

Consciously or subconsciously, life is a force that drags us in, deep into dimensions. We are married from birth to our purpose in life in one way or the other even without knowing, but faith in God will bring us face to face with this reality. Even if we do whatever to run away from this reality, it will somehow find us and drag us into aligning to who we truly are beyond the knowledge impressed us by the mind rebranding system in the form of secular and religious education, and we now think, we are what they told us we are. This is the reason for misplacement of our true identity in God and that is why we often struggle for recognition instead of staying to whom God has created us to be. You are uniquely unique, independent, but dependent on your programmer, who is a higher force beyond the confines of your thought grasp. Journey into the deep! I grew up to know myself as an alien in this world of some certain happenings around my life, which gave me a course of concern. It seems as if I think differently and see things from a different dimension and I could not just understand why then, while I was growing as a child, but now I know and understand better. This book is spirit breathed revealing a journey into great awareness, pointing to the realization of self beyond self-designed ideologies. A lot of things that was happening in my life while I was advancing from the cradle that I could not just explain, because it was my days of ignorance, evolving into the more complex world that threw me into chaotic state of thoughts, not knowing exactly what to hinge on as reality. There were things that kept recurring and calling my attention deeper and these things were never letting me be. One of the notable experiences I had, that I will never forget, was the experience of recurring convulsion that almost ruined my life. God can never let you be when you have His Divine seal, you are not your own, you are His very own, the earlier you know this, the sweeter will life become for you, and the swifter things will answer to you and work in your favor even when it seems working against others. This is why He cannot leave, nor forsake you, because you are His project program #Reality reached from my personal experience#. discord link:https://discord.gg/JQCAZ3

Patty_Egah_Ikwue · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
85 Chs


Time: 03: 40 pm, 12-07-2016

The time just changed to 03: 40pm and the thunder is rumbling and I can hear the long stretched sound as if heaven is talking into my heart, which has become the first order of His first order, 2 other eyes (03: 42pm). They just brought the light and the thunder is still rumbling, while my system got booting and making some whistling kind of sound waiting for me to instruct it with F1s key to access the desktop domain. On the system, this is what was written "Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1:10 AØ9 (time on my Nokia Phone: 3: 46PM) Copyright 1985-1988, Phoenix Technologies Ltd.

Copyright 1990-2004 Dell Computer Corporation 11 rights Reserved. (Time on my Nokia Phone: 03: 48pm)

Dell System Dimension 46ØØi series BIOS version AØ9


Invalid Configuration Information-please run SETUP program

Diskette drive O seek failure

Performing automatic IDE Configuration

Primary Master: Disk Drive

Secondary Master: CD-ROM Device

Time-of-day not set-please run program

Strike the F1 key to continue, F2 to run the set utility (Time on my Nokia Asha 200 Phone: 03: 53pm)

OK! Press F1

I stroked F1, and I saw the logo of my system displayed


What I saw on my desktop displayed screen of my system was, my picture used as screen saver. The picture reveals that I was singing, holding a microphone with my hand stretched facing the world and from behind me was a crystal clear four stars in the position of a cross resting facing me from behind, one directly on my left hand that was stretch forth and another brilliant star under my hand that was stretched and two other facing the one directly on my shoulder of the hand that was stretched, facing each other's diagonally, and I have shortcut file of one of my book titled "The Reality of the Forbidden Fruit" and beneath it was a folder with a name "scripture" (Time now on my Nokia Asha 200 phone: 04:00); directly on the side of my stretched hand is another folder (thunder rumbling) titled "My books on worship and life", just right on a little bit down my shoulder is another shortcut file of my book titled "Understanding the purpose of marriage before entering". The location of my documents: directly on my stretched hand are four stars, but not as brilliant as the mentioned four, they have blur appearance and two are diagonally facing each other, mediating between them is one of my song titled "Holy Ghost party" with obvious code 01 and under it is a movie folder titled "The track list 2" and directly under the folder is the system time (not correctly set) was 12: 26 am with Local Area Network Connection icon in from of the time and a show icon and the date on the system reads February, 20, 2004, which is right in front of the time is the hide icon mediating between the time and the LAN icon, with a restore icon in front and also help icon that extends, horizontal is the start icon (Time on my Nokia Asha 200 phone: 04: 11 pm). Looking up to the direction of my right hand from my view point, sequence of icons with 9 rows and 4 columns, but the fourth column have its icons (all my music and the folder of some of my other books) which starts from the 5th row.

So describing from the 5th row above, I have music, folder, divine programming folder, the reality of the forbidden fruit folder, the reality of His glory folder and my books on marriage folder, which the microphone I am holding mediates between this two folders "The reality of His glory and my books on marriage" a black microphone with a blue cross like knob that touches the folders as mentioned above. I am wearing a black suit, white shirt and a black tie with (sorry! My fiancée just interrupted with a call: time of call: not noted, time of call ended: 04: 26 pm) and I was telling her I will head Nokia and Techno, that I am designing a program codes to build a giant system (this may not be literal as I have stated to head Nokia and Techno). It is raining and thunder is rumbling when she called and I heard thunder rumbled from her end, but she said, she did not hear it, when I asked her if she did not hear it. I asked her if it was raining from her end, she said "no!" but it was really rainy here. (Time on my Nokia Asha 200 phone: 04: 29m pm).

Continuing from where I stopped!

From the second row from the right to the left on my Dell Computer System, is the shortcut to one of my book "The Reality of the Forbidden Fruit" above it from beneath is, the shortcut to my book "Understanding the rhythm of our heartbeat" (thunder rumbling as if a mighty machine is walking underneath the earth, shook me on my bed (car horning! And my mind is racing and a little bit drifted after hearing the sound of the horn twice). I am suspecting it is my landlord and another person I cannot really identify. I am not really sure! (Time: 04: 34 pm).

Above the folder is Microsoft office folder, my new music folder (horn!) footstep tending toward opening the gate (thunder extensively rumbled as if it is travelling (horn!). Mozilla Firefox shortcut and a folder with a name Egah, from the top on the third role (time: 04: 04= [02222], where [22] 2 is [did] di = thunder code (thunder rumbling (time: 04: 42 pm)) is the Power Bible CD, beneath it is Airtel Broad band, DC-unlocker client, Airtel, Light Image Resizer, Videos, COWON Media Center-Jet, virtual DJ home, Pro show Gold, on the fourth row from beneath directly above the START button is my books, VLC media player, Adobe Reader X, Recycle Bin, My Network places, My Computer, My Document (04: 48 pm: The text on the screen my phone just scrolled from "SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT ME 2, REALITY BEYOND SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY…." to "MAN'S SPIRIT AND MIND" now! (04: 50 pm) became the body of Satan (4: 51 pm) and I was supposed to make post on Facebook.

Why am I writing all these things?

To some people, this will be self-delusive, but to me, it is a perfect program aiding my communication to present deep realities beyond the confines of thought grasp. Now, if A = 1 and 1 = i(eye) and C has the numeric code 3 and he (devil) hiding as Da Vinci stole the heart of the eye of man and hid it in the highest peak of evil (pyramid) and that eye(i) = 1.

So A + C+ i+i (the two eyes stolen by Lucifer to generate Da Vinci code) = 1+3+1+1=5, where 5=E and E us defined as Eternal life. You can see where the code of infinity was gotten from, when you alternate 5 anticlockwise 90° or faced up, it becomes the infinite code. Who is that person that negates good/ the devil is the one who negates; so infinite is Da Vinci's code creator (Lucifer), which implies almost everything we studied in school is actually coded from Lucifer. AC current, so infinix phone is also one of the latest Lucifer's products to nail the mind of man. Have you ever thought of this? The more you hate porn, the more you see them, and most of this phones comes with customized porn that you cannot delete because they are locked up system files.

Wake up! Wake up from your slumber to reality. I am glad I have the best phone on earth and I am using the most spiritual phone, right now on earth (smiles), until I now Head Nokia and techno (symbolic) companies to bring invent the latest technology that you don't see the devices, but what you will experience is the effect that will be brought about by divine's codes through Pa Vine's seed (Egah = HAGE5 network). NOKIA and TECHNO latest base will be in the trigger of the pistol of the global sphere of reality, where in the trigger have a pistol and that pistol is directly the inversion of the global pistol, but it will function as the operating system that is connected to the person of God (time on my Nokia Asha 200 phone: 05: 09057161925 (strong password) just changed to 05: 10 pm).

Break! (05: 10 pm)

Resume! (06: 00 pm): NEPA just seized the light!