
Divine Werewolf

Own nothing besides OC’s

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17 Chs

Chapter 5: Tag

The entire pack succeeded in the mind protection, it turned out to be an inner reflection of their wolf transformation. Once they saw that and could take control of it the next steps were to build their defenses and change their thought to the sound of growling like wolves. These last steps were going to be the hardest because they have to build something within themselves and change a solid habit. It was almost to the point of telling your body when to digest food or when to blink, it was a natural thing it's hard to change habits like those. Lee was having the most trouble with it he is all brawn and no brain.

"Are yall ready for school?" Selena said with a beaming smile bouncing off the walls.

"Nooo" Lee said pouting like a little girl.

"Stop being a big baby," Justine said while rolling her eyes.

You see it has been a long time since the pack has been to school some were more excited than others, but Lee hated school given how he was found and at the age, it was no wonder he would feel that way.

"We are going to meet another set of twins at the school, tell them they have a choice to join our pack, we will kill the other two when the time is right." Hades said.

"Good lord we will have another set of twins, the world is ending," Lee said while taking a fake praying stance.

"Oh and Justine I need you to brush up on everything tech, push yourself as much as you can, "Hades said

"Okay," Justine said a little happy that she didn't have to do something physically taxing.


When they got to the school, many people were staring at them given that they are a good-looking bunch and Lee with his tattoos. They scrunched their nose a little given that they could smell a lot of horny teenagers, and the other werewolves here. But this made them realize they have not been around people their age.

They went to their respective classes and went about their day. It was smooth sailing throughout the day they even got invited to a party.

But Justine and Selena ran into Ethan and Aidan and pulled them aside.

"Heads up, we got two coming our way," Ethan said to Adian

"Follow us," Justine said to the new twins.

"Or... what"Ethan and Aidan finished each other words.

Selena and Justine flashed their eyes and said "Was not a question," they followed to a more secluded area, and the twins were about to attack when another voice spoke out.

"I wouldn't do that," Lee said from behind them while flashing his eyes. "Go ahead, Selena"

"So big brother has an offer for both of you, he is not forcing either of you so it is up to the both of you to make this choice," Selena said

"ugh, you are taking too long. Ethan and Aidan you both can join our pack, Selena, said the choice is up to the both of you just know that it will get destroyed soon anyway so find Hades when you get the answer unless you both want to be bitches again" Justine said as she doesn't like beating around the bush.

"There is no way he can beat us," Ethan said

"Watch the disrespect before I add you to my own list. We are going to kill all of them either way" Selena said not taking the disrespect towards her big brother and just walked away.


Selena, Hades, Angel, and Lee arrived at the party, Hades sniffed the air and noticed Scott was not there because he couldn't smell another werewolf. So him not being here means Stiles is not here, yet. They were having fun until Lee went upstairs with a girl, Then Selena went upstairs with a girl of her own.

*grr*'Can not believe I didn't know my own pack member was gay, what a bad leader I am.' Hades thought as he saw Selena go upstairs.

The party went on like before for a while then both his pack members returned back downstairs laughing.

"You use a condom Lee" Hades said while looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course, we do need little pups running around," Lee said then all three continued to laugh.

"There is a kid I want to intimidate so ill need both yall help, we obviously won't do the stuff I will say to him, besides one " Hades said and they both nodded along.

"Oh, here he comes let's go," Hades said

Lee put his hands over Scott's mouth and dragged him to the back of the yard, Once they got there Lee threw him

"What the hell is your problem," Scott said practically yelling.

"Well Scott, I do not like the way you do things, you have gotten a lot of people killed trying to save that one oh-so-poor soul. So I will kill everyone you hold dear right in front of you slowly."

"FOR WHAT!!!! I did nothing to you, and it's not like I can save everyone I tried, I ALWAYS TRIED."Scott said pissed off by the ridicule.

"Aw Scott, you did not try hard enough. Lee beat him." Hades said trying so hard to play his part

'This should push him more so I can get the other stuff over with' Hades thought while walking away and hearing Lee beat up Scott.

Scott struggled to get up when he received a call from Allison, she arrived a short while later

"Oh my god, Scott what happened to you," Allison said while checking him head to toe.

"I got beat up by an alpha," Scott said while still limping as injuries from an alpha take a while to heal.

------------------------------------------------------[Next day at night]

'I do not want to tell them I know who the killer is so they can find it on their own, I do not want to hand them the answer to every problem, but if it takes too long I will tell them.' Hades thought.

"It seems we have two different types of uninvited guests," Sun said while looking in two different directions.

"I and Justine will handle the door while Selena and Sun handle the bata's that just ran through our yard." Hades said while Selena and Sun ran through the back door and he went to the front door.

"AH Peter Hale what a surprise, did not expect to meet you," Hades said as he truly did not expect to meet him anytime soon.

"Well circumstances brought me here," Peter said while trying to put on his best charming smile.

"They must be some 'circumstances' seeing as they led you to my pack house. So what do you want." Hades said raising his eyebrow to show some interest.

"I would like to join your pack," Peter said with resolve. As soon as he said that she started laughing it has been a while since she laughed together, and Hades let her laugh a little more and was about to speak when she beat him to the punch.

"You want to be in our pack absolutely not. I'm surprised you didn't shed your skin yet" Justine said implying that he should be a Kanima.

"Well, what she said so leave," Hades said. Hades looked at Peter before he closed the door and he looked pissed.

----------------------------------------------[Selena and Sun]

They ran after the two unknown betas to stop them from wreaking havoc. They sniffed the air and smelled two children up ahead, she looked back at Sun and nodded then took off at a faster speed. Struggling to keep up Sun sees Selena dropkick the two betas, and he stopped next to her to get their attention.

Selena sees the Beta(Scott) from the party yesterday running up to them but all four of them already took off. She did however whisper 'school' so that he knows where she was leading them.

Selena and Sun stopped a few times to rough them up because it seems they would get distracted, Selena ran off to the side while they continued to chance Sun. Once Selena was clear she did a partial shift and roared. It was not a regular, one it held a lot of anger in them.

*RRRRRROOOOOAAAAARRRRR* (Come get your betas before I kill them)

She then ran to catch up with the other three. When Derek heard this a sense of urgency took over him, he knew it wasn't an empty threat. Sun arrived at the school and smelled blood, it wasn't fresh blood more of someone who had taken more than one life but he couldn't focus on that. Derek, Isaac, and Scott finally showed up, it seems they already had a plan and Derek already led them to the basement.


A/N: I need a marvel storyline I could use from the main 616 I prefer that it's completed I would like suggestions

Also this will start to derail soon

and another thing he is only doing that to scott to push is alpha stats faster