
Divine Seer

Alex, an average web novel author, was writing his book in the middle of the night. After intense three-hour writing sessions, he decided to proofread the content. "Trash!" he yelled in frustration and scrapped all of the chapters. "I'll try again tomorrow; it's not like the reader's gonna kill me." With that, he closed his eyes only to open them in a foreign world. Before he could learn anything more about it, he was pulled back to his original one. "What the hell? Was that a dream or inspiration?" Suddenly, he again entered a foreign body, only to realize his soul was swapping bodies with his transmigrated self. This sequence repeated itself again and again, each time revealing some shocking things. And then, the swapping stopped, trapping Alex in a foreign body amid a world that is the same as Earth but with added twists like ghosts, evolving creatures, and the supernatural. Of course, the most important thing is superpowers; yes, he can gain them by performing a simple ritual. But there was one tiny bit of a problem. "Everything has a price." "If you want fantastic abilities,” "Tell me, Alex," "What are you willing to sacrifice?” ___________________ A/N: Starting chapters might feel challenging to read, as they lean more towards mysteries, or in simpler terms, a lack of information. However, I promise that if you can get past it and read, it will improve, and it will continue to get better and better with each chapter. ______________________ Tags: - Weak to Strong - Dark - Superpower - Ghost and Spirit - Monster - Campus - R18 - Gore ____________________________

Uncle_Moon · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
97 Chs

Lost and found

Alex sat at a table in a metro train station, a sudden rush of air buzzed from his side generated by the train that passed by.

The air was blowing his uniform away while the wind gently touched his cheek, and his black hair waved around, covering his face and sometimes revealing his golden pupils.

Alex sat there silently, without any movement, just blankly staring at the ongoing train. For passersby, it would seem he was counting how many apartments the train had.

The train eventually disappeared from the lines, taking the surge of air with it and leaving a little windstorm at the platform.


Alex didn't move or say any words, as if waiting for another train to pass by.

That eventually appeared and then again, phased out like a fleeting dream.

The same sequence repeated again and again, but Alex didn't have any intention to change his place;

Even the sun had started to move from peak to halfway then to readying its descent for setting up. The last gentle sunlight reminded Alex to move and go home.

"Ah! I don't know where to go..."

He sat there, trying to think of a place where he belonged, that was rightfully his – a land or a building he could call his home.

After an intense recollection, nothing came to his mind, so he eventually stood up and decided to go back to the school.

That was the only place he could get any clues; he wanted to check the belongings of the predecessor of this body. Raser who seemed to be in his final year of high school.

Alex came to that conclusion because he had observed his height and the signs of puberty on his face. According to them, he seemed to be around the age of 17-18,

While thinking about his new body, a sudden thought hammered into his mind.

'I transmigrated into this new world...'

"Ah, it should have happened in one go; if it did, I wouldn't have felt this empty..."

"I wouldn't have endured that drowning sensation."


"And I wouldn't have sent that emotional message to mom....it left a bad taste in my mouth."

Step... he stopped in his stroll and just stood for a moment wordlessly. The recollection of his previous life was a very bad experience for him. He again started to think about how his mother would react, what his father would think, how his brother...

__ Stop it, Alex.__

While walking soundlessly, hands in pockets, he wondered, "Why didn't I inherit Raser's memories."

"If not all, some fragment would have been enough."

"If I had, I wouldn't have to walk aimlessly..."

Step... step... step...

To change his depressive thoughts, he changed his thinking process.

He started to remember his experiences with stories he used to consume. He was not a serious anime watcher, but he did read traditional published books and online novels.

Inspired by the most common aspects of visual isekai media, he decided to give it a try.

"Status window."

His distant voice echoed amid the howling of the wind.

"Optimus Prime."



"Ah, I don't have a system."

He didn't even realize it when he appeared near the school building. When he walked from there, he had subconsciously stored some signboards and shop names in his memory that helped in find his way back.


A resonating, ear-piercing scream spread around the entire area. At first, Alex didn't react.

"Raser!!!!! ..... ."

Then it clicked in his mind that now he was in Raser's body. He turned toward the incoming voice.

There, in front of him outside a coffee shop, stood a gang of students eating pizza with soda bottles open on the table.

"Come here, man, we were waiting for you..."

An unknown sense of warmth spread in his body. He stood there stunned.

From inside, Anna the nurse came out from the shop, wearing a worker's uniform. She gestured for him to come.

He walked toward them.

When he reached the table, where a group of five students sat, the same ones that had transported Raser's body to the nurse's office.

"What up, man? Where were you? We searched the entire area and even called your home."

_Call, that means cellphones do exist in this world..._

"Here, take it," the bald boy threw his bag toward him, and he eventually caught it.

A person slapped his head, "Benzo... it had a smartphone in it. Be careful."

"Just you wait. When you turn bald, I'll slap it until it turns red as a tomato."

"Anyways, Raser, you didn't eat, right? We have prepared a party. We were waiting for you to start," Benzo said, pointing toward the half-eaten pizza with limited slices and some half-drunk bottles of soda.

All the boys joined in and nodded. He also sat on the chair, picking up a pizza and eating it.

_It's is similar.... almost like pizza from Earth,_he thought.

Anna, who stood beside them, said, "If you have any problems, you should consult with staff or your friends. You shouldn't take a high amount of drugs; your pulse stops multiple times. I thought it was your ability."

He gazed at her in confusion, then at the students.

The boys averted their eyes from him as if hiding some sin they had committed.

When Alex's eyes landed on Benzo, he started to say, "Don't stare at us like that. We only told Anna, she was worried about you and understands your situation. You were taking prescribed drugs, not illegal. The only problem was that you just took a little more than necessary."

Hearing them, Alex's eyes widened as sudden shock greeted him.

__So, they do know about Raser's illness But why didn't they admit him to the hospital? His condition was critical.__