
Distant Love

Chris and Sophie made an agreement to marry each other till the time Chris's father(who was suffering from a lung disease) dies. It has been his father's wish to see him get married , he just want to grant the old man last wish. Sophie accepted the proposal and wanted nothing in return. She doesn't know him enough, she started working as his assistant not long ago, so why agree without hesitation. Does she love him or Does she have other motives or is she just a puppet that someone else controls? . Read to find out. ****************** Lots of twist and turns, betrayal, loyalty, trust, love, romance, hatred, revenge, pain, sympathy, tears, joy.

DonMk · Umum
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Chris sat on his swivel chair in his office, seemingly in deep thought. He didn't notice his office door open until the person spoke.

Your head always seems to be in the cloud huh; James smiled as he spoke, which made Chris snapped back to reality.

Do you want to give me a heart attack; Chris replied with a cold expression but seemingly annoyed.

Sorry, i knocked but you didn't answer, so i let myself in; James answered still wearing a smile on his face.

Ok fine. So what brings you here?; Chris suspiciously asked.

Well, when were you telling me you were engaged?; James replied and his mouth twitched as he crossed his arm on his chest.

What do you mean?; Chris asked acting like he didn't know what James meant.

I saw the news bro and on social media, your word to the press about you engaged to that lady; James answered and suddenly Sophie walked into the office.

Hey!, Your are the lady that Chris is engaged too. Wait, do you work here?; James pointing his finger at Sophie as he asked.

Yes she work here, she is my secretary; Chris answered looking angry.

Relax, why are you getting frustrated?; James said as he laughed and scratched his head.

Am not frustrated ok, and i think you should leave because am busy; Chris was still looking intense replied with a cold voice and the office went silent.

Sir here are the documents you asked for earlier; Sophie broke the silence with a cheerful voice.

Just drop them on the table and i will check them later; Chris replied coldly as James just watched them both, it was all getting awkward. As instructed Sophie kept the files on his office desk and left.

Ok can you tell me what the matter really is?, Why are you two not acting as if you are not couples?; James asked looking suspicious of chris.

Ahhhhhh; Chris sighed as he gently rub the space between his eyebrows and sat on a couch next to James..

He started explaining what happened at his apartment, how he just lied about being engaged to Sophie to protect her reputation and now he didn't expect it to go that public. Now even his dad thinks he is really engaged and is expecting him to get married.

Well now you just have to marry her; James coldly said to Chris.

What!?; Chris exclaimed.

Yea, you told the public you are engaged so they will be expecting you to get married to her too and if you won't do it for the public, then do it for your father Chris; James replied with his face looking concerned.

Am not ready for marriage James, and you know why; Chris leaned on the couch to rest his back a bit.

You cant keep a hold of the past, it will get you nowhere; James told him speaking like a wise old man.

"Ok so what should i do?" Chris gestured his hands asking

Ok why don't you just ask her to marry you based on an agreement that you will divorce her within a certain time, what do you think?; James advised.

I think you are out of your mind; Chris replied with his face in disapproval.

What!?. Its an advice take, it or leave it. Am leaving; James said as he straightened his body and left.

Chris sat on the couch for a bit, thought about what James said about the contract marriage then went to swivel and began to check the documents Sophie brought earlier. He has been at it for a long time before he looked at the wall clock and saw it was 6pm. He closed the file and took his jacket from the hanger and went out. As he reached the car park, he saw Sophie walking out of the office building. He hesitated for a moment but he walked up to her and said "Why don't we have dinner and i drop you home" with a cold and calm voice.

Huh; Sophie was surprised at his request.

Yea i just want to discuss something with you; Chris explained.

Ok sure; Sophie replied with a wide smile.

They both boarded his car and he drove away.

Sorry for not updating tomorrow, i kinda caught cold and i was feeling a bit dizzy.. Thanks for voting, i wanna give a special shout out to @Azhri. Thanks for voting. See you guys later.

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