

Author: Yang Shiliu Category: Romance Status: Finished. this is the last part of this novel With the sound of duang, Feng Yuheng, a master of both Chinese and Western medicine, became the abused daughter of the Dashun Dynasty in minutes. If you want to kill me, you will be paralyzed with a scalpel? Fight with me? The pharmacy is with you, fame and fortune are in your hands, even the emperor You have to get close to me! But what is the situation of the marriage contract, the disfigured cripple is dead, and I need the help of labor and management to win the world? Rogue prince, are you stupid!

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50 Chs

Chapter 1164 Dashun Siege

Chapter 1164 Dashun Siege

The decision Duanmu Anguo said was a very wicked decision. The Bliss Xiaoyao powder in his hand never thought of giving it to his own soldiers, but locked the target group on the soldiers of the Zong Sui Dynasty and the people of Bincheng.

He has a crazy plan, that is, to make all the people in Bincheng take Jile Xiaoyao Powder, from old people in their 70s and 80s to children who have just toddled, he will pour the medicine down for them. When Dashun's soldiers and horses attacked the city, what they saw was a crazy city, and all the people in the whole city would fall into madness, so as to bring enough shock. He didn't believe that when all the people in the city charged forward without fear of death, the Seventh Prince, who was as smooth as a fairy, was really willing to kill them all? He didn't believe that Xuan Tianhua could kill a toddler!

What he wanted was Xuan Tianhua's soft heart and hesitation. Once Xuan Tianhua hesitated, then Dashun had already been defeated on the psychological defense line, and he would be sure to beat people back to where they came from.

Bincheng, Zhizhou Lu Yu celebrated his birthday today, his fiftieth birthday, and it was also the day of celebration for his full ten years as Bincheng Zhizhou.

As a city on the border between the two countries, Bincheng's oil and water are enough to envy many people. Even those Beijing officials secretly said that no matter how big an official is, he is not as comfortable as Lu Yu, guarding the fat vacancy in Bincheng Son, after all these years, he has made a lot of money.

Lu Yu is indeed making money, so for the past ten years, he would rather give up the opportunity to enter the capital for a higher official position, and just stay here and live a carefree life. Now, the relationship between Zong Sui and Da Shun suddenly became tense, and he was not happy about it. He once complained behind his back that Zong Sui's new emperor was too ambitious, and that he had to make things difficult for Da Shun because he had a good life. As soon as the battle broke out, the customs border was blocked, and the business could not continue. Many goods collected and waiting for cross-border transactions were thrown into the hands, and the fabrics were ignored.

But this was just whispering behind his back, his heart was still towards Zong Sui, and he even thought that once Zong Sui won, the business would be bigger, not just Bincheng and Fuzhou.

Lu Yu's birthday was celebrated by the whole city. He held a banquet in Zhizhou Mansion for three days and three nights. All the officials and merchants in the city came to congratulate, those who gave gifts gave gifts, and those who directly ordered silver, Lu Yu counted the money softly. At that time, he was sitting in the banquet hall of Zhizhou Mansion, accompanied by countless guests below him, surrounded by several beauties, with a wine glass in his hand, while eating the grapes that the beauties peeled open with her mouth, he said to the guests below: "This Guan Dashou, even sent an invitation to Prince Dashun who was guarding outside the city, and asked him if he dared to come to celebrate my birthday. But guess what? He didn't come! He didn't dare to come !"

"Your Excellency is right!" Someone below immediately echoed: "The Seventh Prince has been stationed outside for so long, but he has not dared to move a finger of our Bincheng. There has never been an accident, where a prince of Dashun can snatch it away."

"That's right. My lord sent him an invitation card. It was to give him face, but he is shameless for himself, so don't blame us for looking down on him. What you say is the most like a fairy. In my opinion, he is a bitch! "

Everyone laughed, raised their glasses and toasted Lu Yu. Na Luyu was also happy to hear that, and waved his big hand and said: "When the official celebrates his birthday, we will take the initiative to beat them with Dashun, not for anything else, just to capture that fairy-like prince alive, and give it to you at that time Be happy, let's see if it's a man or a woman!"

The atmosphere in the banquet hall was made very high by this Lu Yu, but outside the banquet hall, the celebration was still strong. A man with the appearance of a servant was actively pouring wine for the guards and soldiers guarding the inside and outside of the gate of the Zhizhou Mansion with a wine jar, and said cheerfully while pouring: "My lord said, brothers have worked too hard today. It's rare for an adult to be happy on his birthday, so everyone should drink more, good wine and good food are enough!"

People didn't think much about it, since Master Zhizhou asked them to drink, they naturally wouldn't refuse, anyway, Lu Yu was on top of him when something happened. So people picked up the wine bowls in front of them again and again, and poured the spirits in the bowls up. The person who poured the wine poured them bowl after bowl, from the yard to the outside, from the gate to the gate of the mansion, never idle for a moment.

At the same time, at the four major city gates of Bincheng, servants dressed as magistrates also went to deliver wine. The whole jars of wine are pushed by trolleys, and each cart is filled with dozens of jars. Those servants dressed up in Zhizhou's mansion tried their best to persuade the soldiers to eat food and drink. Under such constant persuasion, the soldiers finally relaxed their vigilance and joined the team celebrating Lu Zhizhou's birthday Come, eat and drink in big bowls.

A soldier guarding the east gate got drunk, stood on the city wall, pointed outside and shouted loudly: "The people of Dashun are a bunch of cowards! They knew they were guarding outside, but they didn't even dare to move a single hair of Bincheng, so that they can't get out of Bincheng." People look down on it!"

"No!" Someone also said: "I have been waiting for this battle since they came here. Who would have imagined that I would have lice all over my body, and the bastards of Dashun still didn't fight in."

With these two people taking the lead, the atmosphere quickly spread among the soldiers. People scolded Dashun while drinking, and they felt like drinking! Swearing and taking a sip is more satisfying than eating peanuts. In this way, the carts of wine jars were emptied, and the carts of wine jars continued to be sent to the four gates of the four cities. It was as much as they wanted, and there was no limit to the supply.

The Zhizhou Mansion was singing and dancing, and the soldiers outside the four major city gates were drunk like mud. At this time, in the city of Bincheng, floats were also wandering on the street wrapped in lanterns, and there were lion dance teams, playing, playing and singing. The teams are all marching together around the floats. Everyone knows that these are all to celebrate the birthday of Lord Zhizhou. It is said that a theater troupe will set up a stage in the square in the center of Bincheng City for a while, and will sing operas for free for people in a while.

Those who love to listen to operas have already gone to the city center, and those who don't like to listen to operas just watch the excitement on the side of the street, and children will walk forward with the lion dance team. There are also people dressed as servants of the Zhizhou Mansion accompanying them all the way, and they keep shouting at the onlookers: "Everyone go to the central square! After a while, the Zhizhou Mansion will distribute wedding cakes and rewards. Hurry up and wait there." Let's receive the reward! Oh, big sister, don't go by yourself! Take this child with you, and for those who bring their children, the Zhizhou government will give an extra one!"

Under such excitement, people happily moved to the central square of the city. Gradually, the streets were emptied, the surrounding houses were also emptied, and the shops were empty. Even the grandmother who sold wontons on the street closed her stall and went to the central square. Go wait and join in the fun. But the suona of the drum music in the city was even louder, and the sound came from all directions, full of joy.

People gathered in one place like never before, and the whole Bincheng was in a strange state, empty on all sides, but seething in the center. People gathered together and talked about the birthday banquet of Master Zhizhou with great interest, saying that they did not expect that the common people could also get benefits, and they did not know how much money they would get in a while.

Some people say that Mr. Zhizhou is very rich and generous, and he will not give less. Last year, his new grandson was full moon. Didn't he hold a banquet in the whole city and entertain all the people!

As a result, people recalled the full-moon banquet for the magistrate's grandson who ate for three days in a row last year, and couldn't help but sigh that Master Zhizhou has really made a lot of money these years!

The drum music became louder and louder. Gradually, people had to speak very loudly, and even had to shout to make the other party hear them. Someone became more delicate, and asked the people around him in surprise: "Did you hear any sound? Bang bang, rumbling, rumbling, it seems that the ground is trembling!"

The people around him laughed at him: "That's the sound of the big drum! It's the joy band beating the big drum!"

"Then why is it trembling?"

"Because the drums are too big." The man replied, and at the same time he explained loudly to the people around him: "I heard that Master Zhizhou set up four big drums in the city, and the drums were so big that dozens of people were required to beat them at the same time , once the drum sounds, the earth will tremble with it!"

The legendary drum was not only heard by people in the square in the city, but also by people in Zhizhou Mansion. Of course, what I heard was those who hadn't drunk too much, those who had completely lost their minds after drinking too much, either sleeping or chasing singers and dancers to fight around, even Zhizhou Lu Yu He changed his shape after drinking, hugged the two beauties beside him and kissed on the spot.

In the midst of such a feast of wine, suddenly a guard scrambled into the banquet hall, knelt down in front of Lu Yu, and said loudly: "My lord! Stop drinking, my lord, Dashun is attacking the city!"

The guard who came here to deliver the message also drank a lot of wine and spoke with a bit of a tongue. Lu Yu couldn't hear clearly, so he asked impatiently, "What did you say?"

"Dashun attacked the city!" He repeated it again, and then said: "Dashun's soldiers were at the four gates of the east, west, north, and south, and they broke down all four gates together. My lord, please think of a way! Dashun's The Seventh Prince is about to enter the Zhizhou Mansion!"

"Impossible!" Lu Yu didn't believe it at all, pointed at the soldier and said, "Are you dumbfounded? The Seventh Prince is obviously staying in the camp outside the city, how dare he take half a step into my Zong Sui? Isn't he Just now, I said that I would catch him and give you fun, but you can't help it? It's not that fast! People don't say that they can be caught if they are caught. Today, you should drink well and wait for three days. I will personally capture the Seventh Prince for you!"

The soldier was so anxious that he was half sober, he wanted to tell Lu Yu that this was not a joke, that Dashun's soldiers had really come in, but Lu Yu had already embraced the beautiful woman and kissed her again. He was so anxious that he had no choice but to see that there was still an unfinished glass of wine on the table, so he picked it up and threw it directly at Lu Yu's face. Now Lu Yu quit: "What are you doing? Beat him to death!"

"My lord! This subordinate is not joking, Dashun has really entered the city!"

"Fuck you!" Lu Yu yelled, "I gave the Seventh Prince an invitation and he didn't dare to come, how can he have the ability to attack the city?"

As soon as the words fell to the ground, a figure dressed in white was walking towards the door of the banquet hall, taking every step so calmly, as if he had calculated the size of the steps, walking calmly and calmly without rushing or slowing down In the middle of the banquet hall.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yu heard a terribly audible and terrifying voice saying, "Lu Zhizhou's birthday, how could this king not come?"