

Author: Yang Shiliu Category: Romance Status: Finished. this is the last part of this novel With the sound of duang, Feng Yuheng, a master of both Chinese and Western medicine, became the abused daughter of the Dashun Dynasty in minutes. If you want to kill me, you will be paralyzed with a scalpel? Fight with me? The pharmacy is with you, fame and fortune are in your hands, even the emperor You have to get close to me! But what is the situation of the marriage contract, the disfigured cripple is dead, and I need the help of labor and management to win the world? Rogue prince, are you stupid!

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50 Chs

Chapter 1169 Are you a tease invited by a monkey?

Chapter 1169 Are you a tease invited by a monkey?

Feng Yuheng came quietly, and left like a ghost. It was the first time she entered the space in front of Xuan Tianhua, and it was the first time that he saw her own difference. At that moment, even Xuan Tianhua felt that he must be dazzled, and even wondered if he was bewildered by the sound of his piano, that girl had never been here at all.

But when he lowered his head again, the pistol and bullets on the table really proved everything just now.

Outside the tent, He Gan's voice sounded and asked, "Is Your Highness talking to someone?"

He was slightly startled, and then said after a while: "No, you heard it wrong." After speaking, he put away the pistol and continued to play the piano. It's just that the sense of tranquility before was gone from the sound of the piano, and it made people feel disturbed gradually.

Did you hear me wrong? He Gan put down the warm tea in his hand, and looked in one direction of Daying with a wry smile. Seems to see a slender figure looming, after several times, it disappeared without a trace.

He clearly heard the master talking inside just now! That woman who is both a teacher and a master, he only needs to make a little sound to hear it! But His Royal Highness said that he heard wrongly, so he must have heard wrongly! The master came but didn't see them, there must be the master's difficulties, just like this battle, between the seventh prince and the ninth prince, they did not hesitate to hurt each other with their own hands, but it was to protect each other with their lives.

At dawn the next day, Duanmu Anguo arrived at Jiancheng. Zuo Da, the magistrate of Jiancheng, led a group of Jiancheng officials to greet him at the city gate, and the people of Jiancheng also lined the road to welcome them under Zuo Da's arrangement. Among them were many children who dozed off while waiting because they got up too early.

Zuo Da is a person who is very good at creating atmosphere. There are no flowers in this winter, so he made a lot of red paper lanterns for people to carry. Adults carry round lanterns, children carry lanterns, and many people hold colorful lanterns in their hands. The big flowers folded from the cloth waved there from time to time, and it looked lively.

Xuan Tianming and Bai Ze were mixed in such a team, and the big cotton hat in winter successfully covered the purple lotus between his eyebrows, and also covered his most special identification.

The two of them also held lanterns in their hands, and Bai Ze said in a low voice, "This doesn't look like welcoming people, but it looks like welcoming ghosts. Isn't there a folk saying that red lights lead the way! This Master Zhizhou wants to take Duanmu An Guo was led to the underworld!"

Xuan Tianming snorted coldly, "That's good, let's save trouble. It's a pity that good people don't live long, and evils last for thousands of years. This old fox just doesn't die so easily"

"No." Bai Ze gritted his teeth and said, "He's still like a mouse, stealing holes everywhere. When I look for him, I can't find him. When I look back, I don't know which hole I got out of."

While talking, the city gate opened, and Duanmu Anguo's team slowly entered the city. Immediately there were people in the city who knew the prefecture and waved their hands, "Hurry up! Lift up the lanterns in your hands and raise them higher. That's right! Over your head, over your head. The one holding the colored cloth should also wave it, like me. , Come follow me, left and right! Left and right!" All of a sudden, everyone waved their hands, even those children who were noisy and sleepy and cold were infected in such an atmosphere, and waved their hands with smiles one by one, He kept shouting, "Welcome, welcome! Warmly welcome!"

Xuan Tianming and Bai Ze also waved, their faces were as black as charcoal, and they had never done such a shameful thing in their life, they never expected to sneak into a Jiancheng, but met a teasing Zhizhou, if it wasn't for their own He was so confident in hiding that Xuan Tianming almost wondered if Zuo Da was trying to trick him on purpose.

Obviously, Duanmu Anguo didn't expect such a welcome scene in Jiancheng. They rushed over from Kyoto and originally wanted to go to Bincheng, but they didn't expect Bincheng to be taken down suddenly. As a last resort, they had to temporarily decide to come to Jiancheng . In order to prevent Dashun from catching them off guard again, he specially quickened his pace, and rushed this way almost without touching the ground. He entered the city one by one, and was greeted by so many people suddenly, making Duanmu Anguo almost I thought I had come to the wrong place.

If Bincheng falls, shouldn't Jiancheng be tense and ready for battle? Why do people smile so happily, with joy on their faces, as happy as marrying a daughter-in-law?

He frowned and looked at Zuo Da, who was already rushing forward, and said coldly: "You said you are the prefect of Jiancheng? Then tell this general, if the two countries are at war, if you don't deploy the city defense, you will kill everyone." What are you gathering here for?"

Zuo had thought of what Duanmu Anguo said early in the morning, so he was not surprised at all, let alone flustered. He said to Duanmu Anguo: "Returning to my lord, I am just here to welcome you, my lord! You are in front of the emperor now!" I am a famous celebrity, and shoulder the important task of defending my family and country for Zong Sui. I thought to myself, no matter who is wronged, Lord Duanmu must not be wronged. The city defense must be deployed, but Lord Duanmu came to Jiancheng, and we also I can't say nothing at all. So I organized a small welcome ceremony to welcome Lord Duanmu. Don't worry, my lord, the people who participated in this ceremony today are ordinary people. The soldiers guarding the city are useless. I came here voluntarily, just to show off your demeanor, Mr. Duanmu. You say, don't you?"

The last sentence was asked to all the people. These people had been trained long ago. When Zuo Da asked, they immediately answered loudly: "Yes!" The words were neat and loud, and they sounded very imposing.

"Nonsense!" Duanmu Anguo was so angry that his face turned black, but it was inconvenient to get angry with the people. After all, this is Zong Sui, not the northern boundary of Dashun. He was able to dominate the Great Northern Territory, but when it came to Zong Sui, he had to be careful and forbear, and if there was even the slightest deviation, he was likely to be criticized by others. So, he suppressed his anger, looked around at the people, and said calmly: "Thank you, everyone, I will do my best to keep Jiancheng, and keep my Zong Sui square safe."

As soon as he said this, Zuo Da immediately waved his arms again and shouted at the crowd: "Did you hear that? Hurry up and thank General Duanmu!"

So, under the leadership of Zuo Da, the common people started a new round of gratitude.

Duanmu Anguo got dizzy when he heard that, so he quickly ordered Zuo Zuo to take him to Zhizhou Mansion to settle down. The Zuo Da led the way like a pug. Duanmu Anguo didn't dismount, and he even helped Duanmu Anguo dust off Dirt on boots.

Xuan Tianming mixed in the crowd, looked coldly, the old man was much older, the white hair on his head had obviously overshadowed the black hair, but he was still full of energy. Bai Ze said: "This old man is getting more and more alive!"

He raised his lips, "Since you don't want to see him alive again, you have to find a way to keep him here in Jiancheng."

"Kill directly?"

Xuan Tianming shook his head, "Look around him, everyone is a master. Apart from these superficial ones, there must be many hidden guards hiding in the dark. Even if I have a gun in my hand, I can kill him on the spot. It will be very difficult for you and me to escape from Jiancheng. Unless..." There was tenderness in his eyes, "Unless your princess is here."

Bai Ze nodded, yes, the princess is a fairy, as long as there are fairies, Duanmu Anguo, an old man, will definitely not be able to leave Jiancheng alive. At that time, even if all he could see was the corpse, he would have to poke a few more holes in the corpse.

Xuan Tianming is easy to hide, but Feng Yuheng is hard to defend, Duanmu Anguo is also well aware of this truth. I thought that when he was still in the northern border, he had heard from the soldiers that the Princess Ji'an of Dashun was haunted. I don't know how fast the lightness kungfu and body skills are, but it can flash in front of the army, as unpredictable as ghosts and ghosts.

Therefore, he guarded against Feng Yuheng to the limit, even when he temporarily settled in Jiancheng, he asked Zuo Da if he had a secret room before entering the mansion. In fact, there is a secret room in the Zhizhou Mansion of Jiancheng, which he has known for a long time, and he sent people to sneak in in advance, dug out another room in that secret room, and set up blinders and traps, whoever wants to It takes a lot of time to find them. Asking this now is just not wanting that Zuo Da to suspect that's all.

When Zuo Dayi heard that Duanmu Anguo asked about the secret room, he quickly answered: "Yes! Yes! Do you want to use the secret room? My little one will take you there. Do you want to store gold and silver or antique jades? The villain's secret room is in addition to the villain. In addition, even the mouse can't be found, it is definitely your best choice."

Duanmu Anguo felt that Zuo Da was really annoying, so he didn't say much, he just waved his hand and said, "It's the general who wants to live in, so don't tell anyone about it."

"Your Excellency wants to live?" Zuo Da was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "That's fine, that's fine, Sir, don't worry, the secret room can accommodate people, and the younger ones will personally deliver three meals a day to the adults, and promise not to come again Let the third person know where your lord lives." After finishing speaking, he glanced at the accompanying guards beside Duanmu Anguo, and then whispered: "My lord, then...do you want to silence them? "He said, and made a movement of wiping his neck.

Duanmu Anguo's subordinates were almost pissed off by him, so they couldn't figure it out, how could such a person be made a state magistrate? Is he here to be funny?

Seeing that Duanmu Anguo just snorted coldly and ignored himself, Zuo Da scratched his head, smirked for a while, and said to himself: "It's fine if adults don't want to, anyway, villains will keep their mouths shut anyway, I hope they can do the same. That's right. In case someone else finds out where your master is hiding, don't ask only the little one, sir!"

Duanmu Anguo gave him a hard look: "What is this general's hiding place? Why does this general hide? I just want to go there...to..." He went there for a long time, but he didn't know what to do. Explain, say go to bed? In order to prevent Feng Yuheng from attacking? How is that different from hiding? After much deliberation, I don't know what words to use to describe it, so I just said angrily: "A matter of discussion! This general is going to discuss a matter. You just tidy up the secret room and prepare all the bedding. Just come and inform me!"

"Okay, sir! Yes, sir! Let's do it, little one!" Zuo Da ran away in a hurry. Damn, do you still need to bring bedding when you go to discuss business? Isn't this still going to sleep! The two armies should be cautious when fighting, but it would be cowardly to be cautious. He didn't even dare to sleep on the bed in a decent room, why was Duanmu Anguo scared by the Dashun soldiers? I really don't understand why the emperor let this kind of person lead the army. The rats who were driven out by the Dashun people were so frightened before they had to meet the Dashun soldiers. I won't just run away.

Zuo Da was slandering while preparing things for Duanmu Anguo. There were a lot of gold, silver and jewels in his collection in the secret room. If he knew this, he should have moved it in advance. It might be too late to move it now. Forget it, old man Duanmu was scared out of his wits and didn't have the heart to worry about his belongings. He should think about it carefully. Once Duanmu Anguo is defeated, how should he escape and how should he shirk responsibility in front of the emperor after escaping? !

Just as he was thinking about it, Zuo Da, who was walking towards the secret room with his quilt in his arms, suddenly stopped, looked towards a corner, and asked, "Who's there?"