

THE following week, Greg gets a call from an unknown number. He picks the call.

"Greg, it's Gavin."

"Whose number are you calling me with?"

"A police officer's. I'm in a cell. I was arrested for drunk driving. I've been here since last night — I was drowsy so they let me pass the night. By the time I woke this morning, my battery was flat. I've been calling Naams but she's not picking up. I need someone to bail me."

"You were driving drunk?"

"I was merely tipsy. The cop was unnecessarily wielding his power."

"You moron. Are you even listening to yourself? If you must know, Naomi is out of town."

"Out of town? Where to?"

"All I have to tell you is you are stranded. I won't leave this hospital to come bail you. It's high time you danced to the tune of your music. Find someone else to help you. You were driving while drunk? Do you have a death wish? Dumbass. Get off my phone." Greg hangs up on Gavin.

In the evening of that day, Gavin visits Greg.

"I was hoping you would stay there an extra night." Greg frowns.

"Don't be like that. One of my friends came to my rescue. What were you saying about Naomi? I've been calling her with my number since I went home to refresh but she's not picking."

"Ask her. She's your wife, remember?"

"Please, Greg. Tell me."

"Ugh. Naomi travelled since last week. She told me not to tell you because she wanted you to notice her absence. She said you barely notice her presence or absence anymore. She was right… you are finding out about her absence after a week of her exit and you found out because you needed a bail, not because you cared enough."

"I moved to the visitor's room. Our rooms are now on different ends of the house so we rarely bump."

"A married man moving out of his matrimonial bedroom for no reason appears sensible to you?"

"I had a reason. I couldn't stand seeing her so sad."

"You should have copped recommended glasses so you would see her."

"I'm serious."

"Nobody is joking here."

"Although I was intentionally distant, I noticed her absence sometimes. But I assumed she was attending postnatal care or visiting a friend. Furthermore, I'm only home from dusk till dawn."

"I'm ashamed on your behalf. If you weren't my brother, I would have called security on you."

"I know I have a lot of things to be sorry for, to both of you. I'm ready to change. I will discard my drunkenness and return to the sober Gavin you love. You have to help me, please. Tell me where she went to."

"Why would I want to help you? You had your chances but fumbled all. Too late."

"I'm your only surviving relative, Greg. You gain nothing leaving me to wallow in misery."

"You should have thought of that when you took to alcohol."

"Greg, please. Help me help myself before it's too late. I've realized my mistakes. Allow me amend them. Please."

Greg sighs. "She's on a visit to her parents' house."

Gavin hugs Greg. "Thank you, bro. Bless you. I will fly to her tomorrow." Gavin leaves the hospital.

True to his words, Gavin appears at Naomi's parents' doorstep the next day.

"What are you here for?!" Naomi exclaims when she sees Gavin holding a bouquet of flowers in the verandah.

"Hey, Naams. These flowers are for you." Gavin stretches the bouquet to her.

"I don't want flowers."

"You always care for flowers."

"If you are here to demonstrate that you understand me, you should leave. Because I'm certain you don't. At least, not in recent times."

"Naams, please hear me out. Let me come in. Please. Even if you want to dissociate from me, I deserve a last hearing. Please."

"You have few minutes. Come in." Naomi gives in.

Henry enters and sits beside Naomi. "Where's our daughter?"

"I don't remember you acting your part as her father. Hence, I don't owe you a response to that."

"I'm aware that I've been a terrible husband and a deadbeat father. I realize my wrongs now. I want us to restart everything. I want to be the husband you deserve and the father our daughter can be proud of. Please, forgive me. I'm here as the sober Gavin you fell in love with."

"What about your drunkenness?" Naomi asks, her arms intertwined across her chest.

"That was yesterday. It's no more of a use to me. You are the one I need. Oh, how I've missed you. My goodness. I want to sleep next to you every night and wake next to you every morning. I want to raise Jem. I want to shower you with affection. I want to experience your attention again. Let me, please."

Naomi nods. "Go home." She stands and walks to the door. She opens the door. "If you leave now, you will catch the last flight."

"Naams, please."

"Just go."

Gavin, knowing Naomi to be principled, stands. He drops the bouquet on the center table and walks towards the door. "I hope you forgive me and come back home to me, baby. I know you miss me as well. Please, grant me a second chance to remind you of the intimate bond we share. I will expect you at home." Gavin kisses Naomi on her forehead. He leaves the house.

When Gavin gets home that night, he's surprised to see Greg at home.

"What did she say?" Greg asks.

"I should be asking you how you are home so soon."

"I've been warring SCD." Greg giggles. "The doctor says the crisis was mild. Bella says it's her aura that healed me quickly."

"Who's Bella?"

"The girl I'm taking on a date tomorrow." Greg blushes. "She visited the hospital almost daily. Her brother was on the bed beside mine."

"That guy that looks healthy?"

"Precisely. She's like Gemma. She reminds me of Gem. I think I might just ask her out during the date." Greg blushes anew.

"I don't see you muse over many people. She must be a star."

"A shooting star. How did it go with Naomi?"

"She listened to me and then walked me out of their house. There was no particular response. Her face was expressionless. I'm scared I might have lost her."

"I don't think you've lost her. She will come around. She needs time."

"I pray so. Even if she doesn't want me anymore, I'm still quitting alcohol for good."

"That's the spirit. You are lucky you glided through that consistency of alcohol consumption without sustaining a crisis."

"I'm warring SCD too, I suppose." Gavin shrugs.

Gavin and Greg giggle.

The next day, Gavin comes home immediately after work. He knows Greg won't be returning until late because of his date. Greg had taken his time to dress up in the morning. He had asked Gavin to pick the best among three trousers and five shirts. He said she had only seen him in the hospital and he wants her to know he could be an eye-candy on every other day.

Gavin sighs as he enters the house. The house is empty but feels emptier without Naomi and Jem. He walks to the pantry and grabs the family camera. He goes to the parlour and grabs a seat. He views the camera's memory. The first picture he sees—the last picture snapped on the camera—is their family picture. The family picture from the last Dynasty's Day. The Dynasty's Day before Gem's work trip was the last family picnic they had. There's a more recent family picture that they snapped on his wedding day but his wedding album is in his house, not the family house.

He stares at the picture and starts crying. He starts mumbling; "I know I have failed the three of you with my tomfoolery," he snorts. "Life is hard without you guys. I miss you so much. Mum and dad, you taught me everything except how to live without you. Greg has been more of the older brother. He has handled your demise so well," he smiles amidst his cry. "I want to embrace reality now. I want to be like Greg. I know it won't be easy but I will stand tall. My determination is undaunted. I only hope it's not too late. I've pushed Naomi away. Please, bring her back to me." Gavin fastens the camera to his chest and wails. "Gem, please bring Jem back to me. I'm sorry to y'all." Gavin continues crying until he's weary. "Say me hi to granny. Tell her I still feel her absence." He smiles and powers off the camera. He returns the camera to the pantry.

Gavin spent the rest of the week clearing his dirty habit. He disposed of the bottles of liquor left in the house. He moved his stuff out of the visitor's room back to his joint room with Naomi. He rearranged their joint room.

"She will love this new development when she returns." Greg encourages.

"If. If she comes back," Gavin sulks. "I just want to be a better man for her."

"She will come, Gavin. Keep your hopes alive."

Few days later, there's a knock on the door. Gavin is home alone as usual. Greg sees his lover after work and returns in the night. It's still evening, hence, Gavin is surprised to hear a knock.

As he turns the keys, he quizzes. "Loverboy, you are home early today." He turns the door knob open. "Why's that?"

He lifts his head and to his astonishment, it's Naomi holding Jem.

"Naams." Gavin utters in shock.

"I anticipated the day you would be clean like it was payday."

"That day is upon us. I'm sorry I delayed your expectations. I want to be there for you again. Grant me this wish, please."

Naomi enters the house and hugs Gavin. "A new era." She mumbles.

"Yes. Thank you." Gavin kisses her on her scalp.

Naomi detaches from Gavin's embrace and lifts Jem to him. "She needs her daddy."

Gavin carries Jem. He raises her above his head—the limit to which his hands can extend—he twirls her in the air and Jem cackles. "Daddy's home." Gavin murmurs as he lowers her and kisses her. Gavin carries Jem in his left arm and pulls Naomi to his chest with his right arm. He kisses their foreheads simultaneously. "I won't mess up this time, I promise." Gavin assures. Naomi nods.

Greg arrives in the night, as usual. Naomi opens the door for him. Greg smiles when he sees her.

"I knew you would return. Welcome back home, my part-time wife." Greg hugs her.

"You are all healthy already," Naomi retorts as she hugs him back. "Why are you this late though?"

"You should know that the Greg you left some weeks back is not the same Greg you have returned to." Greg grins.

"You are not also indulging in an intoxication phase, I hope?" Naomi asks, worried.

"Definitely not." Greg scoffs. "I have a girlfriend now."

"Wow! That's good news!" Naomi jumps in excitement. "Who's she?"

"She's a beauty. My shooting star. She's similar to Gem."

"Wow. That's a lot. I want to meet her!"

"When the time is right," Greg winks. "Where's my little Jem? I missed her."

"Gavin is attending to her in our room."

"Hmmm. Fatherhood, isn't that?" Greg raises his eyebrows.

Naomi giggles. "I'm so happy he's back to his responsible self. What's your babe's name? How did you even meet her? When do I get to see her? Tell me everything." Naomi grabs Greg by his wrist and pulls him to sit beside her on the couch. "Tell me." She pouts.

"Okay, mummy." Greg responds in wry humor. Naomi and Greg giggle. "Her name is Bella and I will articulate how I came across my angel..."