expression cool and composed once more. "Yeah, I'm here."

"So, should I send the details to Lucas? You know, let him handle it?"

Amos shook his head, the smirk returning to his lips. "No. I'll tell Lucas myself."

The man raised an eyebrow. "You sure?"

"Positive," Amos said, lying smoothly. "I want to make sure it's done right."

But inwardly, he had no intention of telling Lucas anything.

This information was far too valuable to give away so easily.

He would sit on it for now, waiting for the right moment to strike. And when that moment came, he'd use it to bring everyone down, one by one.

The man raised an eyebrow, sensing that Amos wasn't quite done. "You need something else?"

"Yeah," Amos said, his tone firm but calm. "I need Hades Grey's contact info."

The man blinked, a bit caught off guard. "What for?"

Amos gave him a thin smile. "Don't worry about that. Just give me the number."

The man hesitated for a moment, then shrugged. "Alright, your business."

He rummaged through his phone, pulled up the information, and handed Amos a slip of paper with Hades Grey's number scrawled on it.

Amos took it without another word, slipping the paper into his jacket pocket.

He gave the man a curt nod and turned to leave, his mind already working through his next move.

As soon as he stepped outside, the cool air hit his face, and he pulled out his phone.

He dialled the number quickly, pacing the alley as he waited for the call to connect.

After a few rings, a low, cold voice answered.

"Hades Grey speaking."

Amos didn't waste time. "Hades, it's Amos. I know you're behind the leaked photos and the paparazzi chaos with Aurora."

There was a brief silence on the other end, and then Hades's voice came back, measured, and indifferent. "Is that so?"

"Don't play dumb," Amos growled, keeping his voice steady but laced with menace. "I've got all the information I need to expose you. Do you think you can just watch her 24/7 and no one would figure it out? The cameras, the media storm—it's all you, isn't it? Obsessing over her. I wonder what Aurora will think when she finds out."

Hades didn't respond immediately.

Amos could hear the faint sound of breathing on the other end, a slight tension in the air.

"And what do you want, Amos?" Hades finally asked, his tone icy and deliberate.

Amos smirked, feeling the shift. "Simple. You meet me. Privately. We talk, and maybe this doesn't go any further. Or I can make this very public, very fast."

Another pause, and then Hades spoke, his voice calm but edged with something darker. "Fine. I'll meet you. Name the place."

Amos's smirk widened as he rattled off a location, his mind already racing with how this meeting could unfold.

Hades had fallen into the trap, and now Amos had him right where he wanted him.

"Be there in an hour," Amos said, his voice low. "And come alone."

Before Hades could respond, Amos hung up the phone, his heart pounding with anticipation.

He walked down the alley, his steps light, knowing that this was a chance to turn everything to his advantage.

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