
Dirty Dianne: Seducing the Don

Dianne Browne, strives to maneuver the Don's wealth in a span of a week. As daring and dangerous as the mission a seemed, giving up to as never an option. Roscoe, a boss of hers, gives her information of top richest men in Chicago to way lay as well as taking their wealth. Despite the fact that her sister's and mother's lives endangered, she wouldn't back out. As Dianne acquires the wealth of the Don, she flees Chicago with her supposed love and partner, Castro. Looking back, its hard to deny how emotions, trust and loyalty would get ruined by her selfish act, she makes a decision to put her wishes first and other beneath. Months after the outburst, Don becomes restless, disoriented and yet feeling betrayed by the only woman who he had pictured to spend a lifetime with. I had just began to fall in love with her, he feels hurt. Dianne makes new alliances in LA, and new drug lords and drug cartel owners, the twists and turns, smart and foul plays and commotions places her on the edge. She fights regardless but there are just some sacrifices she's got to make to makes it right. As emotions and consciences folds in, she then resolves to returning a reasonable part of the wealth. Melting down the anger and hate he had developed, she proposes a truce and he will fully considers it to avoid FBI's raid. A part of him wouldn't lock her out of his life just yet, he tries to have her to himself regardless of her new husband and his wife. Meanwhile Iggy, his wife, wouldn't relax or relent, she does everything humanly possible to destroy Dianne and reputation in L.A.

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7 Chs

Chapter 3


"...Could...you just stop calling me that shit already? Dad wasn't silly to call me Dianne, was he?" Dianne questioned, she couldn't bare her mother call er that name. Ana's face fell to the ground suddenly. How could she ever make this pretty girl of hers show some decency?! She asked herself. "Why are you here anyway?"

"I'm so sorry for last night, i shouldn't have asked you all those nasty questions when you literally provide for your sister and i. I should do better...like gettin' me something to do!"

"I really don't care! You can't stop me anyway so why talk about something you can't hold up?" Dianne cringed "You should be home resting not seeking a job! Can you do what i'm doing to put food on the table?" Dianne taunted and smiled afterwards "Hell, no! You can't if one comes at you...let alone the bulldogs on the hunt!" She added

"I know Dianne, i'm only curious! You go out every night and return after midnight, you leave by morning and return anytime...it makes me feel less of a mother! I want to know what my daughter is involved in...just a clue! I want to support you even at your job!" Ana tried to coax yet cautioning Dianne in the little way she could

"Hey?! Stop right there!" Dianne interrupted defiantly "Like i said, i'd do what i've got to do to make y'all comfortable. At least, that's the least i could do for my dad! I'm not complaining either so...stay out of my business." Dianne warmed.

Ana stood up to leave then halted one more time

"Every single time i see the headlines on the TV, i'm always not at rest. I hope i don't see you there..." Ana stated firmly

"What exactly will a feeble mind do?" Dianne asked sarcastically, she added a few steps toward her mother "Mother? Are you not excited that i take good care of you..." She began calmly while Ana tried to speak "Hush now! Keep your thoughts inside your head, i'm unto a bigger bidding. Don't interfere mother, you'd get nuked and i really don't want that for you! Nice enough huh!" Dianne stopped. She turned her back "I wanna be left alone!" She instructed

"Dianne?" Ana called in distress

"Did you not hear me?! Leave!"


Dianne was sitting before the mirror making up, her phone buzzed. She peeped at it, Castro was calling. Business is calling, she whispered underneath her breathe.

"Speak Castro!" She inquired

"I got him as planned, he's loaded but then i also got us a bonus pick! He's gullible!"

She smiled at his response, what she expected

"Alright honey, I'll be there in 10 minutes!" She hung up. The night seemed pretty already. She pulled the drawer, she picked a cell phone she used as fake identity and contacts and tucked it into her purse then gently put down her actual phone into the drawer. She tucked the key into the key hole and locked it. She always made sure she played safer not just safe.

The door squeaked after a knock, Layla's head tilted then she walked in finally. She was disappointed at her elder sister, one minute she's home and several minutes she's out on the streets again.

"Dianne!" Layla called out

"You should be thankful that i listen patiently to you and mother's bull shit!" Dianne blurted. She reached for the white furry coat topping her black see through body con. "What do you want kitty?" She asked regardless of Layla's distasteful stare. In her terms, Layla was nothing but a sheep wandering about the fields.

"I..I..I want some..." Layla stuttered

"...I know what you want kitty. Some cash!" Dianne snapped. She took a few dollar notes "Feed your mother and your little self!" Dianne tucked the notes into Layla's chest while Layla stood in shock. Her sister was not going to listen once again. Dianne walked out stylishly.

Minutes on,

Castro was waiting outside the famous clubhouse in the city, highly esteemed men and women flocked in frequently. Her taxi pulled over as he opened the door for her to step out, she enjoyed this gesture.

"Gorgeous Dianne!" He complimented with a tight smile

"You're not far from it, Castro! Who have we got? Where's the Don?" She asked outrightly

"Don't be in a rush! Lets meet our bonus pick first! What do you say?" Castro suggested. She affirmed without hesitation.

They entered the club holding hands walking abreast. There was an empty space for them at the bartender's counter. He ordered two glasses of scotch, there was not so much time to waste; they clinked their glasses then gulped down. Their squeezed faces as a result of the scotch they had taken down.

"Take a look! Straight!" Castro motioned with his head, she followed his directions. A man around 50 dressed in a black suit was sitting along a few young male friends chattering and drinking themselves up.

"The man in black, huh!" She added

"Correct!" He pulled out his phone to show her a a document displayed. She took a glance and smiled.

"Big dog! How much are we talking about?" She asked

"All of it!" He smirked "50 50! Anything for my Dianne!" Castro added in content

"Watch me waste him!" She added too. He inserted a device that would enable them communicate without being noticed.

"Good luck, baby! Tell me when to come in!" Castro gave her a swift hug.

"Of course!"

He went out of sight. She whispered to the bartender next to her to send her message to the man. As soon as the bartender got there, the man looked directly at her with a faint smile. When the bartender had left, his friends smiled as well. A young man beside him tucked his side, he was persuading the man. He smiled again but this time, it was broader.

"Old fool!" She said to herself. In less than a minute, the man started in her way. He sat next to her comfortably.

"If this is civilisation, i love its era already!" He blurted out

"Really! I believe in equality as well." She said with a beam. Her beauty engulfed him, he couldn't take off his gaze; she captivated him.

"I'm Davis! And you...are?"

"Your nightmare!" She said with a smirked

His right eye squinted in confusion. Was that even an answer, he wondered. She understood his facial impression, she rubbed his cheek.

"Are you scared, Davis! Don't take me seriously." She added. He nodded positively, his lips curved into a faint smile.

"That's not enough! Maybe i should pay back for taking away your fine smile." She opted. He waa hesitating to give his answer, she interrupted again "Are you still thinking?"

"Do i have a choice." He smiled then emptied his glass. I'll just get my wallet and cell! One sec!" He scurried to his friends.

"Castro! We're leaving in a sec, get ready!"

"Copy that!" He snapped.

Dianne and Davis were left alone in one of the rooms in the club. He emptied his pockets, unstrapped his wrist watch and then his suit's top. Davis was left with no option than to touch Dianne, he could only access her arms but before he could go any further.

"You smell like roses!" He complimented. He kissed her knuckles and emerged to her shoulder, he was in heat. "I don't think i can hold on any longer! Nightmare!"

"Now you agree, huh!" She teased. "How much are you willing to pay to have a woman like me, Davis?!" She asked in a flirtatious manner. His phone rang, he had to excuse himself because of wife. She smiled. He entered the restroom instead. She opened his wallet and took out his credit cards. Castro was at the door, he was there to collect the cards; just as planned. He handed her a some pills that could slowly murder him. She threw a few into his glass and waited until he was out. She sat on the bed resting on her left arm while the other had held her drink. He returned with much excitement.

"It's my wife! I hope it doesn't bother you!" He teased

"After now, you'd leave your wife for me!" Dianne added then took a sip "Let's toast to a pleasant night in advance!" She snapped.

"Oh yes, how could i forget that every pleasant night starts with a drink!" He took a sip from his glass as well. His smiles faded into a confused stare, he was diminishing.

"What did you do to me?!" He asked quivering to the floor. She stood up then emptied her drink on him, he was drenched.

"I told you, didn't i? I'm your nightmare!"

She walked out of the room in a foppish way

while he languished in pain.

Castro was waiting outside the Club while pocketed his hands. 

  "Did it pay?" She asked to confirm if the cards were worth taking.

  "More than we expected, its a whole lot of money!" He said. They smiled faintly. They both exited the premises in Castro's car. 

They arrived at a secluded after party where the Don would be partying. Castro had gotten tickets for the both of them so entry was no big deal. 

  "We should wait a little longer. Few minutes more!" Castro coaxed. Dianne was looking out carefully, she was certain that once she sees him; she'd recognise the famous Don Dickson. They found themselves a spot to sit, watch and wait. This was no new job to them, being alert and observant was monumental.

  "I hate to be left in suspense! Is everyone set for the job?"  Dianne asked

  "How could you underestimate Castro?!" He teased "After tonight, Roscoe would hear from me!" 

The Don walked past them alongside a good number of securities, Roscoe was accurate. Dianne needn't have to be told who walked in, her instincts gave the details. Castro and Dianne gave each other and affirmative stare, a faint smile followed as well. Dianne had now seen the Don, her dream of becoming wealthy and powerful had almost attained its balance. She had to remind herself that the game had not started yet.

  "What are you thinking?" Castro asked. She snapped out of her selfish thought.

  "Thinking!" She turned to him "I can only imagine how tricky it would be to book appointments, initiate businesses, maneuver the securities, computers and locks, and finally--- his trust!" She stated sternly

  "Trust you say?! If we can not earn his trust within a blink, would Dianne fail to earn it?" He asked. This question was trickier, she turned away looking towards the Don's instead.

  "We'd use pawns to get to him while the king and queen stays safe, do you get it?"