
Divided by Law; Bond by Love

Two sides of a coin which could never mix because of the great contrast in their lives. “For all my hate and what I have lost, my revenge shall be a dish best served cold.” Doe, an accomplished black-hat hacker, with a vengeance mission against everyone white-skinned. On her path of revenge, she strives to keep her secrets and emotions intact but fate had other plans for her and love found its way again into her cold heart when her lover, by the law, must hunt her! Jim, a police detective who hates his job, comes across an interesting black lady in one of his escapes, and later she becomes the start of good things for him.  Soon, he gets an irresistible offer of cracking a case to gain his long-desired freedom. What he didn’t expect was the cherry on top?  She was his crime and freedom. Yet, stole his heart and broke the law!

sir_impeccable · perkotaan
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16 Chs

Drug Trouble

Silence reigned between the two parties for a while.

Amber remained rooted to the ground. It was her time to be static. Doe paced about.

Her mind fluttered about as several tears poured out her eyes.

After she had enough of her pacing, she wiped her tears and then turned to face Amber.

"Amber, I need you to let me know if there is something up. Can't live with this fear in my heart. Like you are some Trojan horse in my compound." She mentioned.

Amber pulled herself together. She had a soft smile on her face as she loved over to her friend. She patted her cheeks carefully, watching as Doe now wiped her tears continuously.

"I don't know why you are so worried. But I don't think you should get yourself bothered. I had a life before I came around you. I just have shadows of ghosts form that life still bothering me." She said, patting her cheeks as if to reassure her.

Doe paused her act of tear wiping. She heaved out as she beheld the form of Amber with narrowed eyes.

Anyone who did not know Amber would know her as an anger. And they would not be wrong.

Amber was pretty and very kind. She had a soft heart but could very easily get into a warrior state if there was something that chagrined her so much she could not stand it.

However, when she witnessed the scene out here. The way those men confronted Amber and made her walk after them, that warrior Amber did not show up. That gutsy Amber did nothin up for one second.

What exactly could frighten Amber so much that she had not gone all warrior mode on them?

This was what perplexed her so much. It could only mean that Amber had more than what was in the surface relationship with them.

Was one of them her ex boyfriend or something? Was Dan, the current ex, the one with the buffed muscles and all?

Several other questions raced through her head as she thought about it. Her house was not far from the shop. She could only hope that they did have the guts to come to her house.

Not that she was worried. She had a security system installed.

And the security of the estate was pretty top notch. But yet, that did not mean that something unexpected could not happen.

If there was anything that she had come to know now, it was that nothing was certain.

No matter how much of a genius she was, there would always be some things that would escape her hand. This was the reason why all the greatest geniuses of history did not always have tk other mysteries. They could only come up with one or two or even three genius things. Meanwhile, several other things always escape their comprehension.

It was those things. Those exceptions as they are called in the computer world.

Exceptions were things that did not alway make sense. They did happen and would defy the natural logic of things. Even if there was no threat to her life and all, what if they still tried and then get caught, maybe?

What would happen when she had that much attention on her? Sure enough, there would be the elevens of police in her complex.

Those do-gooders would want to ask questions. Want to know ahh and what could have prompted them to come to her apartment in the estate. They would keep coming around until they were satisfied.

Or, until they found out her secrets. And That was a risk she was not willing to take.

Not now. Not ever.

The best thing she could do know was to make sure that Amber was removed from her complex. Make her go so far away from her place so that no matter what would happen, there ondo not be the catalyst of Maber in place for whatever evil machinations could come up.

She could handle the police. That was not a problem. But with Amber in the question, things were a little out of balance now. She could not tell Amber what to do exactly.

She could not just ask her not to step out and whatnot. She would be raising too much curiosity in her fiend. A scenario which she clearly did not want in the first place.

It would be best if Amber was not here. She had to, first, find some way to make her leave. But even at that, to make her friend leave who had come to her in the middle of her emotional low down, would that not make her seem more of a demon?

Her conscience haunted her at that thought. She could just abandon her friend. Especially one who did not have a family to back up, a job and maybe an apartment.

She stayed with her mum then. And right now, her mum was not in the most pleasant places with her. At least, that was what she had been informed about the Mum situation.

This, she could not just tell her to up and leave. That would be mean of her.

"Look, I am sorry, okay?" Amber said to her. "You look like a mess already."

"I know. I just like situations where I can't find a ready fix for it. It messes me up." Doe pointed tk her as she stopped Pacing now.

Amber looked away, guilt showing out on her face.

"I don't want you like this. So, I'm sorry for all of this trouble that I did bring to you." She said. "You have ever. So good to me and I don't want to take that for granted, you know. It's not easy having a. Deism like you who is ready to spoil me out at the very least." She laughed shortly while Doe simply shrugged .

"If you do feel that's sha about me, then the slats you can do now is you tell me what happened. What do those men want from you?" She asked her, cutting into her speech.

"You should not know. I would fix it. I am sure. I will fix it." Amber said, exhaling.

"The only fixing you're doing is regaining my trust. You either tell me what is going on, or you leave my place, right now!" Does demands, her cold gaze returning once more.

"I… I am a drug addict." Amber sighed. "I told pem durag and I couldn't pay. Then I lost my job. And they want me to see hell to get it back."

"To get what back?"

"To get the money. Now, they're threatening me by using you."

"What the hell?" Doe gasped, covering her mouth hurriedly with both hands.

Well! That’s deep

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