
Divinity : I'm the power

A girl opened her eyes in front of a cave, forget about her identity but she has not aware about her powers. Her fate has being written her existence as the most powerful person of the world. How she will know her true identity and difficulties she will face. Love, betrayal, friendship, family, pain, strength.. to see all the tracks.. stay connected!

Xao_Yin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Learning something new!


Both have reached to the Mountain Emei. The mountain has covered with the huge amount of greenery and landscapes. All over there are mountains and mountains, where a person can see and there is not any presence of human civilization, like they have reached to the ancient time when there wasn't any trace of human beings. The place Where they have been now live for next one year is not less than a heavenly place. There is a little house of about 5 to 6 rooms build at the edge of the place in the mountain. The place is at the heights, there is a little waterfall that is filling the little pond in front of the house, and the water of the pond goes straight down and the area usually get covered of mist and clouds. There is a beautiful garden of different types of flowers and plants, planted at the edges of the place. The Sun is rising straight to their eyes, and touching the mountains. A golden light spreads all around, because of that water seems like glittering and the flowers start blooming. Within few minutes the garden is full of bloomed flowers and a lots of birds and butterflies start flying around the place. Although Kunlun Mountains are the real place that can be called heaven but Emei mountains haven't less beauty too.

Chief and Xiao Yin is sitting in the Veranda. A little table on which some fruits and tea has been put. Chief says, " This is Emei Mountains and we will stay here for 1 year until your final exams will not be announced. As I'm the Chief of the academy so, I'll have to go to the academy frequently but you should have to practice whole year and not to leave the place. This place is forbidden for outer world and so many important scriptures, books, records and documents have been preserved here and if you will leave this place, it will have risk of having impeachment of people to get these any how they can. Although this place is protected with some spells too but you have to be prepared for any type of intrusion."

Xiao Yin bows to him and says, " I'll try my best, Master and I wouldn't leave the place. I'll protect it till my last breathe."

Chief smiles at her and says ," It's good for you now that you don't have to hide your real identity from anyone and remember work harder and harder so that you can reach to the maximum levels, before going to any other academy next year. You should know that as the time will pass the journey of yours will get harder and harder too and you should learn the every single thing for the development of your inner ability, power, speed and cultivation too. Lets start your teaching from now on."

Xiao Yin excitedly shakes her head in yes." Yes Master, I'm ready."

Chief - "Seeing that pond"

Xiao Yin - " Yes Master"

Chief - " You will have to bring 10 buckets daily in the garden and water the plants everyday. It's your task, even when I'm not here too. 10 buckets in the morning and 10 buckets in the evening. It's your first class. Go, do it. Then we will go further."

The excitement of the girl goes to an end with these words. But still she keeps a smile and stands up saying, " Yes Master, as you order"

It is the first day of her doing this thing, it's been about 5th round of lifting the bucket of the water and watering the plants and she has drenched and tired totally. " Take some rest" She heard of the chief but still was not sure so asked again to him what did he said, he says," Don't take rest". " Oh Okay, Master." She says and stands again. She has thought master has said her to take rest but he didn't say that..

It's her 9th round. " Come on one last more" Chief says while reading the book and taking the cup of the tea.

" Hm! Hm!" She says in a little anger and pushing the bucket in the pond. " Oh Oh Oh Oh." She says. A big splash and she falls into the pond. Chief gives an intense look towards her. " I'm doing this, I'm doing this. " She comes out of the pond and takes the bucket and gives water to plants left. She throws the bucket and takes a deep breathe while sitting on the ground. " Oh my goodness, I'm tired." and lays down, closes her eyes. She feels that somebody is there and looking at her, as she opens her eyes she sees that Chief is standing aside of her and looking at her. " This bucket you threw there is the only bucket here, and you have to give water to the plants for this next year with it. So get up it put the bucket at the right place." He says

" Oh yes yes master." She quickly stands up and take the bucket and put it to the right place.

" Come and clean and wash the whole cottage. And then go to the forest and bring out some woods to make the food and after that we will go further." Chief says.

" Only this." She says sarcastically.

" Do you think, this is less." And as chief is about to say more, she stops him and says " No No master it's enough. It's really too fine for me." And moves inside the house to complete the tasks.

It's almost afternoon, she has done all the work in quiet good manner. " Now I need a power sleep, Master." she says and goes to her room and lays on bed. Chief hasn't said any word and still reading his book. But after 15 minutes a voice comes, " It's being end of the power nap, come to start the class."

" Master! I haven't slept yet. Even I was just about to get the nap. A little more time please." she replies with crying.

"Come out quickly" he screams and the next second the girl is standing in front of the Chief. It is raining heavily.

He smiles and says, " Good girl! Lets start the first class of cultivation. Go there and sit side to the pond to cultivate."

Xiao Yin - " But master it's raining. I'll be wet. How can I"

Chief - " That's the new thing you have to learn today. As you will practice your Cultivation, try to spread your aura and then it will protect you from the cold, sunrays and as well as rain too."

Xiao Yin - " But how "

Chief stands and starts walking towards the place he said to her. But as he brings his first step out of the roof of the cottage, a type of shield appears to protect him from the rain drops. Xiao Yin gets shocked and opens she mouth in " Wow"

" Come out and sit here" He orders her

Xiao Yin takes her first step outside the cottage but she again get drenched of the raindrops. With a sad face she goes to the Chief and sit down in the cultivation position and rounds her hands and makes a mudra of power, on hand straight and second hand up to it and closes her eyes.

" Try to collect your power and release your Aura in order to protect you from raindrops."

She is struggling with rain and her inner self for about 2 hours but doesn't find any cure or strength as Chief did. She starts shivering of the cold and her hands also start moving here and there in the feeling of cold. She strengthened her mind and says to her, " It's been all day long and I am not able to learn a single technique yet, what a shame. Have courage Yin and protect yourself. " She takes a deep breathe and strengthen her hands and make easy her eyes. And as she does this, a little aura starts coming out of her. Slowly slowly it spreads all around of her and then after a minute it covers her all body. She stops feeling raindrops at her body. For a second she thinks that may be rain has stopped but she can hear the voice of raindrops falling in the ground. Now she gets that she might have learnt the technique, she opens her eyes in thrill, she looks that yes she has. But in another second the shield breaks and she can feel the raindrops again...... " What a mess " she says in sadness.