
Divine Element Master

WFP #24: ____________ 500 years ago, the planet, Savias, was afflicted with constant war and destructions. When everyone thought this would be the end of the world, it suddenly awakened. The awakening of Savias gave birth to a new form of energy, Essence. The planet was bathed in Essence, which mutated and transformed life as they knew. ____________ Meet your resident, Paper Prodigy, Aesyn. He's such a rare prodigy that he has an aptitude that's within the top 1%, but also is the only one in the planet's records that has no elemental affinity. Or, so they thought, he just needed the right catalyst. Follow our prodigy's journey as he discovers who he was meant to become.

_RichBravo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


- Elemental Vale -

Shockwave, upon shockwave split the heavens and devastated the earth, as two supreme beings clash.

"I expected more from the 'Almighty' Divine Light, Ceion. This is just too disappointing," said a man with unfathomably deep black eyes, while shaking his head at his lustrous foe.

Ceion had seen better days. His usual, flawless, radiant disposition could not be seen at this moment. His flesh was speckled with a black substance, and his golden blood soaked his pure white robe.

"Ce-Cerros... *cough* I knew this day would come, but I never expected you to resort to tricks to usurp the Divine Palace...", said Ceion through fits of coughing and labored breathing.

Normally, Ceion could dispel any affliction, but this one grew worse as he used his Light Essence. He could only use the normal essence in the surrounds to slow the spread. The situation became more dire than he expected.

"Well, Brother. Do you like it? I went through great lengths to prepare this Origin Poison just for you. Aren't I caring? You see what's happening, under your rule, we've had peace for too long. You and our people have grown complacent and weak.

We've grown too comfortable with not fighting for our resources, like back when we launched wars to acquire what we needed. Our people grew strong and they valued every scrap of resources they acquired. But, look at them now, they're entitled and pathetic.

Don't worry, I'll bring us back to the glory days! This is goodbye, Brother!", exclaimed Cerros, as he reveled in his desire to bring chaos upon the lands once again. He began to channel a foul, dark essence around his body that brought nothing, but the feeling of death and destruction.

"Dark Origin: Decimation!" chanted Cerros, as an overwhelming, black force began to envelop the realm, devouring the surroundings.

Although Ceion was alarmed by his brother's words, he wasted no time in channeling what energy he could to create a huge Light Barrier to contain the spread.

"Cerros, I don't know what's influenced you... *cough*, but to dive into the Origin Expanse just to fulfill this cause. I've truly underestimated your determination to bring chaos back upon these lands. This is not the path we chose!"

Ceion knew his brother was too far gone for words to get through to him. He did not think he would go so far as to enter the birthplace of the elements, Origin Expanse, just to poison him and take over the realm.

He could only sigh and muster up all of the Light Essence that wasn't eaten by the Origin Poison.

As the black force nearly engulfed him, Ceion closed his eyes and his body began to emit a brilliant light that extended past space and time for the entire universe to see.

"Light Origin: Supernova!"


- Tier-3 Planet, Savias, Dione Continent, Year 3,286 -

An extremely bright light shone in the sky, causing the mass hysteria in the residents of the planet at the sight of the phenomenon.

"What is that light?"

"Are we under attack?"

"Is the Sun going to explode?"

Citizens everywhere were panicking and questing their survival from this unknown source of brightness. Those in leadership were also trying to determine whether the light was a threat.

- Dione Continent, Dreme City - Fort Blood Raven -

Deep inside of this military base was a tall woman dressed in navy, who looked no older than the 30, but her sharp gaze would make even the most battle-hardened warrior shiver.

She bellowed at one of her aides, "Jericho! I need a satellite report on what that light is and where it is coming from, immediately!"

"Yes, Supreme Commander!" Jericho hurriedly replied as he saluted and quickly left the room.

She turned her gaze back to the screen of the bright horizon, 'Hmph! Let's see who has the gall to make an attack on my planet.'


Jericho was lost in his thoughts as he was barreling toward the space control center. Unbeknownst to him, there was a young man walking out of the base library.


The two instantly collided and both went sprawling across the hard, metal floor.

"Ow, ow, ow... that's what I get for not looking both ways," said the young man, as he checked himself for injuries. He looked over at the other person and could have sworn he saw steam rising from his head and a... horn? "Uh, sir, are you... okay?"

A red bump was growing in the middle of Jericho's forehead. He was fuming, but he remembered the task given to him by the Supreme Commander. He swallowed his anger, as he looked at the culprit. "YOU..." He pointed, "come with me! I'll handle you later."

Jericho lifted himself off the floor and continued his journey to the space control center. Without turning his head, "I said, 'Come with me!'"

The young man looked at this scene, sighed and started walking. He could only resign himself to this fate.

- Fort Blood Raven, Space Control Center -

In the center of the room was a giant, telescope-like device, swiveling from side to side. Around the giant device were soldiers scrambling from monitor to monitor, as if they couldn't believe the data they received.

"Jenkins, I need a report on what's going on right now!" shouted Jericho as he walked through the doors with a young man in-tow. Jericho started walking toward a tall, burly man, who looked to be about 6'7 and seemed to forget about the guest he kidnapped.

'Oh, well. I guess, I should thank him for bringing me somewhere cool within the base. Let's take see if I can wander around without getting into took much trouble.' the young man thought as he eased his way towards the monitors.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" yelled one of the Space Control Center soldiers. "Authorized personnel only. Get out of here, before I have to report you."

'Damn, I didn't think someone was paying attention. They all seemed so busy. No one gave the 'Unicorn' an issue. Hmm, he also yelled about a report, so he might be a high-ranking officer or at least an aide to one. Let's see if I can get away.'

"Woah, man! I'm here with my boss over there. We're here to get a report from, uh... Jenkins and while we're at it, we wanted to take a look at the monitors and the telescope," he said with a mischievous smile, while casually pointing toward Jericho.

'I'm just a nerd, man. Please let me look!'

The soldier looked at this young man suspiciously, then glanced over at his so called, 'boss' and started sweating,"That's your boss?! Jericho, the Flame Impaler!"


"Yes, that's him. If you don't mind moving to the side, so I can conduct my research. My boss will handle the rest," the young man said smugly as he walked past the stunned soldier. 'Ah, I feel like I'm forgetting something...'

"Hey, you, keep up the hard work. If I'm satisfied, I'll introduce you to, erm... The Impaler. Okay?" he smiled, pleased with his handiwork.

This mysterious young man walked to one of the monitors first and saw a blinding white light and wondered if that's what has everyone in a panic. He spent all of his time in the library researching elemental affinities, so he had no idea of the current events.

He was just about to walk toward the telescope, when he felt both his heart flutter. He immediately gripped his chest, but there was no pain. It felt more like a connection was formed. Sweat started rolling down his forehead. 'What is this feeling? It's almost calling to me... I need to get closer, no, I need to see more of it.'

"Hey, you, on the telescope. I'm the Flame Impaler's aide. You see the one with the unicorn horn, yeah, I work for him. I need to look at this telescope now to gather info." said the young man frenziedly to the soldier.

The soldier looked and saw Jericho and his soul almost leapt from his body as he immediately allowed the young man to view the telescope.

The young man saw his reaction and wondered, 'What has he done to all of you?' He could only shake his head as he turned to the telescope.

His heart started to race, 'This is it!' He looked into the eyepiece and his pupils shrank. What he saw would change his life forever.

He lost consciousness.


Everyone was alarmed as they hadn't expected someone to pass out in this room. Two soldiers approached the unconscious young man and checked his pulse to make sure he was still alive. Fortunately, he was still breathing. The soldiers picked him up and brought him to where Jericho and Jenkins was standing, since that was his boss.

"Sir! Your aide has passed out after viewing the telescope," one of the soldiers saluted and explained what happened, while the other soldier laid the young man on a nearby sofa.

"My what?! I just met this kid today. We had a, err... close encounter on my way here. By the way, does anyone know this guy?" Jericho said while rubbing the 'horn' on his forehead. This day had only gotten more bizarre for him. First the light show, now this strange kid.

Jenkins walked over to the young man to inspect him. "He looks familiar, but I can't place it. Ah, we can check his credentials." Jenkins scanned the bracelet on the young man's wrist with his own and was taken aback with the name he saw. "Jericho, you might want to scan his bracelet... I don't want anything to do with this situation."

Jericho looked at his old friend, puzzled and scanned the bracelet. His soul almost left his body.

Name: Aesyn Boone

Age: 18

Job: Aide

Rank: Corporal, Middle Tier 2 High Human

Element: None

Aptitude: 1-Star Gold

"This is the Paper Prodigy of the Boone Family! We're screwed!"