
Chapter 6: Danger Beast

~Tatsumi POV~



Ok time for today morning's hunting session of Danger Beast cores. Papa Tatsumi is looking to score big today for some good ones.

Ever since I got the group chat, I need to become even stronger because if I don't, I might die for being weak. And the best way to get strong is by consuming Danger Beast meat as most aren't aware of is that they can grant the user-specific abilities to the user.

Danger Beasts, sometimes also referred to as Risk Species, are fearsome creatures in the world of Akame Ga Kill. They are extremely hostile and will attack any human who dares to wander into their territory.

Due to the increasing number of Danger Beasts, groups dedicated to hunting them were formed because they are the major threat in this world instead of other humans.

Danger beasts are divided into 6 classes:

1. Class 4.

2. Class 3.

3. Class 2.

4. Class 1.

5. Special Class.

6. Super Class.

And from reading the books that the Chieftain gave to us the Class 4 Danger Beast are by far the weakest and the Super Class ones are the strongest.

Some Danger Beasts' body parts have been used in the production of Teigu, Shingu, and Meihou, utilizing the unique qualities the Danger Beast had in life to imbue a piece of equipment with powers.

Notable examples include Demon's Extract, which used the blood of a rare Danger Beast able to manipulate Ice, Incursio's invisibility from the Tyrant's natural defense, or Cross Tail, whose threads are made from the fur of a Super-Class Danger Beast.

The most powerful Danger Beasts are categorized as "Super Class." These beasts are known to be extremely dangerous.

It is unknown which criteria need to be fulfilled by a Danger Beast to be placed into the "Super Class." It can be assumed that "Super Class" Danger Beasts are very rare, and many were killed because of the threat they pose.

Although there are odd cases of relations between humans and Danger Beasts is the mixed heritage of The Path of Peace's leader. He receives unique abilities from his Danger Beast heritage while looking like an ordinary human.

Those who own the blood of Danger Beasts through heritage can receive a special trait. Yomihime, for example, has a Danger Beast's blood running in her veins. This allows her to use fire, albeit unlike The Path of Peace's leader, she was unable to master it completely. While the Lord can foresee the future and heal others, Yomihime can use fire.

It is also possible to obtain superhuman abilities by eating certain kinds of Danger Beasts, as the Four Rakshasa Demons gained the ability to unnaturally manipulate their bodies by consuming a type of Danger Beast known as a Lake Kraken.

Some are capable of taming and controlling Danger Beasts through the use of techniques or Teigu; Merraid Oarburgh being a good example.

Danger Beasts in some countries have different names to refer them, in the continent of Wakoku, the Nations within like the Soukai Nation, refer to Danger Beasts as Freaks and are generally regarded with disdain and fear by the local populace, who, unlike their counterparts in the East, still have not yet developed methods on how to train and domesticate Freaks for their personal uses.

However, the 22 nations have instead managed to develop advanced smithing techniques that allow them to create powerful weapons called Meihou from the Freaks' bodies to create weapons that retain the particular powers of the beasts used to make them.

The Danger Beasts/Freaks can be consumed if there are capable chefs of processing them correctly.

It is said that certain Danger Beasts are capable of enhancing those who consume them either strength or resistances.

From the knowledge I remember about the Akame ga Kill series there were this one of the examples is Enji that captures the Mermaid, a Danger Beast that Zuou looks for to extend his lifespan, was processed into a sashimi size, enough for the entire class to consume it and Zuou often uses a captured Danger Beast as a part of the meal.

Since learning of this I always make sure to look for Danger Beast around my home as I usually eat them to further increase my base strength and sell the cores. That and the main reason why I came here to hunt Danger Beast again to gain some boost in my strength before the plot began.

Back in the day while I was working under the master, I had to be sure to leave some Danger Beast meat for myself when Ieyasu and Sayo brought in the goods I kept for myself. The reason why was because I could gain some of their abilities but that requires some process of cooking it correctly.

Going by trial and error be able to cook Danger Beast meat I could be able to get some correctly well-made but that is only by a low margin as I'm probably the first to get the correct way of cooking some but not all was well since I had stomach aches by the errors of my cooking the meat of the Danger Beast.

But I did get some benefit from it that being I gained a minor healing factor, minor strength boost, and the ability to harden my skin like steel along with bodily control that my master gave to me before the raid attacking.

The main reason for not telling my childhood friends about this is because it's a secret since this kind of knowledge is only really available in the Wakoku. That area is pretty much more backward than the Empire time with their technology memorizing everything I know about the plot of the Akame adventures after Akame ga Kill.

At present time, Wakoku is divided into 22 nations. They are fighting for rulership over Wakoku in a civil war. It is also known as the origin of the Teigu.

Wakoku itself has advanced technology and its people are capable of forging Meihou, another name for Teigu-like weapons.

Seriously that place is something worth going to because in the main series there was nothing in the Akame ga Kill world telling how they created the Teigu but in the sequel Hinowa ga Yuku that explains further about that place in Wakoku.

Although that place is pretty much even worse than it was in the Empire because for one the Empire is already in a seat of power and kept for a long time. And two Wakoku is pretty much WORSE than here like that wasn't possible.

But then again where there is scum in these parts there are no doubt even worse ones around this world so this shouldn't have been more likely.


And right there is my prize as I see a couple of Marg Panther Cubs in the area Danger Beast Class 4 there are about 6 of them in total as they are oversized panther cubs but they are about the same size as babies to their kind as they are about the size of homes with these things around but the most notable thing about these creatures is that they have their hide the same properties of rocks.

They were glaring at me with looks of rage as I smiled at them brandishing my short sword as I mocked the kitties, "Aw… what's wrong little kitties? Did ya miss your litter box or something? Or did ya mom leave ya behind because you were the disappointments in the family?"


I see that took offense to that.


All six of them pounced in my direction as I took a quick swing on their necks two of them as their rock-like hides won't be as effective on their necks. Master taught us that to kill these Marg Panther Cubs is to go for their soft parts like the mouth, ears, eyes, nose, or necks.

Because they are still Cubs and haven't matured to their adults Danger Beast selves of Marg Panthers Class 2 Danger Beasts their defenses haven't been matured enough to handle blows to the neck to be like steel.


With one quick swift motion, the pussy cat took a long catnap. Glancing at the other 4 they noticed that their two brothers or sisters have their necks connecting to the spine severed dying slowly as I talked to the four, "Oh that's two down and four to go? Do you four feels lucky taking your chances right now or would you die now?"


The four didn't take that lightly as they were blinded with rage as they raised their fangs and rock-like claws as they rushed towards me. Slowly taking a small breath in I made a quick burst of speed focusing on my leg muscles as I rush past them aiming for the neck beneath them.


Aiming for the throats I managed to cut through them as I was met with some resistance while blood was seeping out releasing a large gush of the blood of the four as they try to breathe but were quickly choking to death from the blood entering their throats.

Swiping my sword of their blood I began to go ahead cutting them apart and pelt the skin off them as they sell for quite a bit for profit. While I was pelting them, I began talking to myself to pass the time, "I wonder how these damn things grow up to be damn annoyances in the future. Cubs like these are as big as one-story homes but when fully grown they can grow to be fucking two stories high. At least the fur is very valuable to sell at carpenters or used as shields because of their natural rock properties."

While the fur on them well sell enough to get a couple of bronze and few silver pieces of coins to the right guy the cores on the other hand sell for silver pieces if they are unharmed. For these guys their cores are…



Tearing through their chest once skinned to be pelted and toughly washed I cut through the chest of the rib cage as I managed to push my hand into its heart to grab their cores, "Ah there it is my money maker. Cores like these sell for silver pieces of coins because of their value of being very versatile use in forging weapons dexterity."

True cores like these are used to strengthen the normal armors or weapons but they could also be used to create bullets because of their natural hard like the feature but they sell more to guns smith because of the Marg Panther Cubs natural rock-like properties but the cores of them are more like steel to them but melt easier than normal steel easily.

Glancing around the area I got what I came for as I don't want to stay any more than necessary as I don't want to be surrounded by Special Class or Class 1 Danger Beasts as I spoke quietly to myself, "Better get out of here while I still can. When hunting these beasts this will attract the others I don't need to be surrounded by numbers when they come."

There are times when one needs to be cautious to be alive. But better to keep these pelts don't know if they are going to come in handy.