
Chapter 1: Ruler of dimensions

In a pitch black place called "void" a place of nothingness resides with a creature of unknown origins. A place that no one would dare to go. At first the creature can't move as a million year had passed it started to grow an arm,feet,nose etc. as it becames a creature that looks like a human. Another million years passed the creature began to have thoughts and gain knowledge, it became he. He started to move and thinks that in his world of nothingness there will be someone in there beside him but as he travels far for a hundred or thousands of miles he sees nothingness in that moment he began to have emotions and came to think what is it he began to feel. In a blink of an eye images started to fill in his mind, words that he doesn't exist started to fill his mind also.

A thousand year passed when he began to learn to speak, to know cultures of every possible human can have. He can now control the void, he can watch various worlds and dimensions in his void as he is the "Ruler of dimensions". His favorite one to watch and to look at is a universe where there is a planet called "Earth" in solar system and only have one moon. In earth there is a city, many creatures called humans is living there as they became the supreme beings there, animals as their pet or as their foods. He also likes to meddle in that world as to scare someone in a middle of the night as passing in a dark place and that place began to have a word "ghost" exist. Another thousand of year passed the Ruler of Dimensions look at the earth again as he began to be amaze because he saw a weird structures over the place he just researched it and it is called the modern world of earth where machines exist and buildings are all tall called a city. As he watches the earth the more he is amazed of it. Japan is his favorite place to watch there is they have called something of moving pictures called anime and something that a pictures in a book that has stories and scenes called a manga. The humans didn't know that many of the stories they created exist in another plane or dimension. He began to loom for other places and something caught his eye in a moment of finding, he found a girl called "Maria" in a country called Philippines inside it a city called Manila as he watches the girl he found out that the girl has a rare type of genes in her. The girl have a beautiful brown eyes and a long black hair. But that girl died in an accident where a bus lost a control in his wheels. After that Maria died something began to happen in his void, it started to have an spacequake there but it is a space, the Ruler of Dimension's space, a space of nothingness but it had occured a spacequake. after the spacequake happened he began to fall in the nothingness space and 13 hours had passed of falling a light in the bottom of nothingness started to emerge and got sucked up there and began to lose consciousness. Wait? coinciousness really? he is the Ruler of Dimension is that a joke?. Well, he can't use his power after the spacequake happened that's why he can't control his own place called the void. a voice is heard when he is waking up.

a voice of a boy: He is waking up, Nie lie

Nie lie: come on give him some water and let's leave quickly I hear something strong demon beast is coming.

another voice of a boy: hey quickly I got the horn of the horned sheep so let's go.

Nie lie: yeah bring this kid too.

voice of a boy: hahaha he looks one year older than you Nie Lie.

The Ruler of Dimension woke up and doesn't remember everything except he knew that there are many dimensions as soon as he open his eye he saw a big city of an ancient china but a little different.

Nie Lie: Oh you're now full awake let me introduce myself my name is Nie Lie and you?

Ruler of Dimension: I don't know my name. I don't have one.

Nie Lie: Well I'll think of your name you will be called here.... Zhu Hao.

Zu Hao(Ruler of Dimension) : If that's what you want to call me then I am now Zhu Hao.

Zhu Hao doesn't know that he is the Ruler of Dimension and the adventure of him and Nie Lie will soon start as he gets to the Glory City and became a Demon Spiritists.

This is my first time writing here so please bear it for the first time. well for a clue this story will include many adaptations of stories for y'all. look forward on how the mc looks like

Gairocreators' thoughts