
Divine Fate - The Moonstone

What is the moonstone exactly? Well, it's a symbol of beginning. All life has a beginning. The beginning of the werewolves was thousands of years ago, during a time where people roamed the earth. The moon goddess, then just considered a spirit and now called by many names, sent a piece of herself to a group of nomads. As the piece fell, it formed into a solid piece of bright stone made of orthoclase and albite. Centuries passed, and the first pack was eventually named the Moonstone Pack. They protected the stone, now verified as being musgravite, and kept it from falling into the wrong hands. The stone still held power within it, but the line of alphas and lunas of the Moonstone Pack kept it hidden, wanting to keep the power dormant so that they could live peacefully. *-*-* Raveena Cemche just graduated with her bachelor's in business and is ready to start having a more solid position in the family business. In a twist, she's assigned as her uncle's personal assistant, though she doesn't mind as that helps put her in the middle of all big business decisions and meetings. A week into the job, it shows just how much she gets to be a part of. Lyrik Gray, the alpha of the first pack, gains his title of alpha earlier than most. One of the first things he has to face as the alpha of the Moonstone Pack, is the protection of the moonstone. It seems forces are gathering together and are going to try to get their hands on the gem. Lyrik has to make sure that doesn't happen, otherwise all of the werewolves in the world were going to suffer. The two meet earlier than most mates normally do, though the circumstances of an upcoming war makes them both nervous about announcing it to the world.

MarieMeadowthorn · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Trudging into the trees behind my uncle's house, I stopped when I reached the tree dad had hung a swing from for me and sat on it. It was my safe spot, where I went to get away, and had been since I was ten. Everyone knew where it was, but they typically left me alone.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I swayed gently on the swing. The normal sounds of the forest were calming, along with the scent of pine and tree sap. In the distance, a fox barked, sounding like it was warning against an intruder. Birds chirped, flitting through the treetops, and squirrels munched on food they had found. The longing to shift filled my body, but I held it back, knowing the short run would only make me want to be out longer.

It was a good time to get in some training though.

Getting up, I walked towards the training building that was a little deeper in the forest. With training both in human and wolf form, it was better to have the area hidden in case a human came through the little town. There were quite a few seasoned warriors who also didn't mind walking around naked so that they could shift back and forth as they trained.

The sounds of grunting reached my ears as I got close to the building, seeing it through the trees. Sounded like they were working on hand to hand combat recently, which was always exciting. With the extra taekwondo classes I had taken when I was younger, I was one of the best in the town.

Entering the clearing, I watched as Greg, one of the top trainers, worked with Catlyn. She had just turned nineteen and was definitely trying to improve her combat skills as she started going on patrols more. Greg wasn't taking it easy on her, but Catlyn held up against the onslaught. Greg's experience and built up stamina wore on the girl though and eventually Catlyn fell, dropping to her knee as her foot slid backwards. Greg immediately stepped away, a smile on his face.

"Good! Even with the slip you were prepared to continue," Greg pulled her to both feet. "It'll be different when you go without shoes. You'll feel the earth better so that you know where exactly your foot should be so it doesn't slide."

The advice was familiar and I couldn't help but smile as I remembered him telling me the same thing. It was the reason I came to love going around barefoot as much as I could. Greg was like another uncle to me, having worked so much with him as a girl and through my teenage years since my father didn't have it in him to spar with me.

I walked towards them, listening as Greg gave the girl pointers on how to improve. When I was about ten feet from them, they looked up at me.

Greg broke into a grin. "Well, if it isn't our favorite fighter! Raveena, how are you?"

I laughed as he slung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a side hug. "I'm doing great, Greg. Catlyn, you were doing amazing! This old grouch can be a pain to spar with, so I definitely understand."

She laughed, nodding as she wrapped her arms around her torso. "Oh, yes. But he's been really helpful and I feel like I'm much better than I was a week ago."

"Oh, I'm not sure I would say that," Greg teased, smiling as he shook his head. "I would say maybe better than you were two days ago."

Catlyn gasped and glared at the trainer. I laughed again, shaking my head. The old man had always been one to tease the students as they were training, something that had once irritated me now amusing me. Probably because I was no longer on the receiving end of his teasing on a daily basis.

"How about a spar, Raveena? You're a great example for Catlyn to study."

I looked at Greg, a grin spreading across my lips. "It was why I came down today. It's good to hear you ask instead of me asking you, though."

He rolled his eyes, stepping away and making a 'come' motion with his hand. I slipped the yellow flats off my feet and handed them to Catlyn before she walked out of range. I stepped into the starting position: feet apart, left foot slightly behind me, knees bent, and open hands up in front of my body. I dug my heels into the ground a bit, grass curling around where my feet were, and released a deep breath that helped me relax. Greg assumed the same position across from where I stood.

We stood for just a second, before bursting into action.

Everything melted away as I focused on the fight, switching between being offensive and defensive. My feet automatically slid into the right spots on the ground as I kicked out at Greg's legs, getting a couple of hits in though I didn't make him fall. The top of my foot tingled into numbness as I landed a kick to his knee. The swift hits to my arms felt bruising as I blocked his hits, and I felt a burst of adrenaline as my awareness of my surroundings heightened. I heard the breeze go through the leaves, and smelled the dirt beneath our feet. Sweat slid down my neck as we continued sparring.

I moved forward aggressively, pushing Greg backwards with strikes towards his torso. I watched his eyes flash with surprise before he went on total defense, blocking more than striking. He grunted when I hit him in the lower stomach, right above his hip, making him freeze for a second. I dropped, kicking my leg out and sweeping his feet out from under him. He landed on his back and I quickly stood over him, ready to block any attacks.

He stared up at me for a second, surprise and shock on his face as he gasped in a breath. His brown eyes glowed with pride too, sparkling as a grin lifted the corners of his mouth underneath the graying mustache.

I smiled, knowing we were done as I reached my hand out to help him back up. He groaned a little as he stood, laughing softly. Catlyn came up to us, amazement on her face as she clapped.

"That was awesome! Raveena, how did you get so good?!"

"It's all about practice," I said, taking my shoes back from her. "And not wearing shoes."

Greg chuckled, clapping a hand to my shoulder. "She used to be out here for hours with dirty feet and wild hair. She's also lucky to have gotten to spar and learn from her father. Draden is the best, and he's definitely passed his skills down to her."

It was impossible to stop the scowl that formed on my face. "It doesn't make him any less protective and ridiculous though."

"A father is entitled to worry," Greg said, cheerful as he started back to the training building. "I'm sure no matter how old you are that he'll be that way."

Like that makes it any easier to handle. Sighing, I followed Catlyn close by me. I glanced at her, seeing how she was thinking seriously about something, biting her lip. She was young and very protected by all the warriors we had, so there wasn't a need for her to rush her training. I'm sure she didn't feel that way, though, since she was there and following us into the building. Everyone knew that things could fall apart too easily.

Time flew by as I spent the next hour teaching Catlyn how to relax her stance and balance on the balls of her feet. It was one of the things that I had noticed when she'd been sparring with Greg, and had been impressed that she hadn't fallen sooner. She'd had her feet planted when she didn't move, something that surely was difficult. Being fluid and flexible made it easier to dodge or deflect a hit or kick.

I had just sat down on a bench, watching Greg and Catlyn go over some defense moves as I drank from the water bottle Greg had gotten me, when the doors of the building opened.

To my surprise, my father led Lyrik, John, and Adam into the room. Lyrik was wearing shorts, and that was it. As I stared at the muscles that were on display, forgetting that I was drinking from the bottle. I inhaled water and started coughing, turning away from the sight of him as I tried to get my breath back.

"Ah, you must be Alpha Lyrik. It's nice to meet you."

Finally getting the water out of my airway, I sniffed back the tears that threatened to fall from choking on the water, and looked up to see Greg welcoming Lyrik. My dad walked to me, his face clearly conveying his worry about my choking.

"I'm okay," I muttered, twisting the top of the bottle back on and setting it on the bench beside me.

He sat by me, settling a hand on my shoulder briefly before letting it fall as he watched Lyrik and Greg as well. "They said they would like to take some time to train, keep up on their usual activities at home. I didn't realize you were going to be here."

I was quiet, thinking about how to respond to the slight question in his tone, but was quite distracted. Lyrik was now placing his shirt and water bottle on a bench, taking his shoes off to tuck under it. I still couldn't stop admiring the way he looked, loving the muscles that moved as he did. Feeling my dad's eyes on me, I just shrugged my shoulders.

There was a time when it was completely normal to send someone to look for me in the training building because I was there that much.

Adam and John sat on the bench where Lyrik took his things too as Lyrik followed Greg into the middle of a mat. I sat forward, barely able to control my anticipation as the two men took up fighting stances.

The room fell quiet, everyone's eyes on the mat.

As though a bell had rung, Greg moved forward, snapping his leg up and out. Lyrik jumped back before going back into the fight. He kind of fought like a boxer, hands up in front of his face slightly as he threw a punch towards Greg. Thus, the spar was on. I couldn't help but be impressed. Lyrik was quick, watchful, and powerful. If he was in a real fight, I know his hits definitely would have been harder when they did hit the vital areas. I could tell Greg was winded, and despite the fact that he was close to dad's age, I hadn't ever seen him like this.

It was absolutely toe-curling.

"Raveena, would you spar with me?"

I turned my head to find Catlyn standing next to me, shoes off, and a hopeful expression on her face. I smiled and nodded, standing up. There were other mats we could choose from, and probably put one between ours and the guys' so that there was no chance of someone knocking into the other. I was thankful that I had already put my hair up into a bun using my headband as well, since I didn't bring a hair tie.

As we readied up to spar, I couldn't help but look over again. It was just in time to watch Greg throw a punch out that didn't connect with Lyrik's shoulder as he turned his body. Lyrik grabbed the arm, however, and flipped poor Greg over his head and onto the mat.

Biting my lip, I turned back to Catlyn. She was breathing in and out slowly, getting to the right mindset, before looking up at me with a soft smile. "Okay, let's go!"

That's how my match started.

Catlyn was good, I would give her that. However, for being so stubborn, she definitely was hesitating to hit me. She was also very uncomfortable with her feet out on the mat, shifting more often than I told her she should. I ground my teeth, frustrated. If she wanted to learn, she had to be consistent. Especially when she was learning. Since I had been impressed by her outside, I was beginning to become a little doubtful of her experience. That or it was all because she didn't have shoes on and it was throwing her off. Enough so that I focused on sweeping her feet out from under her, trying to get her to use the information I told her about. She went down then popped back up, disgruntled but determined.

I stayed still, hands up defensively, waiting for her next move. Catlyn was also in her defensive position, though her feet were way too far apart. I shook my head at her, letting my hands fall.

"You have a lot of work to do before you can fight barefoot. I can tell you're extremely uncomfortable," I stepped forward. "And your footwork is all off now. I don't wish to take advantage of those weaknesses. As soon as you become more at ease with bare feet, we'll have another match."

Catlyn sighed, face falling with frustration before she nodded. I watched her head to the other side of the building, where there were dummies and robotic fighters that she could practice on. As I turned, I saw Lyrik watching from the edge of the match, a small smile on his lips. When I turned, he walked towards me.

"Done flinging Greg around?" I asked it, humor in my voice as I looked for where he had gone.

Lyrik smiled, looking towards the bench where Greg was sitting and watching John and Adam, hollering pointers to them. "Yes, we're done. Your father was kind enough to lead us out here, and I'm glad to have gotten a work out in," he turned to me, an indecipherable look in his eye. "Do you come here a lot?"

I shrugged, tucking my thumbs into the stupid, miniscule pockets my dress pockets had. "I pretty much come every day. I grew up coming here with dad everyday since he's the one who leads the sessions for classes here."

"Ah, that makes sense," Lyrik looked away to stare out the windows, looking thoughtful, before turning back to me and gesturing towards the mat. "How about a match?"

Well, well. How surprising. I nodded, moving back towards the middle of the mat. I took a deep breath as I turned to face him, wondering if he was going to hold back or give it his all. I had to make sure to keep myself in check, so that I didn't get distracted by his slightly sweaty pectorals, or the slight hair that was on his chest, or the… Too late. I shook my head, forcing my eyes back up to his face. He had no expression, but I could have sworn that his eyes were sparkling with amusement.

We stood and stared at each other for a moment, both in our starting positions on the mat. I couldn't help but blush under his gaze as the butterflies in my stomach fluttered crazily. I forced the thoughts out of my head, trying to stay clear headed. With that, I stepped forward with a quick one-two to Lyrik's torso.

Lyrik blocked both blows with his left arm, following the trajectory of my fist. He retaliated in kind, jabbing his right fist towards my shoulder and jabbing with his left towards my stomach. I tried to block both, but didn't get my arm up to block my shoulder in time, making me stumble back from the force.

Definitely not holding back.

Letting myself act instinctively, I bounced forward, kicking out at his right leg. He stepped backwards and I followed with two more jabs of my fists towards his torso. One hit, his breath rushing out as I hit him square in the stomach. However, he wrapped a hand around my wrist before I could pull away and swung it up to pull it behind me. I braced my feet and leapt, twisting around so my arm wasn't being pulled to my back and swung at his face. He let go as he stumbled back out of reach, my knuckles grazing his cheek.

A small smile was on Lyrik's face as he moved back forward, whipping out blows. I backed up as I tried to block everything he threw at me. Getting frustrated, I used my enhanced strength to move past his hands and plant a shoulder in his stomach, moving him backwards. He grunted, falling backwards to the floor and taking me with him as his hands wrapped around my biceps.

Now on the floor, pressed up against his body, my body heated and butterflies took off in my stomach. Looking at Lyrik, I could tell the same thing was happening for him. His eyes had turned a little darker, becoming more brown, and a soft growl rumbled his chest. I nervously licked my bottom lip, watching as his eyes followed my tongue. We both were still breathing a little heavily, the simple adrenaline running through us from sparring still gripping us.

The air between us changed, tensing with the pull of our natural instincts and desires. It definitely didn't help when he pulled me up so that my face hovered directly over his. His breaths hit my lips then as I stared into his eyes, enraptured by the swirling browns, amber, and gold in them.

I didn't pull away as his left hand settled on my waist and his right on the back of my neck. In fact, I relaxed into him, my eyes closing slowly as he lifted his head and pressed his lips against mine.

The world fell away as my focus narrowed to everything I felt as I kissed him. I felt breathless from just the way him touching me made me feel. With the way I was over him, relaxing on top of him, I could feel every contour of his hard stomach against mine. His hand on my waist was warm and heavy through my shirt, and I wanted nothing more than his hand on my bare flesh. The kiss deepened, his hand tightening slightly on my neck as he tilted his head slightly before gently biting my bottom lip. I moved so that I was straddling his lap, both of us freezing for a second the moment our intimate areas pressed together. I slid a hand into his black hair, feeling triumphant at being able to finally feel how soft it is.

He slid his hand down, to the edge of my shirt, then slid his hand underneath it. I gasped, tilting my head back as his warm hand traveled up to rest on my ribs, right under my breast. A soft, happy and playful growl rumbled his chest as he lifted his head to kiss my neck. I opened my eyes slightly, wanting to see his face, and froze as my eyes widened.

All my senses returned as I met the amused gazes of John and Adam, and caught the shuttered look on my dad's face. I cleared my throat, face getting hot, and pulled Lyrik's hand out of my shirt. He stopped kissing my neck to look at me, then tilted his head at an odd angle to look at what I was looking at.

I stood, making sure my shirt was down. Before I could offer my hand to Lyrik to help him up, he was also back on his feet, a small grin on his face. I blinked at him, shocked that the man wasn't embarrassed in the slightest bit of the make out session we had just indulged ourselves in. Though, I also couldn't blame him for not being embarrassed, especially since I wouldn't have stopped if I hadn't opened my eyes.

I was just glad that Catlyn and Greg weren't still here.

My father rubbed the back of his neck, stepping forward. "I think it would be a good idea to get going back. My wife will have supper ready. Are you three gentlemen still joining us?"

Glancing at the clock on the wall, I almost freaked when I saw it was after seven thirty. My mom always had supper done and on the table by seven sharp. Maybe dad had called and had her hold off? But even then, it was pretty late. Thinking of food now had my stomach growling in protest at the longer than usual wait for sustenance.

Lyrik glanced at me, a smile on his face. "Yes, we'd still like to join you, Draden."

A quick nod of his head and dad was making his way out of the building. I hurried to put my shoes back on, grabbing my phone, and caught up with him just as he was reaching the doors. I looped my arm through his, waiting for him to look at me.

"I'm sorry for the way I hung up the phone earlier."

He studied me, his hazel eyes dark from unspoken emotions. He lifted his arm out of mine and curled it around my shoulders, laying his cheek on my head. "Darling, if I got upset by the way you hung up the phone, I should go to anger management. I knew you would be mad when I told you no more patrols."

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. At least he was still doing his weird dad jokes that he thought were brilliant. I hugged him back before stepping away, smiling at him. "Thanks, dad."

The three men came walking up, John talking to Lyrik about something to do with Star Trek and Adam on his phone. I rolled my eyes and opened the door, holding it for everyone, then let it slam shut behind me.

With that we started walking back, carefully making our way through the trees. As the sun had set about twenty minutes ago, the woods were very dark. However, as a werewolf, I could see perfectly. It was quite the bonus, though it didn't help me get out of my own house as a teen. If I stayed with a human friend during high school, I was able to sneak us out of the house for parties or whatever else we wanted to go do. My parents had the same eyesight, though, and better hearing, so we never made it past the stairs if we tried sneaking out at my place.

On the other side of the trees, I saw that both Rowan's and my house had all the lights on. I blinked at the sight, not used to it being like that unless a bonfire or huge pack event were occurring.

Dad laughed. "Well, looks like they wanted to make sure we got home alright."

At a different time, I would have had a snarky comment to make, but thinking about the conversation we had had yesterday about the rogues, I understood why both the Alpha and my mother would want to ensure we made it back. It was kind of nice to have too, as we stepped out of the woods and into the small clearing that was filled with the light. I started towards Rowan's house, knowing I needed to go grab my purse so that I had it for tomorrow since I had left it in a rush earlier. Warmth enveloped my hand, and I turned to find Lyrik holding onto it.

"Where are you going?"

I smiled, liking the feeling of his larger, warm hand wrapped around mine. "I need to go get my purse. I left it in the study when I left earlier."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I gave it to your mom before we headed to the training field," Lyrik rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand.

Well, that was sweet, I thought as I smiled gratefully at Lyrik. It made it faster to get to my house. I was starving.

As per her usual, mom met us at the back door as we got to it, opening it with a huge grin. She had her long blonde hair pulled up into a perfect bun. Letting go of Lyrik's hand (yes, I held it across the clearing) I stepped up to my mom and gave her a quick hug.

"Gentlemen, let's go to the living room to stay out of the way as the ladies set up the table. Is there anything else you would like for us to do, love?"

Dad's affectionate nickname for mom always made my heart flutter. I couldn't wait for someone to call me 'love' like I was the only person in the world who could catch their eye. I went about grabbing plates and silverware, determined not to look at Lyrik. If he was anything like my dad or Draden, he would know instantly that there was something on my mind. I didn't exactly feel like sharing my secret thoughts with my mate. At least not until we knew each other better. I know that usually many people would just tell their mates anything and everything that they asked, but I wasn't like that. I enjoyed the slower process of dating and getting to know someone overtime.

The guys all trailed after my dad into the living room, and I looked up to catch Lyrik looking at me before disappearing through the doorway. He had looked thoughtful, like there was something on his mind, and I wondered if it had anything to do with me as I set the glasses in their proper spots at the table.

"Your father tells me that you were whooping that man's butt until it got a little heated between you."

My head snapped up as I stared at mom, my face burning a bright red as heat flooded it. "What?! He told you?!"

She laughed, hands on her hips. "Of course he did! We've told each other everything for a long time, Raveena. It would be weirder if he hadn't told me."

I bit my lip, taking in what she had said. It made a lot of sense, especially thinking back to when I was a teen and pretty much exclusively talked to my mom. I hadn't wanted to be on the dance or cheer team, so the girls who had been on them were mercilessly cruel to me and every other 'nerd' who wanted to sit in a corner to read. There were quite a few days that I came home crying but Dad didn't try to butt in. He also hadn't ever asked me about what was going on.

"Yeah," I murmured. "You're right."

We finished setting the table and bringing the food out in a matter of minutes. Mom had me sit down as she went to get the guys. I sat staring at my glass of water, thinking of the hot kiss between Lyrik and I. I was so lost in thought I didn't realize everyone else was in the room until a hand settled gently on my shoulder.

I jolted, gasping as I turned to see who it was. My mom just smiled at me, shaking her head. "I'm glad you're not sleeping with your eyes open like Adam suggested. We've called your name a couple of times but you didn't respond. Is everything alright?"

Blood flushed to my face as I nodded. Mom just chuckled under her breath as she sat in her seat. I cleared my throat, avoiding looking at anyone, as I picked up the glass I had been staring at and gulped half of it down.

"Lyrik, would you give us the honor of saying prayer?"

I glanced to the head of the table, where my dad sat, then to Lyrik, sitting across from me. He nodded, then held a hand out on either side of him. I took my mom's hand and then John's. Lyrik waited until everyone was holding each other's hands before he gave a quick prayer, thanking the Goddess for the blessed meal and family. I was glad he was already thinking of my parents and I as his family.

The first few minutes it was quiet as everyone dug into my mom's amazing meatloaf. She had made mashed potatoes, corn, and green beans to go with it. Knowing mom, she also probably had a dessert made too.

"So, Lyrik, what is your plan for the future of the Moonstone Pack?"

I coughed, almost choking on a bite of meatloaf. After a drink of water, I gave my dad a glare, who was just sitting at his spot, eating away like he hadn't said something so out of the blue. I glanced at Lyrik, but he didn't meet my eyes as he was also busy munching on his food. I looked at my mom, giving her a pleading look. She sighed and shook her head, letting me know there was no way to stop my dad's interrogation.

"I plan to keep it safe, of course." Lyrik's voice was soft yet firm, carrying easily over the quiet table. "I have no intention of letting the Goddess' gift land in the wrong hands. It would mean the end of werewolf kind as we know it."

He was vague, but I understood why. Lyrik probably didn't feel comfortable speaking so openly about pack business at the dining table. With our pack being smaller than Moonstone, my dad and uncle had never hesitated about saying their thoughts on pack business at the dining table. However, his answer hung heavily in the air as dad stared down the table at Lyrik. My mate didn't seem to care, though, as he got another helping of potatoes.

"Who is the head warrior?" Dad persisted, putting his fork down.

I groaned softly, putting a hand over my eyes as I leaned back in my chair. This was not the time or place, but when my stubborn father got something he wanted to know, he would chase after you until he got it. When I let my hand drop, I stared at the wall above Lyrik's head, noting that the shelf of collectible tea cups needed dusting.

Lyrik sighed, taking a drink from his own glass before he spoke. "Draden, we don't have a head warrior at the moment. It's been a couple years, as my father and I have worked together in evaluating and training the warriors."

That was kind of shocking, though not overly so. I figured Lyrik had a very active role in every part of the pack's life. The Alpha doing the training, though, was unheard of.

Dad stared for a moment before shaking his head and continuing to eat, ending the conversation. Mom rolled her eyes, smiling at Lyrik now as she motioned for him to continue eating. I had eaten about half of what was on my plate and no longer was hungry after the tension I had felt as dad questioned my mate. I don't understand why he had to do that at the dining table.

I played with my food the rest of the meal, letting myself imagine what a meal would be like in Lyrik's home.