

In a world where monsters lurk in the dark. A boy named Kyler Pearce aims to eradicate the monsters that slaughtered his family

DaoistL8MLSc · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs


'Does this kid have trust issues?' Louis asked as he forced a smile on his face before he spoke.

"I know your grandpa middle name"

"What?" Pearce suddenly said with a surprised expression on his face. But he quickly calmed down as he said.

"Then tell me"

"Should I say out in the open or I should write it to you?" Louis suddenly asked with a victorious smile in his face as he thought.

'You aren't the only one who can ask the questions here'

But his victorious smile suddenly froze when heard the answer Pearce gave him.

"Anyone is ok. I don't really care if you do any of these two"

And so, with a helpless look in his face, Louis quickly brought out a piece of paper and a pen, wrote something on it and gave it to Pearce. When Pearce saw what Louis wrotevon the paper he slightly nod his head before he turned his gaze to Louis as he asked.

"So where is he now?"

"I don't know" Louis said as he shakes his head while spreading out his robust arms.

"You don't know?" Asked Pearce with a confused expression on his face.

"See look, he just appeared in my office two months ago with you telling me to treat you till you become conscious before he quickly vanished again" Louis suddenly explained as he began to feel annoyed by Pearce's consistent questioning.

"Wait… I have been unconscious for two months!?" Pearce exclaimed with a shocked expression on his face.

"Yeah. I even feel shocked by how you were unconscious for this long" Louis calmly answered.

"Please tell me where I can get back to Country A. There is a place I haven't reported to" Pearce hurriedly said as he stood up from the bed he was on as he prepares to walk out of the ward. But Louis quickly stopped him as he said…

"Relax kid, you don't have to go back to Country A"

"Huh?" Pearce suddenly said as he looked at Louis with knitted brows. But Louis didn't mind as he calmly asked…

"Ok let me ask you something. Why did you think your grandpa sent you to this military hospital instead of a private one?"

"Because he has a friend here that he can rely on" Pearce answered with a straight face. When Louis heard that, he immediately became speechless. But he immediately came back to his senses as he said…

"You have a point but that is not all. The main reason he brought you here is because this hospital is specially meant for the Monster Slaying Regiment"

"Wait, what?" Pearce suddenly said with a bewildered expression on his face.

"That's right. But that's not all, when the HQ find out that you have already passed your Test, they immediately increase your rank to the Soldier Rank"

When Pearce heard what Louis said, he suddenly felt a loud bang in his head as he slightly swayed.

"Are you ok?" Louis quickly asked as he tries to help Pearce to stabilize himself. But he find out that was unnecessary since Pearce quickly stabilize himself before he could help.

"Yeah, I just got a little dizzy by the sudden" Pearce said as he calmed down internally before asked a question

"So Sir, since am ok, when are you going to notify my grandpa to come get me?"

"Oh there's no need" Louis said as he shook his head with a light smile on his face.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Pearce asked with a confused expression in his face.

"What I mean is the building you are currently in is actually in the Monster Slaying Regiment HQ" Louis calmly explained with a slight smile in his face.

"What!?" Pearce exclaimed with a shocked expression on his face. Not long after, he quickly dashed out of the ward.

When he came out of the ward, he could see different nurses and men wearing the Monster Slaying Regiment uniform walking all around the rather long white colored hall.

"You're pretty fast for people your age" Louis said as he also quickly came out of the hall. But his expression has a slight shock in it as he thought.

'i can't believe this kid is actually at the 9th stage of the Body Tempering Rank'

Although Louis thought Pearce is at the 9th Sttage of the Body Tempering Rank, he didn't know that Pearce was actually at the 7th Stage of the Body Tempering Rank.

'Huh? It seems I have advance to the 7th Stage of the Body Tempering Rank' Peace thought after he noticed the the unfamiliar but shocking speed he executed previously. But he quickly came back to his senses as he replied to Louis…

"Thank you Sir Louis"

"Ok it's time to take you to your apartment" Louis quickly said as he began to walk down the hall. After Pearce caught up to him, he immediately asked with a curious expression on his face.


"Yes. Unlike the branches that uses dormitory for Soldier Rank and below. The HQ gives the Soldier Rank and above a single room apartment" Louis spoke with a proud look on his face.

And so, Pearce and Louis walked to the end of the seemingly long hall where they saw an elevator. After waiting for a few minutes, the elevator finally opened and they got in.

While Louis pressed the second to the last button that was situated at the right side of the elevator, Pearce suddenly asked a question.

"So do you know where my grandpa is now?"

"Nope" Louis calmly answered even if he thought helplessly….

'Sorry kid but your grandpa told me not to tell you where he is till you are ready'

"Ok" Pearce said before he became quiet again. But Louis doesn't know that he was currently talking to his unfamiliar replica that is his mind.

«Kid, that your grandpa is actually a 2nd Stage Qi King Powerhouse!» Pearce's replica said with a shocked expression on his face.

«How are you sure about that?» Pearce asked with a doubtful expression on his face.

«Well I don't know how to give a detailed explanation for this but you can just take like I have a really good instinct» The replica said with a proud look on his face.

«If you say so» Pearce said as he sneakily rolled his eyes at his replica.

"How do you like the view?" Louis suddenly spoke which made Pearce to come back to his senses.

But when he came back to his senses, he could see various military vehicle driving back and forth the road that was in front of Louis and Pearce, various people that was wearing various colors of Military uniforms walking back and forth the aisles that was at the side of the road that was also in front of Louis and Pearce, tall buildings all around the place and a nice and sunny sky.

And so, with a slight smile on his face, Pearce replied to Louis question calmly.


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