

Note: I've discarded the book. Although I had planned a bit ahead, the plot would just not make sense in the long term. I'm going to start a new novel, this one will be more planned through. I'm very grateful for the comments and collections on this one, but it would just not make it in the long term. Humanity has always had the blessings of their god, however when that god died things changed. The last surviving angels descended and decided to give their blessings to the world, allowing people to go beyond the human souls' limits. Follow Edwin as he fights for survival and conquest in this fallen world, in the last remaining empire. Disclaimer: This is my first novel, English is not my native language and I apologize for any writing/spelling mistakes in advance.

SalladChomper · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Finishing Touches.

Two months passed by quickly and the tournament was drawing closer. Most had formed their first abilities, and many had started to incorporate them into their combat techniques.


Saturday, 1st day in the month of October, 1478. Today was the day of the tournament.

Allan, Edwin and Spencer were once again walking to the lessons together. They had started to do this more often and were quickly becoming friends. The three of them had all manifested their elements to a certain degree.

Allan had settled on the wind element, it would aid in both attack and defense, while improving his best aspects even further.

Spencer had settled on a decay-type element. He argued that he should compensate his lack of innate talent with a strong element.

He would usually apply the decay to the tips of his arrows, where the decay would eat away at the wood. His shots were fast and accurate, even hindering and slowing his enemy if they were to miss. Spencer's strength in comparison to the other students was rather hard to determine, since he couldn't use sharp arrows or poison the other students.

Edwin had further improved his ice element, and had already formed a secondary ability.

The three were currently discussing and comparing their new combat techniques.

''Dammit Edwin, you just can't wait for us. I've just started with my second ability, and you're saying you've already made yours?'' Spencer sighed. ''Talk for yourself, don't include me in your mediocrity!'' Allan arrogantly proclaimed in a playful tone. ''I've finished my second technique as well.''

All three laughed before Edwin started to explain his new combat technique. ''My first ability is a sort of landmine that I learned with the help of my father.''

''When I noticed that the compressed essence made the ground harder, I decided to try the same thing with my sword.'' He said without explaining further.

''Tell us, did it work?'' Allan asked.

''Naturally it did, but its a surprise for the tournament.'' He said with a smug expression.

The trio soon arrived at the training area that had been turned into an arena. The guards had done their best to make it presentable, they built stone platforms for the fights and even a designated viewing area. The viewing area was lifted off the ground, being reminiscent of an overly large staircase, to provide seats and an optimal view.

They weren't the first nor the last to arrive in the area. Edwin started chatting with some other students and so did the others. The tournament was going to start with each boy fighting against one girl, as per agreement. The winners would then go on to fight the next opponents in their age brackets. The brackets were divided into 7-9 and 9-11. Students aged 6 and younger were not admitted, as their bodies would have been at too much of a disadvantage.

Christopher soon arrived from the church, where he had gathered all the parents. Following him was a horde of excited parents. Some of the fathers even got into argument before the event even started, being adamant that their child would win.

The parents took their seats among the guards and started discussing their child's chances of winning. The guards had come by, and watched the children train from time to time. They had the best idea of who was going to win.

''I bet this Elsa girl is going to win in her bracket.'' One of the guards said.

''The boy called Allan probably also showed some promise. It will be close.'' Another stated.

''Mmhm. You're right, it's going to be close, but I'm all for it.'' The first guard answered as he nodded.

Elsa's mother had her ears perk up at this. She was happy knowing that her child had a chance to enter the tournament. Her daughter had just turned seven a month ago, she wouldn't have been able to participate otherwise. Know hearing that her little star had a shot at winning made her happy. Elsa's father on the other hand was eager to jump into a discussing with the other parents.

Christopher interrupted the ongoing discussions with an announcement.

''Alright, it's time to start the tournament. I tried my best in arranging the seats to let the ranged fighters fight against each other.''

''Your children are safe. The Index has the ability to intercept, and protect your child against lethal attacks up to Master class for 3 seconds.''

Christopher called up the names of the first participants. There were four platforms, two for each age group, the platforms within those age groups would then be divided against melee and ranged fighters.

He led the students up to the platforms before announcing the begin of the tournament.

Merry christmas!

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