

Author: Yang Shiliu Category: Romance Status: Finished. this is the last part of this novel With the sound of duang, Feng Yuheng, a master of both Chinese and Western medicine, became the abused daughter of the Dashun Dynasty in minutes. If you want to kill me, you will be paralyzed with a scalpel? Fight with me? The pharmacy is with you, fame and fortune are in your hands, even the emperor You have to get close to me! But what is the situation of the marriage contract, the disfigured cripple is dead, and I need the help of labor and management to win the world? Rogue prince, are you stupid!

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50 Chs

Chapter 1192 Hey, husband

Chapter 1192 Hey, husband!

When Feng Yuheng first came out of the space, she was a little dazed, the outside was full of thick fog, and she couldn't tell the direction for a while. He tried his best to see the city wall of Tongcheng clearly, but he couldn't find where the city wall was after searching around. At one time, she thought that there was a disorder in the space, and she was sent to a strange place, and she was still thinking about how to go back, until a child ran to her and told her that they were the people going to Tongcheng, and she just With a sigh of relief, he pulled the child towards his parents.

The child's parents thought she was a female ghost at first. After all, there was such a thick fog this early in the morning, Feng Yuheng's bright red dress was quite scary. But after she got closer, she felt that this woman was quite real, not like a ghost or something, so she felt a little relieved.

The child said: "Father, mother, this elder sister said that she is going to the city too, but the fog is so thick that she loses her way."

The man stared at her for a while, and then carefully asked: "Are you going to the city too? Are you from Tongcheng? Which one is it?" He thought, Tongcheng is very big, with a population of more than 300,000. Many people recognize it, and this may be the same people who came back to pick up things like them.

But Feng Yuheng shook her head, and said to him: "I'm not a citizen of Tongcheng, I just came here to find someone." After finishing speaking, he asked again: "What's the situation in Tongcheng now? Could it be... occupied by Dashun? "

The man nodded: "Occupied. Today's Tongcheng is no longer under the control of Zong Sui, and was beaten down by the Ninth Prince of Dashun. If you are not from Tongcheng, you may not know that Tongcheng is surrounded by mines. The next three sides. The Ninth Prince asked us to move to Jiancheng to live temporarily. This morning is the last time to open the city. After noon, the city will be closed and the other three heavenly thunders will be detonated. Girl, who are you looking for in the city? Now There are not many people in the city, and even if there are, they just come back to pick up things like us. If you have relatives living here, you might as well go to Jiancheng to find them!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and pointed Pointing to the direction of Jiancheng, she told Feng Yuheng: "Going that way is Jiancheng."

"Ninth Prince." A smile appeared on Feng Yuheng's face, "It's great, it's great to be defeated." She immediately became happy, "I'm not going to build the city, I'm going to Tongcheng. Thank you, now I'm I know the direction to Tongcheng, you go slowly, I will go first." After speaking, he pushed the little boy forward and handed it back to the woman, then turned around and ran in the direction of Tongcheng without staying any longer.

The fog was too thick, and Feng Yuheng's movements were too fast, almost disappearing from the sight of the couple in the blink of an eye. The woman panicked again, and said to her man: "It must be a ghost, it must be a ghost, otherwise how could it disappear all of a sudden!"

The man frowned, thinking about another possibility—"She was so happy when she heard about Dashun's occupation of Tongcheng. It seems that not only is she not from Tongcheng, but she may not be from Zongsui either. A woman is not from Zongsui." ..." Suddenly remembering something Dashun Army has been doing for a while, his eyes lit up, and he grabbed his wife and said, "I know who that woman is now! She's not a ghost, she's a human being." , is the missing princess that the Dashun Army is looking for!"

Outside the city, the couple was still happy because they found Princess Yu, but Feng Yuheng had already rushed to the bottom of the city wall of Tongcheng. It was only when she saw the city wall that had been completely blown down that she realized, no wonder she couldn't see the city wall of Tongcheng and couldn't tell the direction.

Looking into the city again, the inside is also dilapidated. It seems that the big explosion caused a lot of damage to Tongcheng, and many people must have died! She lamented helplessly that death was inevitable in war, but being killed by a landmine in such an era made her feel deeply remorseful from the bottom of her heart. Even if she did not bury the thunder outside Tongcheng, nor did it come from the Dashun Army, she still felt guilty for bringing such a cross-age weapon to this time and space.

Feng Yuheng walked towards the city, always feeling that she could still smell the gunpowder smoke that shouldn't belong to this era, there are always people passing by around her, she heard someone say: "Hurry up! Let's go, the city will be bombed in a few hours."

"I heard that the sky thunders from three sides detonated at the same time. First, the thunder on the west side is already so powerful. If these three sides are detonated together, can Tongcheng still exist?"

"What a fart! It's definitely going to be bombed! But it doesn't matter, the house we got in Jiancheng is much better than the one in Tongcheng, so don't come back in the future. The left and right have become the world of Dashun, I think Dashun's The Ninth Prince is quite good, maybe our life will be better than before."

The common people were talking about the impending bombing of Tongcheng, Feng Yuheng listened to it in her heart, and carefully calculated the consequences of the detonation of the three landmines. She really wanted to minimize the damage, but no matter how she thought about it, there was nothing she could do. Demining? impossible! Not to mention that there are no demining tools in her space, even if there are, there are no skilled engineers here, and no one will do it. What's more, things like mine clearance cannot be completely ruled out in the 21st century. If there are still a few left, it will be a hidden danger, and it may kill people anytime, anywhere.

After much deliberation, there is only one way to detonate, and as for this Tongcheng, I am afraid that it will be blown to nothing left by such an explosion. Dashun attacked Zong Sui, slaughtered a city, and bombed a city. This achievement is really brilliant.

The morning fog finally dissipated, and she inquired with others and walked towards the Zhizhou capital. The people in Tongcheng said that the Ninth Prince had been living in the Zhizhou Mansion, and he should still be there now. She was in a hurry, almost running towards that side. Having stayed in the space for a long time, Xuan Tianming must be in a hurry!

While running, some soldiers patrolling the streets saw him, there was no one in the Dashun Army who did not recognize Feng Yuheng, people recognized her at a glance. There were bursts of cheers on the street, and the shouts of "Princess Yu is back" kept coming and going. Everyone was really happy. After searching for so long, they finally had to give up in despair. People thought that Feng Yuheng had died in that explosion, but in the blink of an eye, she came back seemingly unharmed. Why? Can not make people happy!

Such voices spread throughout the streets and alleys of Tongcheng, and spread to every corner of Tongcheng. More and more people rushed to Zhizhou Mansion to tell Xuan Tianming the ecstatic news.

At that time, Xuan Tianming was planning with the lieutenant general the plan to bomb the city after noon today. He wandered outside the city again last night without closing his eyes, and only came back to the city at dawn. Just a few days when people gave up their search, he and He Gan almost contracted the day and night of the minefield in the west of the city. , to ensure that Feng Yuheng's appearance would not be missed.

It's just that today's situation is special, because Xuan Tianming was going to blow up the city, so Xuan Tianming came back early, and He Gan didn't go to find anyone again. There was a lot of noise outside.

At first, people didn't understand what was shouting outside, and thought it was Tongcheng people who changed their minds to make trouble again! Qian Li also said: "The subordinates went out to have a look. It's time like this. If there are troublemakers, they will be arrested directly. They don't want us to ask for it! Those landmines outside can't wait for people."

He was about to turn around while speaking, but was grabbed by He Gan. Qian Li could feel the slight trembling of He Gan's arm holding him, he was taken aback, and wanted to ask what happened to He Gan. But at this moment, Xuan Tianming also stood up suddenly from his seat, and the chilly aura that had been around him for the past few days dissipated at once, replaced by unconcealable joy.

"Your Highness, the master is back!" When He Gan said these words, tears flowed down his face. He once said that even if he cut out his own eyes, he would never shed tears, because once he also shed tears, Feng Yuheng really couldn't come back. But now, people outside said that Princess Yu was back, and he couldn't hold back his tears anymore. The best general of the Shenji Battalion was crying loudly in front of so many people.

Xuan Tianming also felt sore eyes, he pushed away the crowd, used his lightness kung fu and rushed outside, and as soon as he left the house, he saw the woman in red standing among the crowd in the yard.

He took a deep breath, clenched his hands into fists, and trembled uncontrollably. I just feel that all this is too unreal, so that I dare not go forward, for fear that if I take another step forward, the woman will disappear in front of me.

Feng Yuheng had never seen Xuan Tianming like this before, she was both funny and sad, she waved at the person opposite: "Hi, husband!" Her eyes blinked playfully, instantly sweeping away the haze of these days .

Xuan Tianming finally laughed, "Smelly girl." He opened his arms to greet his beloved wife, but the little wife who jumped into his arms with a smile quickly started crying again. First weeping softly, and then crying loudly, the tears quickly wet Xuan Tianming's heart, causing him bursts of distress. "Be good, don't cry." He gently rubbed his wife's soft hair, "It's good to be back, it's good to be back." But...he refrained from asking, where is Seventh Brother?

She looked up at him, and finally managed to speak out. She said, "Husband, I saved Brother Seven, but I couldn't. What should we do? If he doesn't wake up, we won't have Brother Seven in the future."

Xuan Tianming's heart tightened, his wife had come back, but the most unacceptable fact still happened. Xuan Tianhua didn't wake up, does that mean he was seriously injured and unconscious? Then it must have suffered multiple injuries to make people fall into such a deep sleep, so that the genius doctor Feng Yuheng couldn't wake him up?

"It's not your fault." He patted her on the back, feeling his wife's guilt and self-blame, so he kept persuading, "It's not your fault."

"But I'm not reconciled." Feng Yuheng said, "I must wake up Seventh Brother, even if it takes this lifetime, I must wake him up."

"Okay." Xuan Tianming nodded fiercely, "Let's spend our whole lives together to wake up Seventh Brother. But, Hengheng, there is one more thing I have to tell you..."