
Divinity : I'm the power

A girl opened her eyes in front of a cave, forget about her identity but she has not aware about her powers. Her fate has being written her existence as the most powerful person of the world. How she will know her true identity and difficulties she will face. Love, betrayal, friendship, family, pain, strength.. to see all the tracks.. stay connected!

Xao_Yin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Punishment or profit

It has been so long time, Xiao Yin is living at a strange place. But as the time is passing her abilities is taking a new shape and she has increased her powers compared to the first day, she started her journey. It's a new morning after Xiao Yin has strengthened elemental power. The is being rising and the birds are chirping with that a cool breeze is blowing. Xiao Yin is going to serve the morning tea to both, the chief and the old man.

As Xiao Yin comes out of the kitchen, Chief and the old man talking on a topic suddenly goes silent.

She comes and servers the tea. First passes the cup to the Old man and than to the Chief. and as she passes the cup, Chief says, " As you have successfully completed the elemental strength gaining, you have to step into a new phas now."

Xiao Yin bows and says, " Sure master! As you order"

" Okay then be prepared and pack your essential material." Chief says

" For what, Are we going to somewhere else." she asks.

" Not we all, but only you." Chief says

" Only me, where?" Xiao Yin

" You have to spend 3 months in the forest all alone and survive by yourself. you have to master your strength, must increase your immortal level upto 200 and key gathering level upto level 50. It doesn't matter if you take more than 3 months. it's initial for you to survive 3 months in the forest and if you will not be successful in achieving the target you can't come back until you won't get that, not matter if it will take 3 months or 3 years. " - Chief

(((( Soul gathering is concerned with immortal cultivation for that a person needs to achieve level 500 and once he/ she had done it, he will be immortal and can enter in the immortal world. While key gathering also called mortal cultivation is done by the mortal human beings, in which level 111 is top level, and mortal's have to gain or hunt a beast for themselves after gaining level 11, 21, 31 ,41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 101, 111.. in this way total 11 beasts have to be attached with their souls. for that they can hunt them or the beast by his will can attach their soul. remember if someone hunt them they can only gain the half power of the beast but if beast attaches his soul by will, the power will be the exact of the beast. And the last Demons or evil cultivators has their own cultivation method called evil cultivation or dark cultivation, highest level is 500 as immortal cultivation has))))

" But master how can I survive in the forest alone and moreover without any guidance of yours, how can I'll increase my level. and after 7 months there is Arena battle for further advancement and get admission in top ranking Pavilions. If I couldn't succeed I'll have to wait 1 more year." - Xiao Yin

" It's upto you, If you will work hard and will give your best, you can definitely achieve your goal. You are almost there at Level 98 of immortal cultivation and level 33 of mortal cultivation. and as far concerned with guidance, being your own master is more important than having someone else. so you have to give your best. and if you will do that you can definitely join the Annual final Arena battle no doubt. " Chief says and stands, walks towards the edge of the Varanda looking outside the huge forest.

" Master, I'm worried that I will fail to survive." Yin says.

" You have to survive and you have not any other option. you have to face so many things in your future and may be you have to live in the forest by yourself any time, I'm just preparing you for that day. Now go and pack essential items, try to pick up less and less material so that you don't have to suffer with the heavy weight of tackling them. I hope you have gotten it well. "

This decision of Chief is little bit harsh and Xiao Yin is feeling really bad, like she hardly learnt the elemental power and now she has to go to the forest to survive by her, moreover the place is unknown and is full of beasts, no shelter, no food. All these thinking in her mind is keep going on while she is packing her luggage.

" If master has decided for me to do it, then I'll definitely do it. it's just because of him I had kept the whole strength over all elements and can protect myself then I have to respect his decision. It must be for my well life. I'll definitely do my best." Thinking of all this Xiao Yin packs her some clothes and important tools like knife and some more things, and comes out to the Chief and the Old man who are walking in the lawn.

" So you are ready to go " The old man says to her.

" Yes elder, I'm " Xiao Yin bows and answers.

Chief brings a bundle waving with a finger hanged upon one of the pillars of the cottage and hand over it to Xiao Yin.

" The bundle has some medicine, herbs and books, it will help you to survive. " Chief says

" Okay master" Xiao Yin bows to him

Chief opens a portal who will send Xiao Yin far from the hidden cottage.

" I have opened the Portal, it will send you at the deepest and farest place of the forest. You have to find suitable place for your living and will have to find water and all other food material by yourself. Remember if you will die, no one will come there to help you or to protect you, you have to save yourself by own. " Chief says.

Xiao Yin nodded her head yes and walked towards the portal and just before she was about to enter in the portal Chief says, " One last thing you have to practice to make portals too, cause you can't come back by flying or walking, you will have to come back through Portal. I have given you the book, you will have to learn and practice it by yourself. "

After hearing this Xiao Yin entres in the portal and the portal vanished.

" Do you think she can survive all alone there by herself. And what if she got killed by beasts or any other cultivators or she failed to find food and shelter for survival?"the old man asks to chief.

Chief turns back and walks towards the cottage having a smile at his face. The old man was still standing at the place where portal was, Chief turned around and says to him, " Come, don't worry. I have seen she has an another level of power and strength. it's not a big deal for her. Have you forgot when I have ordered her to collect 1000 bundles of woods, each bundle should have same size of wood in it, what she did.!"

The old man laughed, " Yeah, how can I forget, she perfectly collected those 1000 bundles and each one piece was of same size. She really used her elemental power plus mental strength to complete the task."

Chief, " That's why I have no doubt at her to sending her to the forest and spend 3 months by her own. The girl who can find alternatives for giving water to the plants and cleaning the floor, she can do anything. And most important she has to survive for herself. I have given her this task because each time I taught her techniques and lessons but she took as challenge, it's her uniqueness, because due to this she not only leant but also leveled herself up, and for those type of learning a normal student takes 3 to 4 months, she took 3 to 4 days, it's her power. And another thing, who knows she has to face what type of days in future, if she will learn this thing now, later she will not face any difficulty, cause she will be already prepared for it."

The old man - " I hope your expectations will not end and she will prove you right. let's wait for her." and both started looking towards the forest...