

"MY baby girl is gone." — the statement Henry chants since Gem's death three weeks ago. Gem was his favorite child evidently. He only broods since her death. He doesn't eat. Barely speaks. Never steps out of his room. He stares at the ceiling in his room all-day everyday.

Shannel I sn't handling the loss well either but she is gathering efforts to make the pain dissipate. She tries to focus on the availability of Gavin and Greg.

"Henry, please strip yourself of this shell. I miss you. I need you now more than ever. You need me as well. You have to allow me access to your mind." Shannel confronts Henry after the third week of Gem's demise.

"What does it matter? You can't bring Gem back. She was the healthiest in the family, Shannel. She was never ill. You and I suffered malaria sometimes and her brothers suffered crisis but my baby girl never had more than a headache or a slight fever. How could she be the one to die first despite that? How? I don't want to move on from her loss." Henry sobs.

"Everything happens for a reason, Henry. Gem would never be happy to see you in this state. She'd want you to be happy. Be happy for her, she's gone to rest. We all know she was in discomfort since her diagnosis. Henry, when the family doctor came to check your vitals last week, he said your blood pressure has rocketed. That's a step towards hypertension. Your blood sugar is also low because you have stopped eating. That's an invite to hypoglycemia. Henry…"

Henry turns his back on Shannel. That's his way of telling her he is no longer interested in the conversation. Frustrated, Shannel walks out of the room.

In the evening, Shannel comes back inside the room. She meets Henry in the same position she's left him.

"Henry, you have not tasted water today…talk more of food." Shannel laments.

"I'm not complaining." Henry places his feet on the floor and thrusts his feet in his slippers.

"You want to walk out on me?" Shannel asks, upset.

"Walking away. Because I'm tired of this incessant conversation. I don't feel like eating. I don't understand the fuss about that."

"I'm just worried about you."

"I'm fine. I'll take a drive to clear my head." Henry grabs his keys off of the bedside drawer. He walks towards Shannel and kisses her on her temple. "I love you, you know. I don't like when you worry, Shannel. Anything you want me to buy for you on my way back?"

"I love you too. I don't like when you withdraw socially. Buy yourself some peace of mind, for my sake."

Henry grins. He walks out of the house and enters his convertible car. He lowers the rooftop and revs the car out of the compound.

Half an hour after Henry's exit, the home phone rings. Naomi is the only one in the parlour. She picks the call.

"Hello?" Naomi speaks.

"Hello. Is this the Dynasty's house?"


"This is Care Clinic. We have Mr. Henry Dynasty. He suffered a heart attack while he was driving."

"My God! Please where's the clinic located?"

"No. 5, Sevar Close."

"We will be there right away. Thank you." Naomi drops the call.

"Mummy! Gavin! Greg!" Naomi shouts. "Dad suffered a heart attack! Let's go!"

Naomi answered questions throughout the ride, especially from Shannel.

"How did they say it happened? Was it an accident? Is he fine?" Shannel kept inquiring.

"Mummy, we will see him soon." Greg persuaded her.

When they got to the clinic and saw Henry, he was breathing through an oxygen tank. The doctor requested that they come to his office.

"Doctor, what's wrong with my husband?" Shannel asks as she occupies the seat in front of the doctor's desk.

"He suffered a heart attack — his blood pressure was exceedingly high. His stomach is empty. No traces of food. He's in coma. We hope he makes it out soon." The doctor responds.

"I warned him," Shannel starts sobbing. "He brooded all-day and wouldn't eat anything. Henry." Shannel shakes her head.

Henry remained unconscious until his death three days later.