

Author: Yang Shiliu Category: Romance Status: Finished. this is the last part of this novel With the sound of duang, Feng Yuheng, a master of both Chinese and Western medicine, became the abused daughter of the Dashun Dynasty in minutes. If you want to kill me, you will be paralyzed with a scalpel? Fight with me? The pharmacy is with you, fame and fortune are in your hands, even the emperor You have to get close to me! But what is the situation of the marriage contract, the disfigured cripple is dead, and I need the help of labor and management to win the world? Rogue prince, are you stupid!

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50 Chs

Chapter 1165 Who is it defending against?

Chapter 1165 Who is it defending against?

Xuan Tianhua appeared in front of Lu Yu in this way at such a time, and Lu Yu was almost scared to death by him.

He thought he was dazzled by drinking too much! I thought I saw a ghost! But he rubbed his eyes, and then took a closer look, the man in white clothes in front of him, who looked like a fairy, wasn't the rumored seven immortal princes of Dashun, who could it be?

Lu Yu was a little dazed, he couldn't figure out why the Seventh Prince was standing here, and how did he enter Bincheng? How did he get into Zhizhou Mansion?

In a daze, he suddenly remembered that someone had reported to him just now, saying that Dashun had attacked the city, could it be true that it really did? its not right! He looked at Xuan Tianhua, and asked in a daze: "I heard that you attacked the four city gates together? But you clearly camped outside the east city gate?"

Xuan Tianhua explained his doubts: "The battalion is set up there, but the soldiers are not necessarily concentrated in one place."

The soldier next to him who had come to report Dashun's siege interrupted at this moment: "My lord, they walked through the tunnel, and people came out of the tunnel!"

Lu Yu was even more confused, "You have been camping for so many days without attacking the city. Could it be that you are digging tunnels?" Are all the people in Dashun belong to the rat family? The hole was drilled too fast. In just a few days, four tunnels were opened that could accommodate the army. Is it possible? He looked at Xuan Tianhua and thought to himself that unless this person is really a god, it is impossible to dig out that kind of tunnel. Of course, it is also possible that he drank too much and had hallucinations, all of this is fake.

Lu Yu knocked his head on the table, thinking to himself, wake up quickly, wake up quickly, but when he looked up, he still saw Xuan Tianhua's white clothes. He had a slight breakdown, he had just molested the Seventh Prince, but now when he saw the deity, he felt that what he said just now was really a mess!

boom! boom!

The noise outside became louder, and Lu Yu subconsciously asked, "What's going on?"

A drinking buddy who was also confused by drinking told him: "My lord, it's a big drum, and I'm beating the big drum to celebrate my birthday!" This person was completely unaware that the atmosphere in the banquet hall had changed suddenly, and under the influence of alcohol, he had already reached the point of ecstasy Boundary.

But Lu Yu woke up a little earlier, the man told him it was Dagu, but how could he believe it! He looked at Xuan Tianhua, cold sweat dripped down his brow, and then tremblingly said: "It's not a big drum, it's a sky thunder! It's the kind of sky thunder from Dashun! You actually use sky thunder to blow up the city? Do you know that I don't know?" How many people are there in the city? Is Dashun going to massacre the city? You will be punished by God for hurting innocent people like this!"

Xuan Tianhua shook his head, and told him calmly: "You don't have to worry about the safety of the people, all the people in the city have been transferred to one place, and the few who have not left are safe and sound under our protection. Lord Lu , you should care about yourself! You celebrate your birthday today, but unfortunately, this king failed to bring you a gift, but instead wanted to ask for something from you. Thinking about it, I really feel a little embarrassed. But since this king has come Now, there is absolutely no reason to go back empty-handed. Master Lu, this Bincheng is a gift from you to this king! Don't worry, this king will not despise the meagerness of this gift."

Lu Yu is about to explode with anger, such a big city is considered meager in the eyes of the Seventh Prince? So what is abundance? He wanted to stand up and fight, but he couldn't just give up the city like this, so he could fight a battle anyway. But I drank too much wine, and I couldn't use any strength in my body. Before I could stand up, I stumbled and fell down again.

Not only Lu Yu is like this, almost all the Zong Sui soldiers in Bincheng tonight are like this. Especially those guarding the city, apart from being drunk, they also found that their legs and feet were weak, so weak that they even had trouble walking. Finally someone realized that something was wrong, the wine had been mixed with something! But when I looked back to look for those wine deliverers who were dressed as servants of Zhizhou's mansion, I found that I couldn't find any of them. So, they watched Dashun's soldiers come out of the tunnel like ghosts, and went directly into the city, and then the city gate opened wide, letting in a large number of soldiers and horses behind.

Some people who drank less tried to resist, but the soldiers of Dashun didn't fight them. They just picked places where no one was around and threw sky mines, one by one, and the sound of the explosion made the ground of Bincheng tremble. Those soldiers who wanted to resist were so frightened that they didn't dare to step forward, so they allowed Dashun's army to break into the city and directly occupy the city of Bin without attacking.

Dashun broke down the city without any effort, did not hurt a commoner, and blocked the Lord Zhizhou in the banquet hall. This is a joke to the soldiers of Dashun, but it is a joke to the soldiers of Zong Sui. nightmare.

All the people gathered in the central square did not realize that something had happened until Dashun's team surrounded them. The people exploded, and the love for Zong Sui's country suddenly surged up. A large number of people began to rush out, and began to fight against the Dashun army with their fists and feet. Even five or six-year-old children knew how to catch soldiers. He bit his arm fiercely with his mouth.

These soldiers fought many battles with Xuan Tianming and broke through many enemy cities, but it was the first time they saw such a high loyalty of the people. These people asked them to fight, either not or not, they froze there for a while, gritting their teeth and enduring punches, but they still didn't take a step back.

Later, when the people were tired from beating, the women began to cry, accusing Dashun of being a bandit and taking their homes by force. Those accusations burst into tears, which made people feel very sad. Even some soldiers were confused. Could it be that they were really wrong, were they robbers who occupied other people's homes?

This scene continued for a long time until Xuan Tianhua came to the square on horseback. He looked at the people in the city, at the women who were crying because of anger, at the men who rolled up their arms and sleeves, and at those children who didn't know what to do and just kept shouting... He had thought about speaking up. To comfort, he originally wanted to reason with them, but at this moment he suddenly became exhausted.

What's the use of being reasonable? Will the common people understand what it means for a prince to seize the heir apparent? Will the common people understand that Zong Sui's new emperor will turn against Da Shun when he ascends the throne? Won't! The common people don't understand those things at all. They only know that their homeland has been invaded, and they only know that the army from Dashun is standing in front of them. So they made trouble, and they wanted to drive out the Dashun people again.

Well, since reasoning is useless, it is better to spread out the facts more bluntly for everyone to see. And what he can do is to save the lives of these people as much as possible, and the other party has to choose by themselves.

Xuan Tianhua shook his head, opened his mouth calmly, channeled his internal strength and said to the people in front of him: "Since Dashun has come, he never thought about going back. This king gathered you here to ensure that you have no casualties. It is benevolence to the utmost. There is no right or wrong in this world. Since ancient times, the success of the king and the defeat of the bandit have been what Zong Sui has to bear. Since you are Zong Sui people, you can only bear it together. The king will give you a choice today. Those who continue to be Zong Sui people, let you go out of the city. Those who want to return to Dashun, then stay and continue to live the same life as before. No matter what you choose, this king must tell you a fact today. For Zong Sui It is said that Dashun was originally the main country, and now Dashun is only recovering foreign lands. You are from Zong Sui, but Zong Sui belongs to Dashun."

He didn't intend to say too much, the battle was over, and any righteous words would sound hypocritical to the other party. Xuan Tianhua told Qian Li: "Register everyone. If you want to leave, send someone to their residence to fetch valuables for them to bring, and then release them out of the city. If you don't want to leave, send them home and let them go." They carry on with their old lives."

Dajun's ability to execute is very strong, he immediately followed Xuan Tianhua's orders. As for the people of Zong Sui, even though they were unwilling, they had no ability to resist under Dashun's powerful armed forces, so they had to follow Xuan Tianhua's words and make the two choices.

In the end, more than half of the people left and less than half stayed. Seeing that the city was more than half empty, Xuan Tianhua ordered the army to settle down and use this Bin City as their temporary base. And those who were captured in the banquet hall of Zhizhou Mansion, including Naluyu, will be imprisoned first, and those captured soldiers will be accepted later if they are willing to obey. Many places of bitter cold require labor. Send them there in the future, and someone will help domesticate them.

The news of Bincheng's fall quickly spread throughout the Erzong Sui Dynasty. Duanmu Anguo, who was still on the way, heard about this, immediately changed his plan, abandoned Bincheng and went to Jiancheng. That was Zong Sui's second city closest to Dashun. Since Bincheng was too late, his plan was implemented in Jiancheng, which was the same.

After Xuan Tianhua occupied Bincheng, the first thing he did was to close the four major city gates and sent heavy troops to guard them. People have no doubts about this, after all, this is something that all coaches have to do after attacking the city. But when all the deployments were completed, Xuan Tianhua said something unbelievable to them, "The four major city gates are deployed first, the first person to guard against is the Ninth Prince, Xuan Tianming! All soldiers obey the order, If the Ninth Prince Xuan Tianming arrives at the base of the city, no city gate will be allowed to open for him, and anyone who violates the order will be beheaded!"

The soldiers were all confused, why not let the Ninth Prince in? Are they guarding the wall not guarding Zong Sui, but guarding the Ninth Prince?

However, Qian Li could understand Xuan Tianhua's painstaking efforts. He knew that Xuan Tianhua had made up his mind to fight this battle for Xuan Tianming. It will be smooth sailing in the future. It's just that I don't know when the so-called hexagram of death will be fulfilled. This feeling is like a thunder has been buried in the ground. I only know that it will explode, but I don't know where to go to step on it. It makes people feel really tormented.

In the afternoon three days later, Xuan Tianming and Bai Ze finally arrived under Bin City. The two entered Fuzhou this morning. As soon as they entered the city, they heard the news that Bincheng had been breached. They were really happy for a while. Now that he finally came to the foot of Bincheng, Bai Ze pointed to the city gate and said, "Master, this city belongs to us! Look at the guards above the city, they are all our own brothers!" He said while pointing at the city wall Waving above: "Hey! Brothers! His Highness Ninth Prince has arrived! Open the city gate quickly!"

Unexpectedly, after the person above the city wall glanced down, he actually replied: "Your Highness Ninth Prince, please come back! You are not welcome in Bincheng!"