
Dirty Little Lies

“... Till death do us apart.” It was a love promise. Nicolás Moreno has lived his life under the shadows, he was a name whispered for his cruel ways and cold-heartedness, known for being a sadist whose only emotion was hate, his face was thought to be a reflection of his ugly heart. When one dinner changes everything for the gentle, kind Annalise Armillo, she finds herself in church the next day with a different identity and now to be married to the most loathsome person ever, and for a man who enjoys other people's misery, breaking a pure-hearted, sweet woman like Anna was going to give Nicolás all of the satisfaction he craved, the only thing he doesn't plan on is the innocent-looking woman's ability to arouse the dirtiest desires in him. “... Till death do us apart.” It was a threat.

Sadiya_Aliyu · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
166 Chs

Depths Of Love

The trepidation hit Annalise first, sucking the air from her lungs as the memory of last night came flooding through her

She had killed someone!

Just as the realization hit, there was a small knock on the door, and with a push, Nicolás stepped in. 

She watched him with horrified eyes and in a minute, he was by her side, his arms wrapped around her as she broke down against him recalling all of the emotions she'd felt last night. 

Annalise could have sworn she wouldn't make it alive last night and not only had she, but she had also been the cause of someone's death. 

"I killed him," she said amidst sobs.

"You had to, love." Nicolás's voice was gentle and soothing as he ran a hand down her back.

"No, no, you don't understand." She said sitting up and wiping the tears from her eyes. "I did it because I wanted to. At that moment, all I wanted was for him to be dead and I went along with it."