
Dirty Dianne: Seducing the Don

Dianne Browne, strives to maneuver the Don's wealth in a span of a week. As daring and dangerous as the mission a seemed, giving up to as never an option. Roscoe, a boss of hers, gives her information of top richest men in Chicago to way lay as well as taking their wealth. Despite the fact that her sister's and mother's lives endangered, she wouldn't back out. As Dianne acquires the wealth of the Don, she flees Chicago with her supposed love and partner, Castro. Looking back, its hard to deny how emotions, trust and loyalty would get ruined by her selfish act, she makes a decision to put her wishes first and other beneath. Months after the outburst, Don becomes restless, disoriented and yet feeling betrayed by the only woman who he had pictured to spend a lifetime with. I had just began to fall in love with her, he feels hurt. Dianne makes new alliances in LA, and new drug lords and drug cartel owners, the twists and turns, smart and foul plays and commotions places her on the edge. She fights regardless but there are just some sacrifices she's got to make to makes it right. As emotions and consciences folds in, she then resolves to returning a reasonable part of the wealth. Melting down the anger and hate he had developed, she proposes a truce and he will fully considers it to avoid FBI's raid. A part of him wouldn't lock her out of his life just yet, he tries to have her to himself regardless of her new husband and his wife. Meanwhile Iggy, his wife, wouldn't relax or relent, she does everything humanly possible to destroy Dianne and reputation in L.A.

_Blurry · perkotaan
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

She entered her bedroom, she sat on the edge of her bed staring directly into large mirror at the extreme end, she took off her over coat, her jewelry followed behind, her heels. She sighed out in slight distress, a smirk settled on her lips. She stood up from where she had been sitting, she was now close to the mirror.

  "Do I really want to this?" She asked herself "He's been nothing but bearable anyways!" She walked back to her bed, took a picture from the drawer beside the bed. She entered her closet then moved the clothes away. Staring at the board was another thing, now that she had seen the Don for herself, nothing else felt more better. She pasted the picture on his side on the board and withdrew a step away, she crossed her arms still smirking unendingly.

  "My dear Dickson, do you know the plans I have for you? It's nothing serious...taking away your empire wouldn't hurt, would it? You've got the entire world, so what could possibly hurt you?" She scoffed then continued "You just saw a glimpse of me tonight but," She frowned "you'd get a closer view, a part of me wants to have mercy on you though!" She smiled halfway.

The sound of her ring tone interrupted her thoughts as she headed for it.

  "Dianne!" She answered

  "Its Katrina..."

  "Obviously!" Dianne rolled her eyes

  "Whatever Dianne! You have a meeting with the Don, at 12pm. Is that fair enough?"

  "Its your job!" She snapped, Katrina was dismayed even if she suspected that Dianne could and would never be nice to her. "Where's that?"

  "I'll text you the address after this call!"

  "Alright Trina!" Dianne snapped

  "And you might wanna get your hands off..." Katrina stirred up as Dianne hung up, listening to Katrina's empty threat would only ruin her euphoric mood. She walked back into the closet and place her right fingers on the Don's picture rubbing it gently.

  "Goodnight honey, tomorrow's gonna be a good day!" She said underneath her breath. She adjusted the hangers then returned to her bed. She poured some red wine into her glass, took off her clothes letting it fall to the ground, she was now bare, she took her left walking into the bathroom. She slid into the bathtub that had rose buds and petals. Lavender and chamomile in it.

She rested her head on surface of the tub looking into the Celesse wall sconce above her, she felt relaxed, the lavender had an impact, plus the soothing feeling from the chamomile. Still holding on the glass of wine, what a life.

She wasn't living in a scrappy apartment, it was well furnished, every thing was well furnished yet she was dissatisfied with the cash in her bank accounts, it wasn't enough. Nothing was enough.

She was eager to see the Don in person, she has a lot of tricks to play on him, she was certain that he'd never say no you her, he wouldn't regret for no good reason. Since she was irresistible and endowed, it would be a sin to not feel butterflies around her or going as far as getting your cock harder than it had ever been.


Dianne watched the arrival of the Don and his men, they hovered around yet she wished she had that privilege. She watched closely through her glass, he was walking into a five star hotel same as the one Katrina had texted, she was accurate. Dianne had been in her car twenty minutes before 12 noon, taking her time a was part of trick. She adjusted the white designer body con, she was certain that her hair and makeover was flirty and flawless, plus her a black furry overcoat then a strapless pair of heels. She got out of her car also holding on her purse, she automated the lock button on the controller as she made her way into the hotel. She spoke to a waitress who seemed to be a distant friend of hers, Dianne explained a few things to her and proceeded after handing her some dollars.

Roughly two minutes, she had sighted the Don, he seemed pissed about something.

  "Your ass is mad I guess!" She whispered underneath her breath, keeping a straight face. She came into his view right after he had gotten up to leave. She was barely five minutes late yet he seemed impatient already.

  "Don Dickson?" She called with an icy tone, as always. He turned in her direction instantly, no doubt that he was indeed dumbfounded and dumb stricken by her beauty, she let out a faint  smile, her red lips was another cage to look out for. He was blinded, he went as far as thinking that his wife had a long way to go, despite the fact that she was stunning too. He maintained a straight face instead.

  "Are you Dianne Browne?" He asked in a husky tone

  "Apparently!" She snapped "Forgive my manners, I was caught up out there but I'm here now, shall we proceed?" She inquired

  "The boss has got a lot to do at the moment, too bad you're behind schedules. You might wanna reschedule and hopefully you'd..." A tall charming man with a dark hair chirped in, she interrupted

  "...I'd get a chance again?" She asked "Nah! I've got the chance now and I won't let it go by!" She says firmly, she looked stern at the moment. Don was pricked by her confidence, he was known for his cockiness and how come she was cocky too? Fearless? He thought.

  "Its all okay Mario, let's give her the chance she's defending!" Dickson stated with a slight smirk, Mario felt crossed because the boss had never gone against his suggestions about meetings such as this but this day was different. Mario swallowed his anger as he moved aside. The Don and Dianne sat respectively. An expensive was served for a start, he was still scanning abd fantasizing on her entire physique.

  "Thanks for acknowledging this meeting! Without digressing, you should look at these," She began as he snapped out of his thoughts. "If you like what you see then we could start the preparations right away!" She concluded, he took a quick glance and then looked up to her.

  "Better than I thought!" He snapped sternly

  "That's a Win for me and my team!" She said "What should we talk about, the  products..." She stirred up

  "You're the same girl from the club, aren't you?" He asked regardless

  "Absolutely!" She snapped, she knew he'd asked. "Does it bother you, Don?"

  "Should it?" He asked haughtily "I'm only curious!" He said, as she beamed.

  "Curiosity kills the cat, you don't wanna know more than being professional Don." She said

  "It wouldn't hurt that bad, would it?" He gave a witty smile then took a sip with his eyes fixed on her. She acknowledged the fact that her plans was smooth and flawless.

   "When shall we begin, Don?" She asked switching the conversation, yes, she was sure that he would not back down just yet. She expected everything, she understood how wealthy hungry men worked, she's had lots of experiences over a few years, why would the Don be distinct?!

  "As soon as possible!" He leaned backwards, he thought that she was uninterested after all. "My P.A will get details across to you soon!" He stated

  "You mean, Mario?" She asked

  "Yes. Mario!"

  "Alright, shall we then call it a day; I've got a lot to handle for the rest of the day!"

  "That's a definition of a hardworking woman. Women these days don't like to work, they pay attention to big shots instead..." He added as she chirped in

  "Are women not to be worshipped? There's a reason why a man is over a woman! Besides, you never can tell how some insolent men hurt women on the job and at the job!" She answered defensively, he maintained his silent thinking she had a point. 

  "Maybe there's a point!" He finally spilled his mind out. She immediately texted the waitress who was closely watching from a distance.

        *Come now!*

  "Business minded huh?" He teased

  "You are actually the drive behind this whole business mindedness after all!" She blurted, she had her definitions attached to her statement but he thought of logically. That's a mentor, he thought.

  "Thanks for having me Don, I should take my leave already. Just like they say, time is money!" She rose adjusting her gown a little, his eyes weren't shaking. He only nodded affirmatively, his words were evacuating his head leaving him speechless. 

The waitress was approaching towards their table with a glass of champagne on a tray, Dianne purposely bump into the waitress while she looked away.

  "Oh my god Madam, forgive my manners!" The waitress said as she tried to clean up the few drops on Dianne's dress next to her cleavage. Dickson rose to his feet instantly to Dianne's defense.

  "Did you have to do that? Someone get the manager right away...this minute!" He instructed while his men approached hastily. The waitress pleaded on the process.

  "Please sir, forgive my manners..."

  "Its...Its actually okay Don, it's nothing serious at all!" Dianne said, she enjoyed every bit of it. "I'd just find my way to the restroom." Dianne opted

  "My apologies, I'd lead the way!" The waitress suggested too

  "You just got lucky!" Dickson said then turned to Dianne "I'll give you a call!"

  "Of course, Don!" She snapped as he walked away with his men.

Dianne and the waitress walked into restroom, she frowned slightly.

  "Do you know how much this dress cost? You can't earn such amount in the span of a year." Dianne blurted out

  "I did what you asked madam, maybe I overdid it..."

  "Yes, you overdid it!" She rolled her eyes, she wiped off the tiny stains on the dress. "You know how we do it, one mistake would cost your life. Ask about me, darling!" 

  "Zipped!" The waitress said as Dianne walked out of the restroom.

She entered her car, heaving a deep sigh of content. 

  "Mission accomplished!" She said underneath her breath. She wanted to call Castro who would be anticipating her call but what happened last was fresh in her memory. "Asshole!" She blurted dialing his phone.

  "Yes gorgeous!"

  "You didn't call or text, do you really want this cash or not?!" She cautioned

  "I fuckin do Dianne, I just thought that you were still mad at me." He explained heartily

  "What happened last night can never happen again, Castro!" She warned

  "I'll try not to! So what do we got, I don't need to ask. Do I?" He asked with certainty

  "Is that even necessary!" She teased "What do you expect, he's in love darling!" She added as they laughed

  "I knew that! There was no way that the Don wouldn't feel your beauty!" He complimented

  "Of course!"

  "Roscoe wants a reverb, shall I come to pick you up?" He offered 

  "That's alright, you can't get enough of me, do you?!" She teased

  "You know it all!" He snapped affirmatively

  "Alright darling!" She hung up

She peeped at the wrist, it was only 02:32pm. Perfect timing, she said underneath her breath. She took out a card from her purse, it was the same card that Iggy had given her last night. 

If she wants to gets physically inclined with the Don or his mansion, a relationship with Iggy was the only obvious way.

She coped the number swiftly and dialed. At first it rang and no one answered, she tried for the second and third, there wasn't any response, she tried the fourth time and there, she heard a woman answer. It was iggy as expected.

  "Hi, this is Dianne. The lady from last night, do you remember?" Dianne  explained, she had to be humble.

  "Dianne Browne!"  Iggy answered with a confident tone

  "That's right! I thought that acknowledging your invite would be a lot better!" Dianne stated

  "That's right, I'd like us to meet. Here in the mansion, can you make it at 6pm?"

  "That can not be a problem, I'll wait on your text then Iggy!" Dianne said coolly.

  "Stand by!" Iggy hung up.

Dianne smiled at herself, she had hit the jackpot for the day. Layla's text popped up as soon as she dropped the phone.

      *Please come home DiDi, urgent!*

Dianne shrugged away, her family's problems was least in her list, there was no tinge of remorse or compassion. In  her terms; they were like a burden that could never lessen.

She walked into the apartment, Layla was sitting on the sofa sobbing. 

  "There she goes!" Dianne said underneath her breath, she went closer and sat adjacent. "Why did you text me, I was in the middle of something very important."

  "Mom is not well, she took Ill this morning. I've been trying to reach you but the reception seems bad..." Layla began to explain, Dianne cut her short.

  "...Is that the reason why you texted?" Dianne asked as Layla's brows furrowed in confusion.

  "DiDi, its not someone else, is our mother..." Layla reminded, Dianne cringed

  "Spare me all that bull shit Layla, why am I here anyways? Is she dead?"

  "She's not! Mom is not gonna die!" Layla stated "She's in her room! Actually, we had no money to buy drugs and..."

  "Just cut all that bluff, I give y'all over a thousand dollars all the fuckin time and there's no money?" She asked "Do you have any idea the things I do to get all that filthy cash? If I go down, y'all would!" She cautioned as she walked the mother's room. Ana had been home deep in her sleep until Dianne walked in. Ana opened her eyes slowly, she gave a faint smile instead .


  "Don't fuckin call me that!" Dianne almost raised her voice, she turned to leave as Ana called again


  "I actually thought that you'd die any moment, why are you still alive?" She blurted holding onto the door knob

  "DiDi are you..."

  "Exactly. I want you dead!" Dianne added as she walked off the room. 

Layla was still sitting in the same position as Dianne headed for her to change her dress into a more comfortable outfit.

Layla raised her head up slowly

  "DiDi are you leaving already, please could you..." Layla began, Dianne interrupted.

  "...You know what, you and your pathetic mother can actually go to hell for all I care!" Dianne said angrily then added a step

  "DiDi?" Layla called out innocently. Dianne turned her gently, she threw her debit card towards Layla's direction.

  "Do what you like, I've got somewhere more important to be at." She walked away as Layla blurted

  "Thank you so much Dianne!"

  "Whatever!" Dianne cringed instead yanking the door behind her.

She cared less about her sick more, in her terms it was only a charade. Maybe its time to leave, she thought silently.