
Dimensions May Die(Devil May Cry)

Old Name: Devils May Die Maybe it was because Victor had never lived a full life that he was given a second chance, but he knew that he wasn't gonna waste it on keeping it safe let's just say that everything he would do would probably be messy but that didn't mean he couldn't have a fun in a world filled with Devils, Angel's and Boobs! "I've hit the Jackpot!" (Multiverse Fanfic) Around 2k-4k words right now _____ Slow-paced 3 chapters a week No-Harem but if there is it would just be two girls nothing else and he won't immediately get them. Writing for fun don't expect anything good but that doesn't mean it would be trash I have standards! First World: Highschool DxD(Just to start off and build some ground) Second: Dororo(Short Arc) Third World: Frieren Beyond Journey's End(Currently)

TheFanBoy · Komik
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43 Chs

The Situation

I need some help regarding the spacing of words and sentence's, for some reason even after saving and updating it on mobile and PC it looks cramped and contains zero to no spacing between sentences, paragraph, and character dialogue any solutions on how I can fix this?


'I guess I passed out...'

Victor was currently inside the body of a weakened and tortured Vergil. In front of him was the behemoth of a Demon King, Mundus. Ever since obtaining a broken Yamato, this was one of the three sequences of dreams he would get every time he wasn't awake. He would relive his 'father's' experience of being pulled apart and put back together in the hands of Mundus, powerless to do anything.

Ever since he unlocked Shadow, this was the only dream he would have, and it was definitely the most painful and traumatic one. He knew this was Vergil's Nightmare, and it was definitely linked with The Yamato. Sometimes he wanted to throw the sword into the ocean, but he knew that if he conquered this nightmare, he would probably repair the sword that was laying dormant inside him.

But there was only one problem.

"Hmm, do you think it would be that easy?"

Ever since obtaining his 'Shadow' abilities, the Nightmare was different. Instead of replaying the same torture that was done to Vergil, Mundus would personally torture him, Victor, as if he were actually alive.

"Just get it over with, old man..."

In the voice of Vergil, Victor taunted the deceased Demon King, to which Mundus complied by releasing a wave of Infernal Flames towards him, burning him. Victor wanted to scream, but he couldn't, and Mundus knew it, as he increased the intensity of the flames, burning Victor even more.

'Crap, I'm passing out.... Wait, I'm passing out?'

Not once had Victor truly passed out in any nightmares. If he was on the verge of passing out, the nightmare would just restart.

He couldn't stop himself from closing his eyes as the flames engulfed him, but suddenly the pain stopped, and now he stood in front of a blonde woman with a black turtleneck dress inlaid with gold linings as some sort of decorations and draped a red shawl over her arms.

He knew who the woman in front of him was; it was his technical grandmother, Eva.

"Great, is Mundus trying to torture me with this? What, are you some psychological torture device?"

"I assure you I'm nothing like that, Victor."

At Eva's words, his eyes widened like saucers. In an instance, instead of being in a dark void bound by chains, he only blinked his eyes once and now stood in a comfortable Victorian era-style living room with a window just behind the small velvet chair Eva was sitting in.

He could hear the sound of wooden swords clashing together as two boys were sparing against each other in the yard.

Looking around, Victor recognized everything in huge the home and behind him was a huge portrait of Eva standing behind a young Vergil and Dante, with a man sitting on the chair beside the boys. He could already guess who the man was by his white hair and piercing red eyes; it was his genetic grandfather, Sparda.

"God, I always thought Gramps would look more evil."

"Because he's a demon? I had the exact same mindset when he showed me what his human form was."

"So you liked him before you saw his human form, didn't know you were kinky like that, granny."

"As they say, love is blind, my dear 'grandson.'"

After sharing a slight banter, Victor stayed silent as he watched Eva read a book while drinking a cup of coffee. Looking outside, he could see that the sun was just starting to rise, so it explained why she was drinking it.

"So what is this?"

Victor asked Eva, who only looked at him with a small smile before speaking.

"Take a guess."

Victor's mind pondered, looking for an answer. He observed his surroundings, and other than the fact that the interior of the house looked really expensive, he noticed a sword, specifically a katana, hanging from the wall behind Eva. Victor couldn't sense anything from the sword, but by appearance alone, he could guess what the sword was.

"So is this like my inner world or something?"

"Good guess, but no, this isn't like those swords from the show you've watched. And yes, I can see your memories, and yes, I find it weird how a show is named after something I make the boys use to mop the floors."

"So if you can see my memories, then you know I'm not really your grandson."

"Yes, but you're a variant of my grandson, so it still counts, doesn't it?"

Victor was silent, hearing Eva's words. He didn't know what he was currently experiencing, but it was nice to relax for a change without the worry of some supernatural being busting through his door seeking revenge.

"I give up, what is this place?"

"Here's a hint: my name is Eva Sparda, my sons' names are Vergil and Dante. Time works normally here, and so does everything else, and if you were to go outside, you would be able to travel this world."

"Don't tell me..."

"Yes, you're in another world, specifically your conscience."

Victor didn't know how to react, but after looking around, he realized that he hadn't even looked at himself, and as he did, he noticed how he looked more like a hologram. But he suddenly thought of something.

"If you can read my memories, that means-"

"Yes, I know I will eventually die, and I'm alright with that, as I know my boys will live their lives. Sure, they'll fight, but in the end, they're brothers."

He couldn't understand how Eva acted so calm. If what she was saying was true, that meant his conscience was being projected in this world, and now he was speaking with his actual grandmother.

"Now we don't have much time as you're getting more and more translucent, so let me ask you: what do you see?"

Eva placed a mirror in front of Victor right on top of the small coffee table, and surprisingly, he could pick it up. But he was confused with her question, but still answered.

"I see myself."

"It's my fault, I should've clarified it. What do you believe you see?"

Eva asked Victor, still looking at him with a kind smile. He didn't know how to reply, but deep down, he knew what he wanted to say.

"I see a fake."

"Ah, but who says a fake can't be on par and maybe even surpass the original?"

"You got that from my head, didn't you?"

Eva laughed at Victor's question, but then she took the mirror out of his hands as now he was slowly fading away. But thinking about her words and his own, he started to realize something. Ever since he was reincarnated, he always limited himself and thought of himself as either a variant of Nero or like Nero.

Even his official name in the supernatural world, Nero 'Victor' Sparda, everything about him was fake. He just didn't want to think about it, but then as he started to fade away, he looked at the Yamato that was hanging on the wall with a small smile.

"So is this some sort of trial?"

"Indeed, but let's continue this next time your friends are calling for you."



"I can't believe that actually worked!"

[Dimensions May Die]

Hey there before you go commenting and complaining let me cook, since after back reading I found myself annoyed and bored on how there's zero to no character development in this story so for now I'm gonna use the actual trials V had to go through in the Visions of V manga and apply them to Victor. Of course, it won't just be random character development.

[Dimensions May Die]

"That's basically it."

After waking up, Aizawa explained everything that had happened in the past 2 days. They had found Victor a few hours away from the village, passed out in a puddle of his own blood. They had taken care of him as they kept moving further and further from the village they had failed to save. Sure, they were able to save a few civilians, but the unlucky ones were caught in the fight Victor had with Kaigaku.

Occasionally, Rem would use healing magic on Victor's unconscious body, but after a few attempts, she realized she didn't need to, as his body had already healed. But a few minutes earlier, his heart had seemingly stopped beating, thus Raku had to use one of his Chidori scrolls on him as some sort of defibrillator. Of course, they didn't expect it to actually work in the first attempt, but once they saw how Victor opened his eyes, they were glad it did.

"So what now?"

Raku was the one who asked the question, and they couldn't reply, as their target was strong, too strong even for Victor. And speaking of Victor, he hasn't said anything after asking what had happened as he was passed out. But with a deep breath, his right arm suddenly started glowing before a katana appeared and formed itself in his hand.

"I'll have to find a way to fix this."

For Rem and Aizawa, who knew nothing about Victor or his 'family', just saw the katana as something normal. But for Raku, who knows about the Devil May Cry franchise, his eyes widened like saucers before getting closer to Victor and inspecting the sword.

"H-Hey Victor, is that what I think it is!?"

"Yup, The Yamato, a sword that can cut through space itself."

Aizawa and Rem were both shocked at this revelation as they didn't expect a normal-looking slightly longer katana could have such power.

"If you had such a weapon, why haven't you used it yet?"

Rem asked Victor while observing the sword, noticing how beautifully crafted and formed it looked. Without answering her question, Victor removed Yamato from its sheath, revealing only the half of the blade was the only thing on the handle while the other half fell from the sheath.

"N-No way it's broken!?, you haven't fixed it yet?"

Raku, who had played every DMC game from his world, which was only until DMC4, but with the many fan theories he had read online and how they hadn't seen The Yamato only until they saw Nero used it in his Pseudo-Devil Trigger form.

Originally, Raku believed that Victor had already gone through the events of Devil May Cry 4, but seeing the broken Yamato and remembering Victor was a variant of Nero, he couldn't help but be disappointed as when he saw the sword he thought that Victor would be able to use it and defeat Muzan.

"Believe me, man, if I knew how to fix this thing, I would have done it ages ago, but I have a theory of how to fix it. But I'm not gonna like it."

Victor looked at the sword and tightly gripped its handle while running not only his demonic energy through it but also his soul's Inferno. The result was Victor slowly getting dizzy before slowly passing out in front of the trio.

"Damn it, not again; we just woke him up!"

Victor heard Raku scream before he passed out, and in what seemed like a second, he opened his eyes to see that now he was in a dark cave across a campfire, a dark-hooded figure with Yamato hanging on the hip of said figure.

'Oh great, it's him.'