
Dimensional Chat Group: The Ordinary in Extraordinary

I was an ordinary person with simple dreams and pleasures. [You are being invited to a Dimensional Chat Group!] [Accept invitation: Y/N?] But one invitation, one completely out of this world, had opened mine and introduced me to the world of extraordinary people. My dreams began to get bigger, goals becoming far from ordinary, and me? No matter what, I won't ever regret my decision. ----- Involved Dimensional Chat Group Characters are from: -Nier: Automata -RWBY -Kim Possible -Tokyo Ghoul ---- Disclaimer: The cover image isn't mine, same as with the animes, video games, and T.V. Series.

JazmineShyly · Komik
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20 Chs


<|Kim's POV|>

"Well~, well~. I haven't seen in a while and you're all so suddenly this °pretty°. I °like° the new outfit." Ever since the invasion, Drakken and Shego had gone off the radar, seemingly using their moment of heroism to get back up on their feet.

For two months I haven't heard a word of Shego, and suddenly seeing her now, I admit that I missed her. Feeling a grin appear on my lips, I shot back at her.

"And you're still that same miserable woman that I met all those years ago. Such a shame, really. That scowl on your face makes you look older than you already are." Having been exposed with Jasmine's fascination with women, I can admit that Shego's scowl actually made her more beautiful. The woman perfectly embodied the Bad Girl look. If it were the much younger me, I would have vehemently denied such claims, only thinking of ways to get under her skin.

Speaking of her scowl, said expression deepened as she replied. "°Princess°, I'll have you know that I am still in my twenties." Jasmine was definitely a bad influence, because I'm sure Shego never looked this °attractive° before with such a mean face!

"Yeah, twentieth anti-aging cream." I smirked as I noticed that I was visibly annoying her. Throughout the years Shego and I had gotten used to witty banter, our insults somehow turning into funny jokes. As I think about it now, our relationship is truly a complicated one, but it's something I wouldn't change for the world.

Then, without warning, Shego threw a kick aiming for my stomach. Normally, I would have dodged or redirected it away from my body, but with my aura having been awakened, I simply....


...let it hit me, completely surprising Shego.

Having known Shego for years now, I smirked as I finally, °finally°, get to fight her in equal grounds.

Grabbing her leg, I roared as I began my assault.

<|Jasmine's POV|>

'Sheeesh~. Kimmie's popping off!' Seeing Kim fight for real and being trained by or sparring was majorly different! Now I understand why people keep on calling fights a dance! Shego and Kim fought following a rhythm! Shego punches, Kim deflects. Kim retaliates, Shego defends. This was an oversimplification of how graceful Shego and Kim were!

Still, despite wanting to watch the two women who I now see to be obviously attracted to one another have their song and dance, I focused at the task at hand.

I have been putting this off for a while, debating whether or not I should buy it, but considering it's advantages, I bought it.

[Ability: Observe, has been bought!]

[10,012 Coins = 5,012 Coins]

[Observe: The ability to gain information and facts from a single detail can turn the tides the war and save you from loopholes that will fuck you over!

This ability, when trained to its potential, allows you to know facts, ranging from weaknesses, strengths, and even to their favorite food or sexual preferences with a glance!]

This wasn't the "conventional" Gamer System Observe, but rather the ability of gaining information from observation. Basically, if I trained my observation skills/ability, I can be fucking Sherlock Holmes, Netflix-style!

[A/N: Sherlock Holmes legit knew a dude was gay with barely much of glance!]

With this ability I just bought and my own skill in it, I began to notice more details about the egg. It was definitely made out of flesh, which is gross, and after a few seconds of observation, I noticed that it was faintly pulsing.

As seconds turned to minutes, I then began realizing that the pulsing had started to shorten in intervals, and tiny, very tiny, cracks began appearing around it, an obvious sign of it cracking open.

[Yuir: @Everyone! The egg is hatching! Group up!]

[Real Girl!: Yes, ma'am!]

As the egg began to visibly pulse, even starting to make a sound as it did, I jumped away, not caring if I were to be seen. Not like I need to stay hidden.

"Kim! Calm your girlfriend down and prepare yourselves!" I could faintly hear an enraged shout, but my focus was more on the hatching egg.

Bringing out my YoRHa Pod gun, I prepared the Shop just in case I need something with more firepower while I made sure that the bombs strapped to my hips were all in place, something I bought for emergencies even before we went to our first side mission.

Just as 2B appeared beside me, the egg finally hatched, revealing a rather grotesque °monster°!

"KKKRRR-AAAAAAAAAAA!!!" It's roar shook the lair and nearly blew my eardrums, but I still srood my ground as I desperately looked for possible weak spots.

'Neck...joints...chest...' The monster resembled a human, if said human didn't have muscles and only had their bones wrapped with skin plus an orb stuck to their chest. The monster obviously didn't look all that dangerous, despite looking so scary and bloody, but simply ending my judgement there could get us hurt.

And as expected, the skeleton in human-skin ran like a fucking animal! Prompted by its sudden assault, I began blasting at it, with Penny acting as our shield just in case. Unfortunately, the bullets that did hit the monster didn't do much damage.

'Skin's harder than expected...maybe bones as well. Or maybe it's entire being is simply sturdy.'

Unexpectedly, the monster suddenly roared again, this time stronger than before, even affecting my two android friends.

Just as the roaring stopped, I was suddenly smacked away.

<|3rd Person's POV|>

Right after the monster had knocked Jasmine away with enough strength to hit the wall meters away from them, 2B had quickly regained her barings, and upon seeing her friend, was, for the first time in her short life, filled with °rage°.

"RRRAAAAHHHH!!!" As she charged towards the monster, she unconsciously activated her semblance as she gained a bright glow and thick tree roots suddenly sprouted out of thin air and wrapped themselves around the monster.

The monster struggled against the snake-like coil of the roots, its previously normal-looking skin, albeit covered in blood, now darkened and the bones at the tip of its fingers suddenly lengthened and sharpened, turning into claws that somewhat affected the roots.

2B was quickly upon it, swinging her katana down on its head. The attack hit, but it simply pierced an inch to its head before completely stopping. Despite the surprising tenacity of the monster, 2B didn't stop and immediately pulled her katana back with the intention of striking her enemy once again.

Unfortunately, the monster was finally able to wiggle itself away, fully cutting through the roots and swatting 2B away with surprising strength.

Of course, the rest hadn't been idle. While Penny went to help Jasmine who blacked out, Touka, similarly overtaken by her emotions like 2B, had gone feral. Now given the ability of flight, Touka used her wings to give her a massive boost, allowing her to attack her opponent without them having enough time to intercept them.

As for Kim she, along with Shego, were evacuating the minions and Drakken out of the lair while Kim was calling for backup, Jasmine's plan C. In any event they were overpowered or seemed to be overpowered, Kim would call in help and hopefully the added firepower would help them deal with their enemy.

While 2B and Touka continued their assault on the monster, Jasmine slowly regained consciousness. Initially, she was confused as to why she was tasting pain, before noticing the ongoing fight.

Despite the fight, she forced Penny to help their friends, to which the ginger reluctantly agreed to.

As her friends fought, Jasmine watched, both to ease the pain and to hopefully find a weakness. The monster was strong, stronger than how it looks. If she were an average person, her bones would have been crushed when she was hit against the wall, but thankfully her aura had saved her from that.

Not only was the monster strong, but it was tough. She watched as 2B swung at the monster, how Touka tried to rip its limbs off with the help of her newfound speed, and how Penny stabbed it, but all it received were minor injuries.

The orb in its chest was an obvious weak spot, that's for sure, but with how erratic it was and how it keeps on protecting it, it was easier to just attack it normally.

With a passing thought, she eyed its egg. The egg and the monster's skin was quite similar, or maybe even actually being the same thing! Jasmine hoped it could show some answers.

Squinting at a sparking thing right beside the egg, Jasmine noticed a cut live wire had burnt an egg "shell". Struck with inspiration, Jasmine immediately opened the Shop and searched for what she needed.

<|Kim's POV|>

"You owe me for this, Princess!" The older woman growled as she entered the fray, shooting balls of plasma at the monster.

"Talk later, fight now!" I replied in annoyance. Now wasn't time for witty banter, not when you're fighting a monster.

Securing my bladed steel knuckles, taken from the Daily Packages, I used my semblance, °to save the world°, before entering the fight myself.

It was hard, fighting a single enemy while there were four more people attacking it. It took massive communication and trust to avoid hitting your own allies, but despite the sudden addition of Shego, who the rest had never interacted with, we surprisingly made it work.

2B would use her semblance to hold it in place, Touka followed the hit-and-run tactic, Penny would block its attacks, while Shego and I were the ones getting up close and personal with it.

'10 more minutes.' I have been able to successfully call for reinforcements, and we'll only need to hold on for 10 more minutes, unless, of course, we defeat it now. But that seemed unlikely, especially when this monster, not only super strength and durability, but was also able to regenerate!

"Get out of the way!" Hearing Jasmine's cry, I immediately backed away with Shego just as roots had once again sprouted from thin air to chain the monster.

Not a moment later, a bladed disc suddenly lodged itself to the monster's head. The monster was enraged by this, quickly gaining more strength to tear its wooden chain apart, but as it tried to pull it out from its head, the disk exploded in an eruption of pulsing electricity, causing the monster to roar in pain.

While the monster was continously being attacked by pulses of electricity, Shego and Touka didn't waste their time, the latter shooting it with her crystallized feathers and the former throwing balls of plasma at it.

Then, as the pulses of electricity began to weaken, as with the monster's roar, another disc was thrown to its neck, and unlike with the previous one, this disk exploded upon impact!

Right as the explosion happened, a window appeared in front of me.

[Emergency Mission Accomplished!

>An Evil Diety's influence had entered DCG Member: Possible's, universe! Search for the creature of Bla'o and slay it before it takes root into DCG Member: Possible's, world and open a portal for more of Bla'o's minions to enter the world!


¬Destroy the Evil Diety's influence!

-Difficulty: Normal-[Hard]


¬20,000-[50,000 Coins]

¬1 Emergency Package

¬2-[4] Rare Items]

[Members not part of this universe can only go back to their own in: 8:45:10

Please choose to either:

<Go back to original universes once time reaches 8:45:10> or <Continue Side Mission at 8:45:10>

If you do not choose in 91:31:09, members not part of this universe will be forcefully sent back!]

<|Jasmine's POV|>

Glad that my Accuracy Ability was more useful here. It seems that I really needed more experience to properly get my Observe Ability to a decent level.

I would have suggested we celebrate our first victory against a pretty strong enemy, but the sounds of an aircraft coming stopped me. Looking at Kim, I realized that she had called for reinforcements like I asked, but they were too slow.

I immediately started to formulate excuses in my mind, ways to get us out in case we needed to escape. However, as the marching sounds came closer and closer, I noticed that, beside the monster's corpse, the orb that was previously stuck inside its chest had somehow remained intact and dislodged from its place and was now °glowing°.

Seeing the orb glow and pulse, I panicked because that definitely looled back. Then, on impulse, I stored it into my inventory just as the GJ agents entered the room.

Thanks for all the support! I'm really loving it!

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