
Freezing Sky Sect


"Your names are Xu Qing and Sieg yes?" Mu Qingyin asked the two of them.

Currently, they are riding a treasure owned by her, it was in the shape of an oversized snowflake. It was pure white in color and flew at a shocking speed. The two youngsters were dumbfounded upon seeing this treasure, that is because they knew that this type of treasure is very valuable.

Upon hearing her question, the two nodded. Mu Qingyin spoke again: "These are yours." Then she handed them a jade slip. This jade slip contained a simple introduction of the Freezing Sky Sect.

Patriarch Freezing Sky. This is the man who founded the whole sect, his legend told that if he wanted to, he could freeze a whole star in just a second. Some records even said that he could stay at the sun and be absolutely fine. When he was young, his most amazing deed was freezing a million sized beast horde by himself, afterwards he exploded one ice sculpture after another firmly defeating them all on his own. Some even said that he wasn't even tired after doing so and still have energy to freeze the whole forest where the beasts came from.

Later on, he rose to power and founded his own sect, thus giving birth to Freezing Sky Sect. The sect was a 4-star sect before, which means it was previously a holy land, but Patriarch Freezing Sky decided to leave the sect to search for something he was looking for his entire life. Upon leaving, the sect gradually decline and the Nameless Peak Sect rose into power. Since the two sects are on neutral terms, they decided to negotiate about things, thus the Freezing Sky Sect became one of the subsidiary sect of Nameless Peak Sect.

Many years have passed since then but the Sect is still gradually declining.

As Sieg digested this information, he felt a little bit emotional. Time is really ruthless, no matter how strong you are, time would always go after you. What's even more terrifying is that you know it's there but you cannot touch it or even come close to getting rid of it, time is even worse that a maggot seeped onto one's bones.

"I won't hide things for you, Freezing Sky Sect might be demoted into a two star sect if this continued. That's why when you enter the sect, the competition is tight. That applies strongly for you Inner Disciples. If you fail to step into Heavenly Foundation Realm by the time you reach 30 years old, then you'd be demoted from your position. If, however you do reach it. Then we would send you to the main branch to continue your journey." Mu Qingyin spoke slowly allowing the two to digest the informations properly.

She wasn't trying to scare them. She was merely telling the truth. However, the requirements of the sect is too steep. It had to be known that someone who reached Heavenly Foundation Realm at the age of 40-50 years old is already considered as a genius. Forming a foundation pillar is easier said than done. After all, even if someone had the help of a Foundation Condensing Pill still have a small chance of failing.

They were admitted to a branch of a holy land level sect after all.

"If you are wondering why you didn't receive the promised Earth-Tier Ki Manual and got a token instead then fear not, we won't renege in such promise. That token, you can show it to the 'Repository' later on to make the exchange." Mu Qingyin just answered the question that was heavily bothering Sieg. He felt a bit better upon hearing this. Xu Qing only pouted a bit, feeling a bit jealous about the whole situation, but there's nothing she could do about it. After all she lost fair and square.

The mobile snowflake that they are riding flew in a constant speed, it wasn't very long until they could see the sect proper.

The Freezing Sky Sect resides in a humongous mountain, there were tons of building scattered all over this mountain. If one looked from a far, one could see that there's a tall white wall that's made out of jade and has blue and sharp crystals protruding all around it. The buildings are very concentrated at bottom of the mountain, just after passing the wall. Sieg thought that this must be the place where outer disciples stay.

Going further up, there's fewer buildings but there is a visual difference from the one's at the bottom. There's also some stores and extra buildings in this part of the mountain. There's also some gardens and field. There were even some arenas that were built in here.

Close to the peak of the mountain, there's even fewer buildings, Sieg guessed that this is where some of the 'important' people reside. There is also five eye catching buildings that stood in there. Sieg couldn't make out the words since they were a bit far off from the mountain.

At the very peak stood one lonely tower, it looked like a huge block of ice if one peered from a distance. The building took a shape of a pagoda and the exterior is made of what it seems to be the purest form of a crystal. It stood there in lonesome manner yet it also emitted a strong sense of awe to anyone that looked at it. Sieg couldn't understand the purpose of this building but it looked very impressive for him.

As they travelled closer and closer to the mountain, it's size only grew bigger for the two. They couldn't understand if it's just an illusion or the way they looked at the mountain is just wrong from the very beginning.

The snowflake landed at the entrance of the sect and the doors automatically opened, it issued a loud creaking sound that echoes throughout the mountain. There were some people who were standing in front if them, then they said in unison:

"Welcome back Sect Director Mu!" Their voices echoed throughout the whole mountain, despite this, Mu Qingyin only gave them a slight nod and said: "Somebody give them a tour in the sect, the rest will go back to their tasks." Then she just disappeared in thin air, leaving an awkward atmosphere for the people she left.

"Fatty! You go and do it..." then the rest started to walk away. The person they called out panicked and said:

"But-but Senior Brother I-I hav-" before the person even finished speaking, an icicle appeared in front of him.

"What? You plan to disobey me?!"

"N-no, I would follow Senior Brother's arrangements." The person they 'called' fatty only clenched his hands and lowered his head in defeat. The 'Senior Brother' he referred to just sneered and proceeded to walk away.

Sieg and Xu Qing only stood in place and watched this all happened. They silently reminded themselves that this is what 'strength' could bring, and this is how a sect works.

"It seems like a made quite an impression for you guys. Well, it doesn't matter, you guys would experience the same thing anyways." 'Fatty' faced them and said dispirited. "My name is Huo Wuhen, like the others just refer to me as 'Fatty' or 'Fatty Wuhen'. Follow me, I'll show you around."

Fatty started walking, Sieg and Xu Qing looked at each other and nodded, then they also silently followed Fatty Wuhen.

They walked for quite a distance and Sieg finally saw the area where most of the buildings are concentrated. Fatty then said: "This is the area where Service Disciples and Outer Disciples reside, there are approximately 4 to 6 people sharing rooms inside one building to fully accomodate everyone."

"Senior Wuhen-" Xu Qing called out but she was interrupted by Fatty.

"Calling me Fatty is fine, I'm an Inner Disciple like you guys so no need to be so reserved." He smiled, but this smile contained a bit of bitterness as well.

"Then, Fatty how many Inner Disciples does the sect have?"

"Hmm..." Fatty paused walking and placed a hand on his second chin, after thinking for quite sometime he said: "Around 200 people..."

"200?!" Both Sieg and Xu Qing were shocked, they weren't expecting that many people.

"Yeah, some of those people aren't in the sect right now. It's either they're out in a mission, don't have any plans on coming back, or dead already." Fatty explained softly, his voice contained a bit of sadness in it.

There was silence for quite some time and Fatty didn't talked for a while either. It seems like he was pre-occupied by something, but nonetheless he didn't forgot to introduce the most important places that Sieg and Xu Qing needed to know. As they went further up to the mountain, the buildings became fewer and both of them could tell that their destination is near.

"We're here." Fatty said after quite sometime. "Here, this is the array token for your respective rooms. If you have any questions just look for me, my cultivation cave is just beside you guys."

"Oh, few reminders though. If you encounter a person that has a red snowflake badge in their chests, do your absolute best to not offend them. Those with red badges are people who have a 'license to kill', of course if you are stronger than them then just ignore my warning. Also, if you see someone who has a golden outline in their robes, treat them with respect. Those people are Core Disciples, and if they want you dead, then you're dead. This goes specially true for the both you, we know what happened in the city, and since you guys had it easy, then people would make ot hard for you here."

Fatty's warnings caused the hairs on their body to stand, this place sure is ruthless all right.

Fatty was about to go when Sieg suddenly recalled an important matter. So he called him: "Fatty!"


"Where should I exchange for a Ki Manual?"

"Oh that? Follow me then. You should stay inside, from now on, wear a veil across your face, that would lessen your troubles." Fatty then went ahead with Sieg, leaving Xu Qing a bit at lost there. She followed his words though and went inside her cave.


"This is the sect's Dao Repository Pagoda" Fatty introduced the massive building in front of them. It was in shape of a five floored pagoda where every floor smaller than the last.

"Go inside and speak to the attendant in there, he would guide you inside. As for me, I have matters to so I'll be taking my leave." Fatty said with a smile and walked away.

"Thanks Fatty Wuhen." Sieg still felt weird calling him like that, Fatty doesn't seem to care so he threw it at the back of his head and stepped inside the building.

He was surprised by the humble appearance inside the building. He was expecting it to be at least made out of high quality jades and metals but he saw ordinary looking woods and tiles inside.

There is a single table at the center of the first floor, Sieg was surrounded by bookshelves filled with manuals and techniques. If he went a little bit further, there was two staircases leading towards the second floor of the pagoda. Sieg walked up to the table and asked:

"Excuse me - " before he could even say more words however, the person just opened his palm and said:

"Token." his voice included a trace of indifference. Sieg smiled wryly and handed the token to this person. This person then looked at the token with a stone cold face and continued: "Third floor, fifth bookshelf, pick one under 4 hours and go back here." With that he no longer paid attention to Sieg and just flicked his sleeve showing an hourglass.

Sieg understood that his time limit already started and no longer cared about this person as well. He ascended the stairs and went towards the third floor.

Sorry for late update! I met some problems on using inkstone. Anyways please enjoy today's chapter!

ImperialDarkFrostcreators' thoughts