
Divinity Pact

Leo Rhynehart is no one special. Average strength. Average mind. No special abilities. None of the Guardians of the temples accepted him for the Blessing of the Gods. Fate intervened. Random chance altered his destiny. And a Fool's Luck is all that keeps him going. Set in the world of Aether, heroes and adventurers known as Blessed explore the dungeons of this world, collecting magic stones from the monsters within. In this world, the balance of light and dark is maintained through Guardians, the ones who test those who would be blessed, and the Fae, those outside of the mortal coil. Leo has unknowingly thrust himself into the center of this conflict, lacking power, resources or even good standing, every moment he struggles to survive. ---------------‐ First time writing on this platform. Feel free to post *constructive* notes in the chapters. If it takes off, I'll see about finding a translator for the novel from English to languages used on this platform. Adult themes, foul language and violence advisory. If you are looking for a hero who always wins, This is not your novel. Leo is below average in everything, and relies on sheer dumb luck to succeed. The story plotline will move ahead in the later chapters, and hopefully develop into a fully fleshed world with multiple characters and novels eventually.

Aaron_McLeod_1690 · Fantasi
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28 Chs

Skills and Abilities

"How did this happen?" Leo was shocked. In a few hours training, he gained boosts to his primary stats and even learned a strange ability.

Alexis smiled, "Did you think my stretching exercise was without purpose? It is a means to an end.

"There are three ways one gains an ability like Body Movement Art.

Most learn skills, spells and abilities through one on one training, or even purchasing books of magic from others. For example, your skills with the staff came about this way. Weeks of practice with Ren.

A rare few learn by imitation, following in the steps of a skilled master. This is uncommon, but not unheard of. You have been practicing the Body Movement Art, imitating my motions for weeks. You simply thought of it as a way to unwind, I imagine?" Leo nodded. "It is much more. It will allow you to train all aspects of your body, and improve your comprehension of your weapons mastery."

"And the third?"

"Those are skills one teaches oneself. The rarest type. During a breakthrough of rank, or a period of extreme emotion, a Blessed can unlock their innate talents and perform an action never heard or seen before.

"But enough of this talk. Perform the body movement. Then head to bed. We will continue training tomorrow."


The time had finally arrived. Leo was finally going to leave the small village and head to the capital. He was waiting for Alexius at the entrance to the Inn, near the town edge.

Alice, Ren and Michael each carried large rucksacks filled with belongings, food and tools for survival. Their families had provided support, clothing and tools, even the hunters in town had given them bedrolls and hide armor to aid them in their travels.

Leo stood in his borrowed clothing, a simple staff and small knife were his only possessions. His reward of a few coins for participating in the dire wolf hunt hung in a pouch around his neck. Even with his new status as Blessed, no one in town was willing to deal with him.

It was a three week journey to Lizantia. The only place to resupply was a medium sized town, Gallara, two weeks journey to the south.

Boris looked out of the inn window and frowned. "That's all the boy has? He'll starve before he even makes it to Gallara," he muttered to himself. He quickly stepped into the kitchen and issued a few orders.


"Boy. Come here."

Leo turned, and upon seeing Boris, his jaw dropped. In Boris' hands was a small rucksack, with a large pelt blanket strapped atop it.

"You can't be leaving like this. You wouldn't last a week on the road. Take it!" Without any preamble, Boris thrust the sack into his hands and walked back into then inn.

Leo stood quietly for a moment, shocked to his core. 'Did he actually just help me?' He hadn't even bothered to return to the inn since gaining the Blessing.

"Maybe I was wrong about him," Leo muttered.

"And mind you pay me back after you finish your first dungeon raid, kid!" Boris shouted from inside the inn.

"Then again, maybe not," Alice chuckled.

Alexis arrived without preamble, leading a small packhorse laden with gear. "We have two weeks travel before we reach the next town, then another three to the capital. No point standing around." Without even slowing as he passed, Alexis walked straight out of the village, heading south.


Several days of hard travel took their toll on the four young members of the party. Every morning Alexis woke them early and set off at dawn, and they walked at a brisk pace until well after the sun had set. Alexis allowed no breaks for meals, and expected them to set the camp each night. He offered no assistance to the party of four, and gave no training when requested.

"You are not apprentices anymore. I am under no obligation to assist you. If you expect aid from anyone in this world outside of your own godly family, you have to be able to pay their price. And none of you could afford my prices."

Leo's endurance flagged quickly, weaker than the others in the party, he slept on hard ground with his pelt blanket each night exhausted. But every morning, without fail, he practiced his movements.

Michael attempted to use his stealth skills to hunt and trap game, yet continually failed to bag even so much as a rabbit. His traps were laid out around the campsite each night, spending an hour each night and morning with no results. He would often scowl and snap at the others after each attempt, blaming them for his failures.

Leo, smiling, noted that with some kind of perverse luck, Michaels snares and traps were always laid a few feet away from the animal tracks. His Hunters Sight trait allowed him to easily find and track animal tracks, but he never offered assistance to Michael, as he knew Michael would never share the game. He wished he had some wire to trap for himself, but aside from some provisions, a water jug and the blanket, Boris had provided nothing else.

Two weeks to the day into the journey, the party finally arrived at Gallara.